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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by nanahanna

  1. "I do feel some restriction and fill up pretty quickly on Soup. I haven't really had much of an appetite. I have alot of gurgling and growling in my belly tho...I hope this goes away, it's pretty loud and it scares my cat!"

    Oh how funny! Cats are a riot! My daughter has always had cats and they have the cutest personalities! I can just see your cat jumping at the sound of your tummy growling!

  2. I was a sickly skinny toddler and adolescent. I weighed 115 when I entered high school, 125 when I got pregnant with my first child, 130 after she was born...stayed at 130 for 10 years until my son was born, gained 20 pounds and went straight back to 130/132 where I remained until I quit smoking at age 32...gained up to 165 in one year..that started the yo yo dieting. I also had a job where I sat at a computer all day and it just got worse year by year from there, in 1990 I weighed 175, in 2000 I weighed 193, and now I am up to 225.

  3. Hi LBDancer! Thanks for the info. I can't take Celebrex...made my liver enzymes too high...can't take Vioxx for the same reason. I have blood work every 3 months to check those type things and so far I am doing well on the Darvocet and Methotrexate. Where did you find the vegetable broth? Any brand you liked better than others. Oh yeah, does GasX come in liquid?

  4. This is a great thread! Thanks for starting it! As I draw nearer to surgery, I find I am wondering more and more what to expect immediately after and the first few days! I can't take codeine so I hope they have something else to give me for the pain. I take Darvocet for my arthritis pain...and that works well for me and doesn't cause the nausea the codeine causes me.

  5. That damn dog....LOL. My daughter has two dogs..an English Spaniel and an Australian Shepherd. The spaniel is female, the shepherd is male. In the summertime my daughter has the female's coat cut short to get rid of snarls and tangles. Every year like clockwork when the spaniel comes home from the groomer, the shepherd thinks there is a "new woman" in the kennel and tries to hump her constantly! It is so funny!

    Grammar peeves....I can't stand it when people say "I axed him where he was going"....instead of "I asked him where he was going". My poor little MIL has a 3rd grade education...she cracks me up and brightens my day with her conversations. She is just a little retarded and doesn't read well, so she can't improve her grammar...hey...she is 91 years old! I will miss her when she is gone. When she means "the great depression"...she says "back during the compression"...and "we used to live in that housing condition" when she should have said "housing subdivision". LOL.

  6. I will have my first consult with the doctors on 4/3. Same day will have psych eval and nutrition eval; and that night sleep study. Then after all those are done and blood work done...I will get a surgery date! :clap2:

    I am afraid of waking up in recovery and not being able to breathe through my nose (I am addicted to Afrin nose spray...have been for years...every time I try to get off it....I get a bad cold and can't stand for no nose to stop up....I get panic attacks!). :nervous

    I am afraid of PB ing in public. :embarassed:

    I am dreading not being able to drink with meals because I have a really dry mouth and food sticks in my mouth:help:

    I am looking forward to getting my life back, looking normal in clothese again and running into friends who no longer say "Wow, you sure have gained weight!) I used to be on the thin side :)

  7. Hi, there are several doctors in Arkansas who do the lap band surgery. There are several in Little Rock, one in Russelville and there are some others but I forget where they are.

    I am using Dr. Keilen and Heiker in Texarkana. Go to ObesityHelp.com and you can find surgeons there state by state but not all lap band doctors are signed up with them. I found mine by searching LapBandTalk and reading about Dr. Keilen and Dr. Heckier (I may be spelling his name wrong but their website is:

    www.pswecare.com). Good luck!


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