I am 68 , had lap band and hiatia hernia surgery about 5 months ago . I weighed 318 and have lost 68 pounds. I feel good, walk so much better, I had no big problems other then I have a admonial hernia that was too large to take care of at the same time although Dr Joyce was able to do the hiatial hernia that had been bothering me for years. Approval took 6 months , the test took a long time scheduling, stayed in hospital overnight, no problems, the next few weeks went by fast, I was learning to eat the band way and reading all I could about foods and so forth. Now I can go out to resturants and know how to make good choices and not feel left out. I was worried about that. I can walk good and am getting a 3 wheel bike, I am afraid of falling and injuring my knee replacements. I am off a lot of medicines and don't need my sleep machine, I have never regretted doing this .