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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bumblebee

  1. Bumblebee

    Fill 2wks ago is too tight 7/10/08

    ok so 2 Saturdays ago I had a fill and it has been tight ever since.. Having trouble eating and drinking. I thought I could tough it out because I am cash pay. But Now I'm starting to seriously think I am going to have to go back in and have some taken out. I'm pretty miserable.:biggrin:
  2. Bumblebee

    Fill 2wks ago is too tight 7/10/08

    I was so sick Thursday night with vomiting and I got to the point where everything got so swollen I couldn't even take in water so on Friday I went in to have my $265.00 fill unfulled. I lost 10lbs in 2wks. But the doctor said some of that could be water wt. Due to the dehydration. So he said most likely I will gain wt. back. and as of this afternoon I still cant eat anything but mushies. It's still really sore in there. If I had just gone in a week ago and had a little taken out I wouldn't have lost that $265.00 smaker for nothing. My bad, Live and Learn. I'm telling I do feel much better today then I felt this last week. And fuilds are now flowin again.... I'll never do that again.:thumbup:
  3. Bumblebee

    Fill 2wks ago is too tight 7/10/08

    ok so 2 Saturdays ago I had a fill and it has been tight ever since.. Having trouble eating and drinking. I thought I could tough it out because I am cash pay. But Now I'm starting to seriously think I am going to have to go back in and have some taken out. I'm pretty miserable.:thumbup:
  4. Bumblebee

    4th Fill

    Ok so I just had my 4th fill, the last one was about 5wks ago and I dont think that it was a very aggressive fill. I only lost 2lbs. But this fill that I had on Saturday.... Wow I am definately restricted. I can't wait to see how much I lose this time. 2lbs for $265.00 just isn't enough. That is what I'm paying to have a band fill you would think I would be losing a lot more...Sorry for complaining, I'm just venting a little here. God Bless to All...
  5. Bumblebee

    4th Fill

    Ok so I just had my 4th fill, the last one was about 5wks ago and I dont think that it was a very aggressive fill. I only lost 2lbs. But this fill that I had on Saturday.... Wow I am definately restricted. I can't wait to see how much I lose this time. 2lbs for $265.00 just isn't enough. That is what I'm paying to have a band fill you would think I would be losing a lot more...Sorry for complaining, I'm just venting a little here. God Bless to All...
  6. Bumblebee

    5/24/08 my 3rd fill

    Ok so this last Saturday 5/24/08 I went in for my 3rd fill and I only lost 3 lbs in 4 weeks at the 2nd fill I was 177 lbs, so I am now at 174 lbs... That is not that much but at least I'm not gaining. My bigest problem is stay on an exercising routine. I exersice for a couple of days and then stop. I can't seem to stick to it.. At least I stick to the diet for the most part. But the exercise I just dont know how to get motivated.:cursing:
  7. Bumblebee

    Banded 1/28/2008

    This is me.
  8. Bumblebee

    What do you order?

    Chinese food I like the Won Ton Soup it has vegetables some meat slices of chicken and beef, brocholi, carots, cabage and other veggies, it is light and goes down easy and I take whats left home for another meal . I stay away from fast food for the most part but if I do need to get something fast I will go to Wendy's and get a small chilli. If I feel the needs to be naughty I will get a small ice cream cone from Micky D's and that usually substanes me for quite a while. I also like the Golden Coral and Soup or Salad. If you show them your lap band card they will give you a Medical Discount. My duaghter daughter does nt eat meat so alot of times we will share a meal and have them bring us an extra plate. I stay away from Carb as much as possible because they make me sick. But Potatoes are ok and don't make me sick, I think it is because it is a natural carb and not processed.
  9. Bumblebee

    4/11/08 Exercise

    I know I should not have tried to keep up with my daughter but I was having so much fun with her there beside me. But from then on I've taken it easy. Thanks for your concern. Melissa
  10. Bumblebee

    4/11/08 Exercise

    ok so Friday 4/11/08 I decided to get with the program and exersice. So my 14yr old and I went to the gyme and got on the treadmill, well that was fine but she was realy walking fast so I was trying to keep up with her and then I decided that I would do it for 45 min. Well let me tell you, I got a blister on my foot and the next moring my back hurt so bad I could not get out of bed. I had to take a muscle relaxer and go back to bed. My legs and hips and butte hurt but nothing I couldn't handle. It was the back ache. Was going to walk today "Monday" but I had some business that I had to take care of that was realy important and by the time I got home I was really tired and didn't get around to doing it...but tomorrow is another day...
  11. Bumblebee

    4/11/08 Exercise

    ok so Friday 4/11/08 I decided to get with the program and exersice. So my 14yr old and I went to the gyme and got on the treadmill, well that was fine but she was realy walking fast so I was trying to keep up with her and then I decided that I would do it for 45 min. Well let me tell you, I got a blister on my foot and the next moring my back hurt so bad I could not get out of bed. I had to take a muscle relaxer and go back to bed. My legs and hips and butte hurt but nothing I couldn't handle. It was the back ache. Was going to walk today "Monday" but I had some business that I had to take care of that was realy important and by the time I got home I was really tired and didn't get around to doing it...but tomorrow is another day...
  12. Bumblebee

    April 9, 2008

    ok as of todat I have lost 38lbs thing are slowing down, but I have not started to exersise. I need to get motovated some how. I have noticed that when I go to the stores I am not as tired and my legs and back are not in pain like before. I go for my next fill in about a week and a half. I am still eating small portions but I can eat about a cup of food instead of only a half of a cup.. GREAT NEWS My Sister is getting ready to also get her lap band. She has been over weight all her life and she does exercise. I'm so happy for her. She wanted to do the sleave but Tri Care will not approve it. So they are going to try to submit for the lap band.. I hope all of you out there are well GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU..
  13. Bumblebee

    April 9, 2008

    ok as of todat I have lost 38lbs thing are slowing down, but I have not started to exersise. I need to get motovated some how. I have noticed that when I go to the stores I am not as tired and my legs and back are not in pain like before. I go for my next fill in about a week and a half. I am still eating small portions but I can eat about a cup of food instead of only a half of a cup.. GREAT NEWS My Sister is getting ready to also get her lap band. She has been over weight all her life and she does exercise. I'm so happy for her. She wanted to do the sleave but Tri Care will not approve it. So they are going to try to submit for the lap band.. I hope all of you out there are well GOD BLESS ALL OF YOU..
  14. Bumblebee

    slipped band....

    Hi AZ Chick I'm also from AZ "Gilbert" from what I understand, if your band slips you would not even be able to drink Water. But what you are describing it sound like over endulging. and when that happen food just cant go down cause the opening to your lower stomach is only so big and it my just not be able to pass Temporally. I have heard of this but have not yet experianced it. Some people decribe it to being similar to a heart attach.:thumbup: I have pretty much eliminated almost all carbs from my diet except for potatoes.. And about a month ago my daughter was in the hospital and my mom and I went to McDonalds and I eat part of a cheese burger and it just didn't set right with me.. I have tried some other breads and it was the same thing. IF your not feeling better after a while or at least by tomorrow defanatly call the doctor. Even If your not sure call the doc. That is why they get paid the big bucks. My office has a whole team of techs. and dieticians that are there willing to answer any questions you may have.. Good luck and let us know how you do....Hang in there.
  15. Bumblebee

    Port Pain??

    I was banded on 1/28/08 and I did have servere port pain also the reason why is because they have to create a pocket for the port to sit in so what they do is sort of felet the fat in your abdomin and then sew it up around the port. As of today I still have some port pain when I over do thing. And Last week I got my first fill and had some minor discomfort a few hour later and for a few days after. It's like the old saying goes NO PAIN NO GAIN.
  16. Bumblebee

    Tortillas and rice?

    Both are carbs and carbs convert into sugar as soon as they are consumed that is why your blood sugar level climbs so fast also any thing that is bleached or enriched is no good, but the brown rice in moderation is ok. I have always been a big bread and Tortilla person and it is hard to stay away from them. But if you need to have a tortilla it is better to have a corn tortilla and of course not fried...:biggrin2: remember HI Protein, low Carbs. Good Luck every one.
  17. Bumblebee

    still no poop!

    Benefiber is very light and is not gritty you can put it in your food and you don't even know that it is there. Good luck.
  18. Bumblebee

    Morning After my 1st Fill

    Today is the 1st day after my 1st fill. Yesterday I had some pain and discomfort but today I feel much better, and I just eat some oatmeal and so far so good. To day will be mush food and we'll see how tomorrow goes.. God Bless Every One.:thumbup:
  19. Bumblebee

    Infection? Numbness?

    If it is worm or hot to the touch it is infected also is it abnormally swollen that is also a sign. But you should not scratch at all. I know it is hard not to but you can cause an infection and spread it by scratching.. You need to call your Doctor and get in to see him as soon as possible because if it is an infection he needs to treat it right away. Good luck and God Bless You.
  20. Bumblebee

    Morning After my 1st Fill

    Today is the 1st day after my 1st fill. Yesterday I had some pain and discomfort but today I feel much better, and I just eat some oatmeal and so far so good. To day will be mush food and we'll see how tomorrow goes.. God Bless Every One.:biggrin:
  21. Bumblebee

    Banded 1/28/2008

    I'm a 35 yr old female that had to have Lap Band sx. because I have Steatohepatitis "Fatty Liver" and am 1 stage away from Cirrhosis Of the Liver Because I am Obese. With the weight loss the hope is that what is left of my Liver can start repairing itself. I have already lost 30 lbs since the pre-sx. diet in December. and 20 lbs. since sx. on 1/28/08. Today I had my first band fill. And am having some pain/discomefort. But other then that I feel great, and clothes are starting to fit loser.
  22. Bumblebee

    Banded 1/28/2008

    I'm a 35 yr old female that had to have Lap Band sx. because I have Steatohepatitis "Fatty Liver" and am 1 stage away from Cirrhosis Of the Liver Because I am Obese. With the weight loss the hope is that what is left of my Liver can start repairing itself. I have already lost 30 lbs since the pre-sx. diet in December. and 20 lbs. since sx. on 1/28/08. Today I had my first band fill. And am having some pain/discomefort. But other then that I feel great, and clothes are starting to fit loser.

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