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Everything posted by ShilohD

  1. I've hit my FIRST plateau. And it has lasted for a MONTH! I'm exercising, Ive tried drinking 2 shakes a day with just one meal... Is there anything else I can do to help jump start the loss again??? Ideas? Suggestions??? Help? Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. ShilohD

    I'm STUCK

    Yes, but it was about 2 weeks ago Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. I joined this site back in Feb. as my surgery was in March. At the time I didn't see very many things negative. I have begun seeing some in the past few months, but as a whole, I think the site is more of a place to gain support and offer each other ideas that help us in the interim... Usually, I work to ignore the negative. But ... Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. ShilohD

    I regret this surgery

    I can sympathize with this feeling you have. At 3 weeks post, that is pretty much how I felt too. I couldn't eat anything... And just ONE BITE more than I should and I would be so sick! Its been 6 months now, and I can honestly say, its gotten so much better. I'm eating between 1000, to 1200 calories a day. Small portions, but pretty much whatever I want. I avoid GREASY like the plague, but otherwise, I do pretty well. I cried for the first few months quite often. It HURT to eat. I would almost survive on the protein shakes rather than try to eat. It was so slow going, I thought it would NEVER be any better. This will get better. Believe me. Right now, just allow that your tummy is still healing. It takes a while. But you will be OK. I promise. Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. I weighed myself yesterday. I've lost 60 lbs. When I first started this journey, I broke down how much OVERALL I wanted to lose. Yesterday... I reached my first goal. Here's to the loss of the next 60 lbs... happy dance! Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. WOW! You look fantastic! Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. ShilohD

    NO Carbonated beverages- FOREVER!

    Its the one carbonation. My dietician told me the reason they say no soda ever again is beca use the carbonation causes your stomach to expand, which makes you hungrier, which makes you eat more. The whole reason for the surgery is to make the stomach smaller... why take the chance that the soda would make your stomach bigger? It defeats the whole purpose... in my book, it's just not worth the risk. Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. If you are on a liquid diet... you really don't have much poop being made. Honestly, if you are at least having some gas, you should be fine. I didn't have a bowel movement for something like 8 days after surgery...and even then, it was just a little bit. Give it time. As you change your diet, your body should respond accordingly Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. ShilohD

    How much you can eat ?

    I can do 3 oz of meat, and usually about half a cup of a veggie. I try to limit my breads/tortilla or such to maybe half... I did have a couple of the small square cut pizza with the thin crust a few weeks ago. My dietician told me that would be ok... but to avoid the pan or hand tossed as the bread swells in your sleeve Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. You look fantastic, by the way Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. I haven't had that moment yet... but I HOPE to! Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. It's been 61 days since my surgery. I have lost 48 lbs total so far. My clothes are BEGINNING to fit loosely. Some of them are even getting a little BIG. I FEEL BACK TO NORMAL. I catch myself thinking negative thoughts that this isn't going to work, because I DON'T hurt anymore. For THE most part, I have tolerated most everything I've tried very well... (with the exception of a salmon patty mishap I won't dare to repeat for at LEAST a year.) I'm just NOW starting to venture into more strenuous exercise. Up to this point, I've only been walking a few times a week... (well, besides what I do for work) I'm not complaining. I've been counting my blessings ever since I began to start feeling human again after surgery... BUT I just keep wondering if I'm really going to be successful with this... after all the failed diets and exercise plans, I guess I'm just hesitant to believe I've finally begun to find my way back to the skinny me... Am I the only one that feels like this? Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. ShilohD

    Somebody Pinch Me

    The eating and appetite has changed. That is a big difference. I don't think I EVER felt full before. Now, I get FULL very easily. Thank you. I am happy to be changing... Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. ShilohD

    1 yr post op

    You look FRICKIN AWESOME, woman! I was sleeved this past March, and my top weight was 90 lbs MORE than yours. My long-term goal is 170. I hope I can look as good as you do. Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. Actually, Blue Bunny is my friend. Lol, they have some pretty good, nonfat, sugar free .... yum... But, yeah... I get what you mean
  16. Today, I got sick as a dog. I had my first experience with DUMPING. I had 4 HUGE episodes of diarrhea, and threw up once as well. The lesson? Don't eat Salmon patties. Seriously. Damn things may taste good, but they are sooo not worth it.
  17. The salmon was fresh out of the can, yes. Expiration date was in 2019. Only other things in the mix was cornbread mix, diced onions, and low fat mayo.
  18. I've tolerated everything well up to this point. And I WAS cautious. I mean, the patty was only 2.5 oz. And I only had the one. OMG! I WOULD HATE to imagine how it would have turned out if I had eaten a. Second one. GOOD GRIEF! But, yes... I hear you. I shouldn't have done anything fried STUPID MOVE ON MY PART
  19. Uhm... I mean up until now
  20. I'm at 7 weeks. 45 lbs lost, and honestly, this was the first time this has happened. Nothing I've eaten thus far has done this to me up mail now.
  21. I figure if I had just used the spray on oil, that wouldn't have happened... lol. Oh well, lesson learned. PAINFULLY. HAHAHA
  22. I think it was because I used actual oil to fry them instead of just spraying the pan. It amounted in too much oil.. I won't be doing THAT again. ACK!
  23. ShilohD

    New to forum

    The regret is kinda normal, I think. I went through 6 months of conditioning myself for this. Learning HOW I would have to eat after, and I thought I was ready. Then after surgery, I was miserable. I had not been ready for how I felt (pain) or how I had to drink... tiny little.medicine cup sips... and it STILL affects getting in all my water... But, you will be fine. And believe me, you WON'T regret this. Once you start getting used to it, it gets easier. It is worth it

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