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Everything posted by ShilohD

  1. I had the surgery March 6th.... it's been a little over 6 weeks and I'm averaging ABOUT 1000 calories a day, give or take a little. My protein intake is at about 90 g a day. I seem to be losing between 5-8 lbs a week... all in all, I think I'm doing good. I'm just a little worried about the calorie intake... my dietician didn't really say anything on the amount of calories, just how much protein to try to get in.
  2. ShilohD


    I haven't even touched POPCORN yet. It's one of the slider foods... not .really recommended. I was sleeved on March 6th. I just FINALLY got.cleared back to the regular diet, but I stick with protein and veggies mostly... I hardly even make it over 50.g of carbs
  3. I hope you are doing more than just 800. With the amount of protein you need, it seems difficult that you could get it all on so little.
  4. Thank you. That sounds realistic. My cousin had the RNY and she told me that the calories I was doing was about right... I just wasn't sure, because at first, I was LUCKY if I could do more than 500.
  5. And I was also told to NOT take gummies... :-(
  6. I don't understand why... I started taking my bariatric vitamins over 2 months before surgery and they were no big deal. Never bothered me. Now, surgery was March 6th, and ever since... I have to take the pills WITH FOOD... and even then EVERY SINGLE TIME, I get nauseated... what the hell???
  7. I have to take them 3 x a day, with each meal. They told me to split them up and not take them all together because our bodies can only process so much at a time
  8. I know to some, this might even seem silly... but for several years, I've been over 300 lbs. Before I even decided on this route, I'd been trying every damn diet i could think of to lose weight. I remember 3 times, or got down to the verge of getting under 300 lbs. But I never could quite tip the scale. I'd teeter totter on the edge, but never made it under. The day I started the pre-op diet, I was 333.6 lbs. March 6th, the day of surgery, I was 310.2 Today, I weighed, and I am 298.0 I realize it's just 35 lbs and I still have a long road, but I cried. I haven't seen less than 300 lbs on the scale in over 3 years. I'm so grateful. For the first time, I actually feel like I got this. And I am so glad for this app. I just had to share my joy with someone. I felt like I was about to pop.
  9. ShilohD

    Happy dance

    Thanks! I'm actually a bit stunned at how fast it's coming off. My husband looked at me yesterday and started laughing ( now, he has always told me he loves me regardless of my size.) When I asked him why he was laughing, he told me, he could tell I was really losing weight because for the first time in a LONG time my breasts stuck out further than my stomach. I had to start laughing too, because it was true. I looked down at myself and my stomach was not visible... You notice the craziest things... that may have been TOO MUCH INFO.... but I thought it was funny.
  10. ShilohD


    Congratulations, ladies. I don't envy you your first week after tomorrow, because discomfort is the nicest word. But it'll pass. My surgery was March 6th, and now, I already feel as if the surgery hadn't happened. You guys won't regret this! I've lost a total of 35 lbs from the pre-op, to now. And I feel great!
  11. ShilohD

    Happy dance

    I hope Saturday will be your day! You deserve it! Don't lose faith! This is gonna work!
  12. ShilohD

    Happy dance

    It is! It really, really is!😆
  13. ShilohD

    Happy dance

    Awww! I love the picture! And, thanks guys. I am truly feeling blessed.
  14. ShilohD

    New Lease On Life!

    That is sooo awesome!
  15. ... And I'm already stuck. I KNOW My body is probably just still adjusting, but the scale hasn't changed in a week. It's kinda disheartening. Of course, it doesn't help that I'm not being able to drink as much water as I should... if I swallow too much at a time, I get nautious... Frustrating.
  16. Thank you, Kate. I have this shirt I bought before surgery. It didn't fit around my hips even last week... but, I tried it on just a bit ago... cause... well, just to see.... it fit almost perfect... I'm losing inches,even if the scale hasn't caught up.
  17. Yes. I know you're both right. My dietician also told me my body will be in shock for a while longer and it thinks im trying to starve myself, so its holding on to every ounce it can for a while... so, I guess I should relax. No more scale hopping. I am not going to look until at least Wednesday of next week...
  18. I already know the answer to this question... but, is there any way egg drop soup could count as broth? Lol... it's not a real bulky soup... and I've been craving it, and I have 3 days left before my first week post-op is over.
  19. Oh holy buzzards, this is NOT easy! I've drank about 20 oz of my clear protein. And MAYBE 10 OZ OF WATER so far. This is not easy at all. Every sip I take makes me feel full... Is this normal?
  20. I'm doing better. Still nowhere near my goal, but about 30 oz of water and 20 oz of protein yesterday. Just slow sips... today I've gotten one bottle of Adkins Lyft done and only have one more to do. Easier than it was that first day, for sure.
  21. LOL.... the bad part about that is I COMPLETELY understand...
  22. ShilohD

    And the Countdown is ON...

    Thank you! Yes, I will keep you all posted. Excited... truly
  23. Hi everyone. My surgery is scheduled for March 6th. I am so ready. Started my clear liquid diet. We leave for Ft Worth on Sunday... I have to pick up the CPAP machine that night, then they're expecting us at the hospital at 10 a.m. on Monday... I'm nervous and a LITTLE WORRIED about stomach pain... but, I think the excitement is more...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
