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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Sleeve1stFitNext

  1. I had the IUD after I had my surgery. Prior to my Pre-op, I was advised to get off my hormonal birth control (At the time was on Depot for Endometriosis).

    I do not believe that the Mirena affects weight loss or weight gain like other birth controls do. I did not see any difference in my weight or it affecting my weight. However, everyone is different and it could affect your weight.

  2. It's best to talk with your surgeon in regards to that. If you lose too much, many insurance companies may think you can do it on your own and if you don't lose enough, they may deny it and think you are not trying hard enough.

    It also depends on what your BMI is. For example, someone I know was over 5'5 and almost 385 lbs. She lost 50 lbs during her 6 month wait period and was still approved because her BMI was too high and the surgeon justified it by saying that the fat around her organs needed to decrease to do the surgery successfully.

    It is really up to your surgeon and his team and how he feels comfortable too with doing the surgery. As a reminder, they are the ones that can word it in a way in which can convince the insurance company to cover it.

  3. I agree with @blizair09 the only way to succeed, is to change your mindset. This is not easy. No one said it was or would be. Just like dieting and exercising before the surgery, it is hard. The surgery only helps with portions but it cannot change what you eat.

    Another thing is, increase your exercise. That is the key. This tool will not work without calories burned in workouts. My scale did not move from September until February. I had to resort to depending on workouts, losing inches and before and after photos to keep me going.

    At least you are self-aware. I had issues with food and I found myself snacking all the time. Once I was realized that I was not really giving it my all, I decided to make a change and to really create a plan that worked for me.

    Remember you have been given an opportunity to take your life back. To take control of this food addiction and really be the person you always wanted to be. This is your time to succeed when others may have thought you wouldn't. For you to do that one thing that you always wanted to do with your kids or significant other.

    Find those reasons for why you decided to get the surgery and hold onto to them. They are your anchor when you feel like you are drowning.

  4. Something I do while eating to get the 30 minutes and this works for me, it may not work for you. I will watch something on TV that is interesting. I will chew put everything down and watch a show until a commercial. Then I will pause, take a bike and resume watching. This gets me about 30 minutes of eating time. Once the show is over, I do not eat anymore.

  5. 6 hours ago, Jmh04416 said:

    hi I'm about 2 weeks post-op. I feel like ever since I had surgery I've done nothing but regret it. the more I think about things the more I start to feel like this was a big mistake. I've been having chest pressure when I drink or eat anything. I'm on soft foods and no matter what I eat it feels like it there's just a huge lump in my chest. Then I begin to feel like I want to burp but nothing is coming up. I'm so thirsty and want to just take two big chugs of Water and I can barely take 2 sips without it feeling tight. I had a hiatal hernia repair also with my sleeve. I've been getting depressed because right now I feel hopeless . I don't ever see myself having a normal sip of Water again....i knew I'd have to eat smaller portions but will I ever be able to finish a whole damn sandwich again? This feels like torture and I'm terrified that things won't get better. I want to have a normal life and now I feel I just screwed myself. To not even be able to drink normally again? What have I done? 😥😢

    My question is, can u drink normally now? Can you have a small plate of food or are you still eating like a baby bird? When or does it get better? Does this pressure from drinking or eating virtually nothing ever go away? (I can also describe the feeling like a stuck burp)...

    I didn't do this so that I can have a tablespoon of food every meal. I just wanted portion control.... but not like this....it's torture...I'm so sad and regretful

    Please tell me it gets better :(

    It's buyer's remorse. We all have been there in that first month. Honestly, it gets better. I can drink more now. I have a small plate. I eat in small sections and I pace myself. When I look at how much I could eat my first month versus now. I am still in shock. Granted I cannot eat like a normal person anymore but the portion size has increased. 1 Cup of low starchy vegetables and 3 oz of meat is what I can eat in 30 minutes.

    I made a video about it back then: https://youtu.be/CTpNC77HeXU

  6. A great game plan is to get at least 8 oz before starting your day. I have to be to work at 6 am. I live in NYC so I have to be up way earlier than necessary.

    I wake up early and drink an 8 oz cup while getting ready for work. As I am traveling to work, I have a 20 oz bottle (I usually try to drink half in the hour it takes me to get to work). Then I spend the first hour finishing my 20 oz. I will eat something small, like boiled egg whites. 30 minutes later, I am drinking 10 oz.

    Halfway through my work day, I am 38 oz.

    Then I spend the remainder, getting a 10 oz cup of tea and 10 oz cold Water. I drink the tea first. Then I drink the water (warmer temperatures go down easier for me).

    I drink my 20 oz bottle on the way home or at the gym. After that, it is drinking when I feel thirsty.

    This is what I do. When I work the night shift, it is the same just the times change.

  7. My Foods were:

    chicken - I could not wait to have baked chicken that was not in broth.

    Tomatoes - I did not like tomatoes before surgery and then all of a sudden, I was craving them.

    Pears - I love pears

    Corn - I do not know why but I wanted corn on a cob with some butter.

    Watermelon - I love them but the seeds were a no go. I did not have watermelon until I was about 3 - 4 months out.

    Turkey - I missed having a turkey sandwich

    Less Healthy:

    Pork Bacon and Red meat. I have not been one for bacon and red meat in general but after surgery, I wanted it like crazy. I got my fill when I tried Keto and now I am back to barely eating it.

  8. On 2/8/2018 at 3:52 PM, KrystalRose said:

    Hello everyone so as of today I am 10 days post op. I have been struggling really bad trying to get the Protein Shakes in me. They make me want to vomit! :( everyday I try and take a sip and I just can’t. I end up drinking broth. I have no issue getting my Water intake but I can’t get any Protein in me. I feel fine as of today but I know I need the Protein. Does anyone have any suggestions on other ways I can get protein in me? Thanks for any suggestions.

    Try using the Proteins mixture that you would place in Water. Premier Protein makes water now. I had the same issue. I spent the first 2 weeks not getting enough protein. However, my surgeon advised me to go to Phase 2.


  9. 4 minutes ago, Tealael said:

    I agree I should have taken more full body pre op photos I have like 2. I may start documenting with photos starting now

    Sent from my N817 using BariatricPal mobile app

    I only have like 1 when I first went to see my surgeon. 1 when I started my pre-op diet and then all after. Now that I lift, I take pictures after every workout because I like to see the gradual changes.

    You can reshape your body with weight training. The picture to the Right, I was 189lbs in August. The picture to the Left, I was 195lbs. These pictures give me renewed hope when my scale has stopped moving.


  10. Honestly, you will struggle on both sides. I struggled with how I looked before because I felt like I was dying in my body. I avoided mirrors.

    However, after surgery, I became way more confident and I started looking at myself in the mirror. I have days where I feel like the old me and look like the old me.

    The best way to judge your progress is in photos. Take full body before pre-op diet, then the day before surgery. Take one every week to track your progress. Then do a side by side comparison. It literally helps you put things into perspective when you are having bad days or having a stall.

  11. 1) My current lift routine is 4 days of lifting. With 1 day of HIIT and cardio added into my routines to keep the heart rate up. I have 2 days of Arms/Shoulders and 2 days of Legs/Glutes. All 5 days I work on Abs.

    2) I actually started out with HIIT to gain the muscle memory, to learn the correct form and to get my strength up (I was pretty weak, especially my upper body). Then I started lifting. I was new to it but I fell in love with it and have made it a huge part of my gym time.

    3) My routine was structured with moderate weights and moderate reps. So I would lift slightly heavier than I could with 5 reps. Each work out increasing the reps to 10 and then adding more weight the following week.

    4) On lifting days, I aim for 140g of Protein and about 80oz of Water.

    My suggestion, start off with light weights the first week, to get your body back into it and the muscle memory going. Then the next week increase the weights to were there is some struggle towards the end of your rep.

    I hope this helps.

  12. I had sleep apnea and it did not affect my surgery. Before my surgery, I spoke with my Surgeon and Anesthesiologist. Mines advised me that it was his primary job during my procedure to ensure that my airway is open and I was breathing consistently. I was so nervous and he walked me into the room and showed me all the machines and how he would monitor me.

    I would suggest speaking with your surgeon about your concerns. It will give you a piece of mind.

  13. 10 hours ago, LaLaDee said:

    I'm too scared to ever date. I can't imagine having to eventually reveal loose skin. I'm just going to have to get comfortable with the thought of dying alone. Oh well, my dog is pretty awesome. Who needs a man?

    I date now. I just tend to stick with the type of guys I dated when I was heavier. I have a thing for geeks and awkward guys (I am a dork but I am an extrovert). I need balance.

    I did date a gym rat as I started my journey to WLS. He was awesome at first but after the surgery and weight loss, he became more and more insecure and it just caused issues for me. I did not have the patience for it.

    Do not be afraid to date. You have a goal and honestly, I have come to learn that many men find a female with goals, determination, and willpower more attractive than a female who has none (No matter how "skinny" she is). You will not die alone. You just have to take a risk. It's scary but when you do it once, you will have the confidence to do it again.

    I come home to my Rasta Scoobs every day and technically, we do not need a man because pets love us unconditionally.

  14. 2 hours ago, holly606 said:

    So I had gastric sleeve done in October lost a bit of weight but eating a lot of crap :( I am doing 30 minutes exercise a day. I want to join a gym but I can’t do it on my own. I would of liked to have my husband do it with me support and all that but he says the world is a gym. I go jogging every night but it’s not enough. What does everyone else do exercise wise ?

    I workout at the gym and I do weightlifting, cardio, HIIT and anything else that I like doing. Honestly, you should go to the gym by yourself if you want to. Truthfully, no one is paying attention to you as they are focusing on their workouts. I used to have that same mindset but now I don't care.

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