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About Sleeve1stFitNext

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    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 06/17/1991

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    New York
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  1. Sleeve1stFitNext

    Before and After Panniculectomy

    This surgery was on 10/6.
  2. Oh man!!! It has been a long, long, long time since I have posted. I do apologize. I have been posting on Instagram. But here is an update: 

    1) I finally got my panniculectomy (10/6/2018) and I am loving it. 

    2) I was approved for a revision, so that will be done in April. 

    I will post pictures. 









    1. Coexister


      Congratulations! Thank you for sharing. Was the panniculectomy covered by insurance? Was it very expensive?

    2. bigjoe1234


      Congratulations long time

  3. Sleeve1stFitNext

    I am Severely Obese!

    Congratulations. It is weird that the smallest changes make us the happiest. You appreciate these little moments because you work hard to get down to each level.
  4. Sorry I have not been around much for the Month of May. It has been a busy month. I am trying to buy my first investment property, as a well as my workload picking up. Some things that I changed. I bought dresses. I continue to work a lot. I am now known as a "Gym Rat" which I wear proudly. I dyed my hair blonde because I was bored. 





    1. Newme17


      Look at you hon! I love the dress! I’ve bought two in the past two weeks myself. Glad you’re doing alright and still hitting the gym. I haven’t been around much myself these days, just busy. Glad I checked the site today! :D

    2. Newme17


      Did you see my before/after? Of course, I’m still in progress

    3. Sosewsue61


      Look at you all cute in that dress! Your arms are really looking toned.

  5. you look so awesome!!!


  6. Sleeve1stFitNext

    Tummy Tuck

    Thank you everyone. I have spoken with a Surgeon here in NYC $14,000 for a Tummy Tuck. For Bariatric Hospital MX, they are asking for $11,000 for Tummy Tuck, lipo and fixing my back. All and all it is a lot of money, either way, I look at it. I thought it would be a lot cheaper at least almost $8,000 but I am still in the double digits here. I have decided to do what my friends have been saying. Give my body another year or hardcore working out and weight training. They feel like it will help alleviate a lot of the fat and help tighten some of the loose skin.
  7. So I busted my butt at the gym literally. Not Every Workout Will Be Graceful.

    output (2).mp4

    output (1).MP4


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sleeve1stFitNext


      @Mattymatt I fall at least twice a week, but I get back up and go at it again. I wanted to show people that it is not always going to smooth and easy. That there will be falls and the only thing you can do is get back up and do it again. I hit the gym almost 6 times a week now and I still am not graceful. Besides, I love the fact that I fall all the time, it makes my arms stronger when I am pushing myself back up.

    3. Mattymatt


      I want to start taking cycling classes at the gym and I know I won't be graceful because of my frame size but I don't care. Group exercise is more rewarding for me than doing it on my own.

    4. Sleeve1stFitNext


      Those classes are awesome. I fell off so it will happen.

  8. Sleeve1stFitNext

    13-Month Post Op

    April 2018
  9. Sleeve1stFitNext

    April Workouts

  10. Sleeve1stFitNext

    I joined LA Fitness Today

    LOL you guys are too much. It is crazy, I gave up one vice for another lol. I gave up an unhealthy lifestyle for an active one. You want to know how bad it is....on my lunch break I workout again. Like who does that? I am addicted to the results man. So welcome, soon you will be over hear sneaking away from the family going.... I need to get my workout fix and scratching your arm.
  11. Yes, the first 3 weeks will feel like that. It is because your body is zapped. I think it is best to take a warm shower and if you have a window, crack it open a little to let the warm air out. Once you make your way to soft foods, you will have more energy.
  12. I went to the pool with my mom and a spin class. Omg, I got my a$$ kicked in the class. Also, I fell off of the bike and slide down the wall so dramatically lol. 

    That was my low carb meal for the day. My legs are still killing me but we will be doing this again next Saturday. 



    1. Newme17


      I love spin!!!! Glad ya rocked it. 😊

  13. Sleeve1stFitNext

    Endometriosis & Weight Loss

    I have endometriosis as well. I did not have a hysterectomy as I am 26 and do not have children (What the Doctors say because I have tried getting one a lot). However, I have an IUD which helps with my period. Even with not having a period as much, I still get random pain in the area for about 1 week. I get a sharp stabbing pain like my period is coming on the left or right side of my pelvis. Unfortunately, due to the damage that was done to my surrounding organs, I was advised that I would have pain randomly for the rest of my life. It is not much I can do about it. However, they have suggested that staying active does help alleviate the pain.
  14. Sleeve1stFitNext

    Sick of cold and sweet

    Genepro sold in the bariatric store, can be added to tea, broth, soup. It mixes in nicely.
  15. Sleeve1stFitNext

    Constipation and plateau

    Try a suppository or an enema. Also, how is your fiber intake looking? If you eating too much fiber, you may want to cut back on it. Try drinking room temperature water (if you aren't), it helps with digestion.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
