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About Sleeve1stFitNext

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    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 06/17/1991

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    New York
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  1. Gave my back sweat a smiley face 😊. Isn’t she adorable? Her name is Sweatie. Lol, I am annoying. Lol

    I got back down to 189.6 lbs. I have increased my cardio with weight lifting, as well as consistently worked on my Abs. 




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    2. Sleeve1stFitNext


      Lol, I use sweet sweat and a neoprene to help me sweat. I honestly have a hard time sweating to it makes my tummy pour down. That's where I hold most of my water and feel bloated.

      Since upping my cardio, the weight has been coming down. I think the key for me is equilibrium lol. That is the the key to everything. Also my diet has equaled out. I have no more than 40g of carbs with 120g of Protein. Limiting the fats a bit to no more than 20g. Also increasing my water intake by another 10 oz getting me up to 74 oz. This has been working and I see and feel the change.

      Yayy for being strong.

    3. Newme17


      Never had an issue of not sweating! Lol. Yes, I’m glad you upped your water intake for using the sweat gear. I’m glad it’s all working out for you too!

      Soooo....weights are on hold. Goodness even holding my phone is hurting. I slipped and fell on a grape at the grocery store! Hahahaha. Lol. It was quite comical. I can even hear the cartoon like noise when I went down. Well I tried catching myself and landed on my left hand. Feels sprained. I had it documented with the store as well, for the just in case. But I think it’ll blow over in a day or two, I hope!!! So, just cardio for me. My doc will be happy about that part...wants me to focus on cardio more. Haha.

      I was a victim but I choose to not stay the victim!!! What a glorious day!!! 😊

      ...some guy ran in to my car yesterday as well. Haha. My house alarm goes off and have to dispatch the police, all at the same time!!!! What chaos...but it’s all good. Funny too.

    4. Sleeve1stFitNext


      I hope your wrist gets better. While I was reading your post, I couldn’t help but imagine the fall and the cartoon sound. I would hold off on weights for a little too.

      Nope there are no victims here. Just strong people reclaiming their lives each and everyday.

      You had such an eventful week. Oh man, someone hit your car, police get called. I am sure you were like what else could possibly happen. Whop Whop!! PoPo knocking at the door. It’s crazy how so much can happen in a short period of time.

      The amazing thing is how we can laugh about the craziness now instead of turn to food.

      Yeah that stuff has my tummy looking like a waterfall when all is said and done.

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