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About Sleeve1stFitNext

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    Aspiring Evangelist
  • Birthday 06/17/1991

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  1. So I have come to the conclusion that I have a racer back gym shirt problem. I keep buying more shirts and they are soo cute and they make me feel cute. I am still kicking butt on my workouts and I have decided to end Keto for now. I have been stressing a lot about food and unfortunately, I hold on to weight that way. It is time to go back to just being mindful of what I eat and how much. 

    Although I look great in clothing, I wanted to show what my body looks like outside of it. My stomach is sagging lower than before I lost weight. My arms are sagging and my breast have deflated. 

    With that being said, I would not go back and change anything. I would not give up being able to jump, bike, go shopping easily and feel comfortable in clothes for anything. I would not trade this confidence or happiness. I am soo a peace with myself and my body. The aches that I feel are from soreness of pushing my body, than from being too heavy that my body cannot handle the weight. 

    This journey has saved my life in more ways than I could ever imagine. I do not hide from the world anymore. I do not hide from people. I go out and want to explore. I meet new people. I have been freed from the burdens my weight had placed on me mentally and physically. 

    With being said, "I LOVE MY IMPERFECTLY PERFECT BODY!!" 





    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MSinger


      I have developed the worst racerback shirt addiction too. Got some for 12.99 ea on amazon and I LOVE them. Lots of colors, great compression, and I love the extra ventilation to the back of my shoulders. The best thing is even though I'm tall they still are long enough in the torso for me. Round 3 purchase will be tomorrow when I get paid. :72_imp:

      And right at the time when people talk about leaving keto is when I am recommitting myself to it... lol, figures. I did really well on it prior to going on a vacay for my birthday last week, and now I have to re-focus which is almost harder than starting from the beginning and I don't know why. In any case, if there is one thing I love about keto is no more obsessing about food. When I fell off the wagon on vacay it was all I could think about, and that is when my sleeve restriction really made its presence known! Sometimes I think to myself that my sleeve doesn't work as much as it might for others, but I realized it's because I usually eat the recommended 4-6oz. If I go carb-crazy and over-eat that restriction makes itself known!

    3. Sleeve1stFitNext


      @Strivingforbetter I love every second of it. Lol, I had to grab my pant leg to pull my foot up and then tie my shoes. Now I can cross my legs. Lol

    4. Sleeve1stFitNext


      @Fiskgyrl You will be there soon. Honestly, we have all felt that way pre-op. However, once you get there and start seeing those changes and look back, you would not be able to fatham how much you have changed.

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