To beautyandthesleeve,
Hi there, I was wondering exactly how long you are in Mexico from start to finish? Did you fly into San Diego then drive or fly into mexico? Thank you in advance for your help. I am considering mexico because my insurance does not cover it here in the US.
I'm just a little apprehensive. I feel like this is a selfish thing for me to do, kinda guilty I guess. A little money or a lot of money, I'd be taking away from my family. My final straw was when a general surgeon told me he wouldn't operate on my hernia due to my size, I about died right there. I don't know how to talk to my husband about it, he wants me to just give it all I got to lose weight. He doesn't know how much I actually weigh, he'd probably die if he knew. I'm just at a loss right now.
Thank you.