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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Posts posted by BgR72

  1. I ate 1.5 oz of fish this afternoon. It was my first bit of something soft and I still feel like it's sitting in my stomach five hours later. I'm guessing this is a sign I should go back to purée for a bit longer. Drinking Fluid is uncomfortable for the first time since surgery. Now I'm not sure if I will get my Protein in today. Oh well. Lesson learned. Next time I try soft food eat less and see how I tolerate it.
    HW-292 • SW (6/29/17) 256.6 • CW 240.8

    Im 2 days post op and I can feel you about your stomach feeling full for hours. Im on puree and I can get about 1.5 oz in but it is a struggle. I am suppose to get in 1.5 oz-4 oz of puree protein 3 times a day. I cant imagine 4 oz of puree protein 3 times a day yet that is far off in the future. I find that when i am eating my puree protein I feel my bowels move slightly then it stops when I finish. Weird


  2. Adding some G2 to your Water might help make it more palatable. I love your pics.. so true!
    Congrats on getting through the first couple days.. every day should be a little bit better than the one before, and before you know it you'll be a couple months post op, and all these early concerns will be behind you [emoji6]

    Yeah I haven't done the g2 add to water. I been in this little box of using the few things that are helping and maybe next week I will be open to adding more. Kind of like still in shock and adding more items to what I have been clinging onto is overwhelming to me right now. I dont know why but kind of tunnel vision mindset. As I get more days in im sure I will be open to adding more things to add to my water intake. I have a food&water journal and I have been writing down it all to make sure I meet my water requirements. Im at 29.5 oz right now this evening 2 days post op


  3. I thought I show some pictures of what is a real aspect of post op. I have a picture of my blenders&sippy cups&measuring cups&scale. A picture of my Water & gaterade&shaker bottles. A picture of my floor with me missing the waste can. I figure I wait every 30 minutes to get up and actually pick them up. Bending is not going well for me. Not well for me at all. I am actually living off of sugar free popsicles for my water intake. Water just tastes so bad to me and I havent started with the propel yet. So post op is moving but slowly & painfully

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  4. Well I'm in the early morning of my second day post op. I took myself of the pain pump becauseI was having the same reaction as morphine. Uncontrollable itching. So today I'm feeling the pain. They gave me liquid Tylenol. It's helped some. But still aches. Ecpecially the drain area. Hurts so bad to drink. PAIN all the way down. I know this is all tempoary. I'm pushing on.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

    Yes keep pushing on! Im in pain and its hard but things will get better.


  5. IMG_9091.thumb.JPG.6cc2a15c09ed92409be9be462e4c0e5f.JPG IMG_9083.thumb.JPG.466e9543a8c815f4da1d94023fc9465b.JPG IMG_9092.thumb.JPG.4fa4188321175662ca19df624ae303a7.JPG
    I got out of surgery at 11am. Woke up around 1-2 in so much pain. Had tons of back pain cause of the oxygen. My voice was raspy cause of the intubation. Stomach hard and swollen as a ball. I questioned my decision to every nurse and Dr I saw. They gave me Morphine in a machine which I press the button and it gives me morphine every 15mins. Feeling much better now. I started walking around 9pm when the anasthesia was wearing off. Was dizzy but I made It through. Finished phase 1: liquids yesterday. Today I start stage 2: Protein Shakes started peeing soon after I started walking. I was retaining all my urine after that first pee. Decided to walk more now I am a non stop pissing machine lol. Only problems I'm having now are gas pains. In which I'm taking gas x for. Having passed gas yet but hopefully I will this AM so I can go home tonight. They brought me all liquids at 8; SF Jello, water bottle, Veggie broth, green tea. 3 sips of broth and I was full. (Such an amazing feeling since I still don't believe I had the bypass done, so bittersweet)
    Now trying to figure out how to pass gas [emoji618]️
    HT: 5'6"
    HW: 251lb -1/25/17
    SW: 230lb -7/19/17
    GW: 140lb

    I was discharged yesterday. Im in pain. Im in my recliner right now because I cant do the bed. You will have mixed emotions I am going through that right now. It is a true statement to say it is bittersweet. It will get better. Not there yet


  6. A revision? Ugh! Sorry to hear that but at least they caught it while you were still in the hospital ya know? I can barely drink anything. It's horrible for me right now. I'm having so many mixed emotions but I know in a week or two I'll feel so much better. You hang in there too! When did you get sleeved?

    I know im having mixed emotions too. I am not good with pain. I dont like pain meds maybe the liquid iv one lol. The one I will take at home I dont care for too much. I will ask him in the morning if he would
    switch me. Actually I had the bypass on July 17. Revision was on July 19. He will look to discharge me tomorrow after my primary doctor sees me


  7. The first 24 hours was the worst I ever felt in my life!! The gas felt like a constant heart attack and they couldn't sustain the nausea. I was throwing up blood etc. after I fought through it I started to feel better. Not to mention I still had to walk. Sore, weak and tired now but on pain meds. So I feel good once I have that. Just got home a few hours ago.

    I feel you. I had a complication and he had to do a revision. I was suppose to go home yesterday but it will be tomorrow or saturday. Im glad that you are home. Hang in there. It is hard in this beginning


  8. I'm sorry you had to go through another surgery. I hope you feel better soon. What is a narrowing? Whar did they do to fix it?

    Sent from my SM-G900V using BariatricPal mobile app

    Thank you for your concern. He had to do a revision to correct a narrowing. He explained it but i was in so much pain my dad probably understood what he said because I was in my pain. It went well he actually drained out everything so now i dont have to have a drain bottle. I have to stay until saturday or so and start from the beginning. I am on two types of anti biotics also. They have been very nice here.


  9. [emoji20]I went from doing well to doing poorly all within a few hours! All of a sudden I couldnt hold down my liquids & last night was a terrible night because of the pain. My surgeon suspected a narrowing and so gave me a ct scan and that was the problem. I had my ct scan at 1pm and a revision surgery an hour later.


  10. I'm doing my first sips now. Every time I sip anything it feels like a huge bubble in my throat like I need to burp. Sometimes it does burp sometimes it just sits there. They said this is normal but it's not very comfortable. So far I've had half of a 8 oz Pure Life Water bottle two sips of Crystal Light and two spoons of Jello. What a breakfast. Lol

    They also just told me I wouldn't be leaving till Thursday for sure. They don't count yesterday the day of surgery at day one and they keep the patients here for three days.

    Where do you live? I live 9-10 miles north Nashville.

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

    I feel you with the sips. The burp seems like it gets stuck in my throat. I have had 60 ml of turkey broth and 60ml of Decaf tea with one packet of equal. I tried the jello but it leaves such a terribly bad taste in my mouth that I just couldn't. I had some sips of water. Water taste horrible to me right now. I also have no shame in pressing for my pain med morphine. They said they will replace it for Norco pill. The nurse told me I have a nutrition class tomorrow. They have not told me how long they will keep me. I live in the south suburbs of chicago


  11. You awake yet? Wanted to see how you were doing. Hope its not too painful. May God bless you abundantly.

    Hello there. Thank you for checking up on me! All is well. The gas pain was hard but it is gone now. I walked a lap around the hallway. It is going great! Thank you for your concern! God bless you too1500374126606.jpeg


  12. Well my surgery was scheduled for 9 a.m. by the time they got me back into the surgery room it was 2:30. LOL but all done. Doing great...did my first walk up and down the hallways. Not able to drink yet just swabbing my mouth with a little swabbers. I have my little push button pain thing but after I wake up I know it's been a few hours and it really isn't too bad. I've had multiple other surgeries like gallbladdel,appendix, and hysterectomy...so I have a pretty high pain tolerance and never had a problem. I was trying to post on my blog from my phone but apparently I can't. Pooie. Hope your doing well. Hugz

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

    Glad to hear that you are doing well! I am doing well also. My surgery went well and I feel good. I must say though the gas pain was bad for me and it lasted for hours! It was not a pleasant time for me. I did however walk a lap around the hallway just hours after surgery. I am happy all is going well for me. 1500373904972.jpeg


  13. Im just going through the motions. Routine. It will hit me when I walk into the hospital. I been waiting for this. Prayers to you too dear. Lord I come to you in the name of Jesus and I ask that you bless the hands of our surgeons & nurses on today. Lord guide our surgeons that it will lead to a quick recovery and no hard complications. Lord I ask that you be with all of us to give us strength through it all. In Jesus name Amen



  14. Mine is scheduled same time today. Besides feeling worn out from 4 weeks preop diet and yesterday's clear diet and prep I'm really just numb. Not nervous or anything. Just so ready for this. I'll definitely update on here as soon as I am able. Prayers too you for uneventful surgery and quick recovery. Hugz

    Sent from my SM-G930V using BariatricPal mobile app

    Im just going through the motions. Routine. It will hit me when I walk into the hospital. I bee waiting for this. Prayers to you too dear. Lord I come to you in the name of Jesus and I ask that you bless the hands of our surgeons & nurses on today. Lord guide our surgeons that it will lead to a quick recovery and no hard complications. Lord I ask that you be with all of us to give us strength through it all. In Jesus name Amen


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