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Posts posted by Alyssa_T

  1. I think it's too early to consider plastics, honestly. My doctor's office won't even talk to you about it until 18 months out -- that's how long it takes for any skin that's going to snap back to actually snap back.

    Im not sure whether it is too early since I expect go be at my goal weight before my anniversary. I'm already in the high end of being normal weight. I have 26% fat percent which for a woman is fine. I see the skin of my tummy, oh gosh!
    Anyway, I think every case is different. My doctors are ok with my Tummy Tuck and breast augmentation. Thanks for your response.

  2. Hello everybody!!!
    How are you doing?!
    I was sleeved On NOV 31st. I can tell that so far i have lost 70 pounds. Still losing But muuuuch slowly. Im currently 160lbs. My goal Weight is 145lbs.

    It's amazing how this surgery changed my life. If i went back on time, I would do it again in a heart beat! I wish I did it earlier.

    I train 3 times a week, weightlifting n some cardio. My body is much toned. I even see now some abs. In December I'm giving myself plastics surgery as a xmas present. Tummy Tuck, breast implants and some Lipo. Can't wait any longer! I went last week to a consultation with the surgeon. He said that I'm a good candidate for a mummy makeover. I must confess that it scare the sh*t out of me just thinking of the pain but I really want to do this. I want my pre children body!!

    Anyone considering plastics at this point?

  3. I wasn't being rude it's just I don't understand why it matters? See heart face emoticon. Anyway hahaa my post is anything but negative!! It's amazing how people can attach a tone to someone's voice in these threads that isn't there.

    Woman, I'm really sorry for what I'm going to say but you do seem rude, annoyed, defensive and a bit bitter. If you can't tolerate questions, don't write. Period.

  4. So today I had a Protein Shake for breakfast. I say breakfast but I started drinking it at 8 and finished around noon. Then around 1pm I had lunch which consisted of 2 babybell cheese, 1 slice mozzarella cheese, 1 slice of provolone cheese.

    It was good. But actually the shake this morning was making me feel nauseous. Not sure what that's about since it's the Premier Protein I always drink and I drank it slow.

    Hello, I'm glad to hear you are doing great despiste the circumstances you had to deal some days ago with your Ex and dad.
    Just wondering if your doctor advised you to eat those cheeses? If i were you, im not sure I would eat so much cheese.

  5. Congratulations!!!! I totallyagree with the nurse who held your hand at OR, this is one of the best decisions I've made for myself. I'm 7 months out at I'm almost at my goal weight. I feel so good about myself!!! I feel much more energetic and happy to be able to do things!! If I could go back in time, I would choose the sleeve over again in a heartbeat. Good luck to you! Loved to read you. Please keep us posted!

  6. People hear the term "intuitive eating" and have that reflex gut reaction of "oh, that means stuffing my face with all the crap I can find" (and that's simply not true).
    Restricted eating doesn't work long term for that many people. We see it all the time on the boards as well: "HELP! I started eating "crap" again"!!!!!! (on this board that usually means eating something containing carbohydrates). People make the same mistakes they made before WLS: going on a restrictive diet, wanting to be 110% perfect, having great success and then finally burning out, not being able to follow the diet anymore.
    All that "educated eating" got you in the place of needing WLS in the end. At least I don't think that the pre- and post-WLS diet was your first shot at "educated eating". If so, you had WLS way too early when it comes to the opinion of the so-called experts.
    However, I know that I'm quite (luckily not entirely) alone with this opinion.

    I think you should re read what I wrote because in my opinion, you didn't understand a word.

    Anyway, who cares. Follow the plan suits you best, eat whatever you want, honestly, I couldn't care less! It's your life, your choices. I'm just advising the new sleeved ones that this intuitive eating is in MY opinion a very bad and dangerous idea, at least in the beginning.

    New sleeved ones should STICK to what their doctor says. Once in their healthy/ideal weight, they can find out what works for them and what doesn't.

    Personally, I eat because I need to feed my body and I enjoy it doing it so. I don't eat anymore for comfort or boredom. I eat high quality food. That's the fantastic side of this surgery for me, it has changed completely my relationship with food. I don't think of calories! That said, I'm also careful with the stuff I know is rich of bad fat or sugar because I have LEARNT what kind of food I have to PRIORITIZE in order to nurture my body! And the sleeve is a great support.

    Maybe is a fact of definition this learned and intuitive eating. Doesn't matter. Do what you want. Eat what you want. Your life, your choices.

    I wish everyone here only the best. Hope everyone get at our ideal weight and keep it for good with learned/ intuitive/ cosmical / whatever-u-want-to-call -it eating. After this major surgery, we all deserve to make it!

  7. I never said I eat "junk food."

    I eat a lot of healthy quality food. My definition of what that is and your definition probably differ.

    For those that are wondering my usual diet right now is as follows:

    Skip it or maybe some eggs

    Thai food
    Sandwich with avocado and lots of cheese
    Sushi ...
    I eat out a lot for lunch

    Beef Jerky or maybe a nibble of chocolate

    Salad with cheese
    Little bit of meat

    Late night snack:
    Usually another dinner- big sandwich
    Or quesadilla

    That's basically what I eat. I never over eat. I never binge. I don't have to have cheat days. Intuitive eating basically helps me not really care about food and I am not hungry that much... I just eat when I'm hungry and stop when I am full. I naturally gravitate to healthy fresh foods because processed food makes me feel crappy. I eat food that makes me feel good- not food I am supposed to like according to some diet.

    I listen to my body.

    I have not gained weight doing this and I have great energy and feel amazing. Best choice I ever made for myself.

    The best part! I don't CARE if I gain some weight back because I am actually happy and it isn't what matters most to me anymore. Lots of body types are beautiful. I'm fine with letting my body decide what is a healthy weight for me.

    A couple days ago.
    I would be fine with putting some weight on. Doesn't seem to be happening though. Anyway f**k it!! Who cares what I weigh. I'm eating all the foods and living a great life.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm not judging you. I said "junk food" because earlier, you listed things you usually eat and for ME that's junkfood. But who cares! If you like that, makes you feel good and works for you, that's awesome! It doesn't matter what I say! I just said that it doesn't appeal to me. I got sick if I eat too much sweets or processed food. On the other hand, I don't feel That I'm dieting anymore, I feel like giving high quality fuel to my body to function, it makes me feel energized. Good! If I have a party, I do drink alcohol without regrets (is so seldom that I don't get any regret). I might eat a chocolate sometime in a while but that's it.im not addicted to sweets and bread anymore.

    My point here is that every individual is different, for some it may work what you do, for others not. We have to find out ourselves. Otherwise, I personally believe that as long as someone with a WLS is in the loosing weight phase, should be disciplined and follow our doctor's recommendations.

    You look great by the way! Best of lucks!

  8. Sleeved: Nov 30, 2016.

    Surgery weight: 220lbs

    Current weight: 170lbs

    Goal weight: 143lbs

    27 lbs to go.

    I train regularly and I see how my body has responded and changed. I'm more defined. My muscles more toned. Unfortunately some skin hanging in my belly but I'm so happy about this surgery!!! IMG_8096.thumb.JPG.67c9f5f624da32591b5a9996627e2516.JPGIt changed my life. It's amazing to see how much attention I get again, I feel like I'm back in my30s.

    WE CAN DO IT!!

  9. Intuitive eating? I believe more in educated eating. Most of sleeved people got obese in first place because we eat what we felt like or what our intuition told us what to eat. We need to re educate ourselves. I'm almost at my goal weight. I drink when I have a social event. I have a cheat meal once a week but everyday, as rule, I drink all my fluids and always prioritize Proteins, then veggies. I love what I eat. I don't think anymore about bread, Pasta, chocolates... I might eat a sweet sometimes but I don't crave them anymore. I re learned my body about how to eat. Good for you if you eat junkfood n you don't regain weight... personally, it doesn't appeal to me. Im not envious. I love to eat healthy. I don't count calories, I just eat quality food and my body cherishes it!

  10. Sleeved On 11/30. 220lbs On surgery day. Today Im 41lbs lighter. I have had some stalls but all in all, I'm doing good. I'm not worried of not loosing fast, I actually don't want to lose so fast, as long as I'm consistently losing weight. My goal weight is 140. I'm not sure if I will make it, I really hope so.

  11. Omg! so sorry about you!! God bless you and heals you fast. I think you will lose weight in any case. Supposedly the first weeks, we have to take it easy. It's a major surgery we have had. Just try to focus on Protein. As a rule, I always eat the protein first, then my veggies and in the end the carbs (I usually don't finish the carbs). Also try to drink you fluids at all cost. I was like you the week after my surgery, fortunately my husband n mother were there to stop me!!!

  12. I have a NSV these days. I'm 4 months out n lost 40 lbs. I'm half way of my goal weight. Well, I was buying a coffee and a stranger started talking to me, it took me some minutes to realize he was actually flirting with me! It didn't happen to me in AGES!!! I also look that guys turn to look at me n they give me smiles. Like ppl is more friendly. It feels fabulous! The only who is suffering with all this is my fabulous husband. Good he supports me in EVERYTHING.

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