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About linasg

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  1. Thanks for asking this question! I'm also stalled. I've upped my protein today. Tomorrow I'll add more water. Thanks for the tips. Hoping for a breakthrough.
  2. linasg

    Weight loss at 4 Months

    These stalls are so frustrating! I'm only 2 weeks out and have hit my first stall. Can't believe it given how little I'm eating. I'm still on soft food. Glad to know that others eventually break through these stalls. Have upped my protein and liquids. Hopefully a breakthrough is around the corner for all of us.
  3. linasg

    4 days Post Op

    I was around my family eating huge meals that I would have normally been part of but I'm quite happy sipping my protein shakes and being part of the conversation. At this early stage at least, the hunger hasn't hit and I'm making the most of it.
  4. linasg


    After about a week but gently. My doc advises 2 weeks but if you are comfortable then earlier is fine with a partner who will be sensitive to your incisions and comfort.
  5. My weight loss stalled in week 2 and i have been a little upset about it. And today I even gained a lb. I know it's normal and there is usually a stall in week 3 (which has just begun for me). Knowing it's normal doesn't make it any less frustrating. I only lost about 12 lbs after surgery before the stall hit. I was hoping for a lot more given how few calories I'm consuming each day. It has also made it clear to me that there is no way that I could have done this without the surgery. We have to remind ourselves that we're in this for the long haul and that if we keep focusing on the protein, all will be well.
  6. I'm sorry to hear. Perhaps talk to the nutritionist first. See what can be done about your intake first before you consider surgery? Good luck with whatever you decide.
  7. linasg

    4 days post op

    Nothing with bits or sediments! It can get caught in your staple line which is still raw and not even close to being healed. Liquids only then soft foods. It's only for a short while. Tell your doc then please don't do it again. Remember this pain. Then get back on the liquid wagon. You can do it!
  8. linasg

    11 months post-op and looking for buddies

    The walks will help but are not the key thing to get you to your weight goal. Your diet is the key. Can you drop carbs for 2 weeks and see how that goes? Swap a tea for snacking at night. I used to snack while watching Tv but now I drink lots of herbal tea instead. Keep a food journal for 2 weeks and see where the carbs and sugars are coming from and try to swap in with protein. Good luck! Keep at it! You've already made great progress!
  9. I was sleeved less than 2 weeks ago. The post surgery pain for me was limited to the first 24 hours and was well managed by the surgeon and nursing staff. I stayed one night in hospital as I had no complications and minimal pain. I continued with oral painkillers for one day after discharge then stopped as I didn't need them anymore. I am cleared to exercise lightly after 2 weeks so I'm going for yoga on my 2 week anniversary. I've lost 13lbs since surgery. I had few struggles. Mainly ensuring I drank enough protein shake and water. Trapped gas is uncomfortable but not painful. It helped that I was prepared with the appropriate drinks/nutrition at home. I'm having 4 weeks off work but that's unusual. Having the support of my husband has been the most helpful thing. Good luck with your journey!
  10. linasg

    I still feel really big

    Give it time. It took us some time to build up all this weight and it will take a bit of time to get rid of it even with the sleeve/bypass. You're doing great! You're down 3 dress sizes in 2 months!! OMG! When else in your life have you achieved that?!? You're not super slim yet but you are undoubtedly getting there. You need some cheerleaders in your life to help you acknowledge your progress and keep you focused on the goal. You're doing great! Stay the course!
  11. You look amazing!!! Well done! What do you think helped you to achieve your results so quickly?
  12. linasg

    100 lb milestone

    Great work! You look fantastic!
  13. linasg

    Protein shakes

    I was good with Dr Atkins shakes and have been taking them post op with no difficulty. The taste is nice and the consistency isn't too thick.
  14. linasg

    6 months and loving life

    You look fabulous and it sounds like you feel fabulous too! Congratulations!

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