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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sleeved_G

  1. I am 1 month post-op and I celebrated Mardi Gras but stuck with only vodka Water with crystal light packets mixed in. I was never drunk out of mind (not even close) but slowly sipped on drinks adding water and crystal light to each one to keep filling. Then once my crystal light packet and bottle of water were out I'd get another vodka water drink. I'm NOT looking for feedback or advice on the following: 1) Cheating that soon is just empty calories (I'm aware of that and already regret it so let's not beat a dead horse) 2) Beating a food addiction can lead to alcoholism 3) Follow what your surgeon/NUT says. I have been following it perfectly until the vodka so back on track with their guidelines for phases What I DO want advice on is the medical standpoint and everyone else's experiences. I have left my surgeon's nurse a note about it just in case 1) Will the vodka cause a leak? 2) Are there any other medical risks, besides delayed weight loss? 3) Has anyone else drank this soon and what happened?
  2. Sleeved_G

    Post Surgery Needs?

    Gas-x really helped me. I also got a very dry itchy throat from the tube in my mouth so some sugar free Chloraseptic throat spray will be a life saver. Coughing or laughing hurts for a few days post-op.
  3. Thank you guys for all the feedback!! I'm definitely not drinking again until I hit 6 months post-op, if not longer. I've never been a big drinker but being young and around it so often it's definitely hard to say no. Bachelorette parties and weddings at least once every two months, living in New Orleans, being single and going on dates. You name it. But that's what this whole decision was about - a lifestyle change to say no to the way I was living
  4. Sleeved_G

    January 2017 Sleevers

    Had mine done 1/24/17 in Baton Rouge, LA
  5. Very proud moment and I have 60 more lbs to go! Ready to go to the gym for the 1st time again next week!
  6. Sleeved_G

    3 weeks out and down 26lbs!

    @LaurieQue I had my surgery on 1/24/17 so definitely very close Hope you;re doing well! Isn;t it so great being past that first few days?! Ha!
  7. I'm still in my liquid phase (past the clear liquids phase) and move to puréed foods in a few days. I've been drinking Isopure Protein drinks, which contain 40g per bottle and that helps. But every time I try to add Protein powder to pudding, broth, etc. it just tastes awful and makes me feel sick. Any suggestions on easy ways to get protein in? I'm wondering if I could eat my normal broth, pudding, Jello as is and not add protein powder. Then get my protein through my Isopure drinks and Atkins Protein Drinks (20g per bottle) Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. I'm only 1 week post-op and I've followed my diet and walking 100%. Last night I went to my brother and sister-in-law's house to watch a movie and they had pizza. I didn't dare look at it but all I could think was "So I wonder at what point can I take a bite of pizza? Will it be bad? Surely a small bite can't hurt 6 months from now!" I'm staying with my parents until I make the trip home tomorrow and they made gluten free Pasta tonight. (My mom has celiac) In the past I wouldn't think much of GF pasta but tonight I'm craving it SO bad! The smell is making my stomach growl bc it smells so delicious. I had to take my chicken broth and go sit in my room with the door closed. I'm afraid that if I'm having these urges/thoughts now, it will only get worse. Anyone else experience this? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. @@KitsuneMiko you are totally right! pizza (and of course many other foods) were my weakness and ultimately led me to obesity. I can't be mad at anyone else except have confidence in myself and take it one meal at a time! I'd say 1 day at a time but sometimes it's taking it hour by hour. Thank you for all the support! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. I had my 1 week post-op appointment this morning and I am down 20lbs! Couldn't be happier. At first I was worried I had lost too much but my surgeon told me I was doing great. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. I found this idea on Pinterest and I tried to make them tonight. Major fail. Not sure what order I should add the Protein powder but I put the protein powder and Jello mix into a bowl then added the boiling Water to mix it. It turned into one big chunky, almost rubbery, mess. Anyone have suggestions on when to add your protein powder to jello or other things? I'm using Isopure unflavored protein powder. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. Thanks y'all!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. @@Yardsleever @@Hoping052017 @@Gcarter I found this info online and it seems you guys are right! Adding the Protein powder to hot liquid just makes it rubbery and gross. Cold/room temperature is the way to go. I'm going to make them again tonight and let you know how they turn out! 1. Dissolve JELL-O in boiling Water. 2. Add cold water. 3. Whisk in Protein Powder until dissolved. 4. Place JELL-O in refrigerator to set, about 30 minutes. 5. Cut into cubes and divide into 4 servings. **I am going to mix the protein powder with the cold water until dissolved before I pour it in with the hot water/jello mix. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. Sleeved_G

    3days down

    I'm in Day 5 and by day 3 all of my Gaia pains vanished!! Hoping they don't come anytime soon. I'm sure as I eat more food I will have gas. If your haven't already buy some Gas-X strips. They work wonder and start working very quickly. Walking can be hard so early but it's super helpful! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. I have had a terribly dry throat since the surgery, which leaves a tickle in my throat, and the coughing is AWFUL! I had an upper scope done 4 days before my sleeve surgery and my throat was already irritated from the tube going down my throat during that procedure. Having a tube back in my mouth during my WLS surgery didn't help either. Has anyone had an itchy throat with major pain from coughing? It feels like my big incision is ripping open every time I barely cough. I've been going away from the fruit flavored Protein drinks for now bc they irritate my throat. When does the pain from the incisions go away? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. I bought some sugar free throats pray and that has done wonders! I also bought sugar free lozenges that help. I'm trying to stay away from the lozenges too much but the throat spray for sure works! So glad to hear this is normal and I'm not the only one! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. Sleeved_G

    Sleeved on 21 Jan 2017

    Hey @@sally628 ! I'm on day 4 and all of my gas pains went away after day 2. Last night I had a little bit of gas pain in my shoulders but with some walking around it went away. My stomach is sore so I move slowly and hug a pillow a lot. I worked 1/2 a day today and while I was working I was totally fine. I have a desk job. But I had a video call for an hour and now I'm pretty tired. But no pain or anything. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. Sleeved_G

    Surgery Tomorrow!

    Yay!!! Hope you are doing well! I had my surgery 3 days ago and the first day I was home was rough but today has been almost too easy. Excited to see you're journey! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. Wow you look incredible!! I just had my surgery on 1/24 and man... seeing your photos is SO inspiring!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. Sleeved_G

    What was your moment?

    I had thought about it for over a year but it was when my doctor told me I had to make a serious change and she suggested the sleeve. Within the last 8 months I had gained a ton of weight (on top of already being overweight) and as a result had to be in physical therapy for a degenerated disc in my lower spine. And that was related to how heavy I was. I knew I was obese but it was so easy to not address the issue since I work from home and live alone. Once numerous physicians told me I needed to check out a WLS seminar I knew it was time. I'm only 3 days post-op and I already feel so happy about this decision. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. I had my surgery on 1/24 and I've been hitting my Water goal every day but only about 1/3rd of my Protein goal. It's getting easier though. But my calorie intake has been averaging around 150 calories a day... that sounds not healthy. Is it normal to consume so few calories in the very beginning? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. @@mylighthouse and @@FindingCarrie thank you so much!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Sleeved_G

    How do you handle people asking questions

    I've avoided seeing friends in the past bc of how much weight I had gained. I missed out on so many things and people became curious and also took my absence personally. The decision for WLS is something that I'm weirdly okay with telling people about now. At first I thought "oh hell no! I'm not telling anyone!" I care way too much what people think. So this time I'm not caring. If it means I'm happy and healthy then who cares! It's not their body to judge. Wish I would've had this mentality all along. I am only 3 days post-op so no questions about my WLS yet. Someone once told me they say "I've been hardcore watching my portions and sticking to low carb/high Protein. I've also stepped up my gym game" it's definitely not a lie! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. Sleeved_G

    Sleeved on 21 Jan 2017

    You've lost 12lbs since Jan 21st?? That's amazing! I was sleeved on 1/24, so a few days after you. Makes me more optimistic to hear your success!! Way to go! @@Psychedelic Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. Sleeved_G


    I also started my period 3 days in and I wasn't supposed to start for another two weeks. Keep taking Gas-x and sipping on Water as much as you can. There's so much going on around my tummy so I haven't felt any cramps yet! Or I am but the gas pain is more intense. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
