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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Sleeved_G

  1. I just had my surgery on 1/24 so no WLS yet but my surgeon and dietician said if I ever stall I can always drop back down to the previous phase for a couple days. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. My surgeon and dietician told me if I ever stall or the new phase is difficult on my tummy then just drop back down to the previous phase for a few days. I just had my surgery on 1/24 so I haven't experienced this yet but that was a big question I had as well. Hope it helps and it sounds like you're doing awesome!!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. Hey @@anonmom! I had my surgery on 1/24. Today has been the first day I've been feeling pretty good. I'm not hitting my Protein goal quite yet but I am hitting my Water goal. Sipping slowly on water while you're still on liquids has helped a TON with the gas pains. And walking! I'll keep you posted as more time passes. My WLS goal is 80-90lbs. The first 2.5 days had some shitty moments but today has been great! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. I LOVE my sf popsicles too! My dietician also told me they are about the equivalent of 1oz of Clear liquids. My throat has been killing me since surgery and these bad boys feel so good on my throat! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. Sleeved_G

    When will i feel normal again

    @@Brianajubert I had my surgery on 1/24. I threw up immediately after surgery and that night. I haven't thrown up since, which I'm SO happy about. My gas pains have been the hardest part and I feel it in my stomach, chest, shoulders and back. The more I stand up and walk they go away. Today has been surprisingly easy. I too had a runny nose and itchy throat plus the tube they put down your throat has to irritate it. There were a few times today that I had a tickle in my throats and holy hell coughing hurts! I hear some days are better than others but what's really helped are the following: 1) Gas-x strips. These have been a HUGE life saver. (I usually take two every four hours) 2) Walk, walk, walk 3) Sit up straight when you're laying down or in bed. (The nurse told me this helps alleviate the gas pains and she was right!) 4) I took my first shower today and immediately felt refreshed and less uncomfortable. 5) I hug my pillow against my stomach even when I'm asleep. It helps SO much with pain from moving, coughing and sneezing. 6) Ask someone to burp you like a baby. Sounds weird but I had my mom pat on my back while I was sitting up and I burped at least twice and WOW did that give me immediate relief!! For me, my anxiety can psyche me out and make me feel worse so waking up today and feeling good really made my anxiety go away. Watching funny shows or movies is distracting as well. Just not too funny because laughing is no fun this soon! Just hang in there! I've been getting so many words of encouragement from people on this app and that keeps my mind at ease. Stay strong and like @@LittleLizzieLilliput said, we had a major surgery so we're already badasses for making this change!!! I have 6 incisions and the nurses said it's the equivalent of basically being stabbed 6 times. That makes the process and our choice sound pretty badass! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. I am now on day 3 and I can't lie, it's been rough. The pain of my incisions isn't that bad but I will for sure gets sharp pains at my incision sites if I move too quickly or cough. The worst part is the gas and, I assume, the fake hunger pains . I've been walking a lot and that definitely helps. I threw up within the first 12 hours after surgery but haven't thrown up since. But dang am I nauseous! I have always had bad anxiety so I'm pretty sure that's making me more nauseous and uncomfortable. Any tips to help with gas pains and also sleeping more comfortably? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. Sleeved_G

    Day 3 and Need Advice

    @@JamieLogical and @@Malin I got some gas x strips and holy cow do they do wonders! I've also learned that this nauseous feeling is really my body letting out gas and my new tummy adjusting with the changes. Thanks y'all!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. Sleeved_G

    February 13 Sleeve 2 Be

    @iKarma408 I was sleeved 2 days ago and today is the start of my 3rd day. Definitely chug Water and follow your pre-op diet. That's so awesome that you've already loss that much weight before you have your friendly sleeve tool one thing I was never told about were the possibility of having severe "hunger pains." I'm learning that these most likely aren't hunger pains but more gas and the stomach rumbles a lot after every sip. Gas-x strips have been a tremendous help! I would love to have a buddy but just got this app yesterday so I'll see how we can connect. I'm excited for you!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. Sleeved_G

    Day 3 and Need Advice

    Janarrt, thank you for the encouragement!! I got a few more hours asleep last night and I just woke up with barely any gas pain! I readjusted my pillows and that's making me a lot more comfortable. Can't wait to be a week out!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Sleeved_G

    3 days post op

    Today is day 3 for me and it's been rough. I was discharged yesterday afternoon and went straight home to relax and take more pain/nausea meds. I can feel my incisions and they are very sore but I wouldn't say the incision pain is horrendous, by any means. If I try to get out of bed too quickly I'll experience very sharp pains in my incision sites though. The gas has been the WORST! The best way to describe it is like feeling as if you need to burp/throw up almost constantly. When I do have tiny burps it lessens that pain but no bowel movements yet. I think my anxiety easily gets me worked up about how uncomfortable I am and that is playing a huge factor. When I'm calm and relaxed I barely notice any pain. One other thing is I constantly feel ravenous. I'm assuming this is tied mainly to my gas pains and acid in my stomach trying to adjust. I'm on the Phase 2 diet until I go see my surgeon in a week. And yes, it's only day 3 but I have for sure thought "okay this sucks. Why did I do this again?" One thing that keeps me positive is knowing each day will get easier and easier. And of course picturing myself smaller, healed up, and feeling amazing about the mental and physical changes relaxes me. Does anyone have recommendations, or even encouragement haha, on how to feel more comfortable? I've only slept a total of 6 hours since the surgery. I'm really trying to push myself to walk around because I know that can help with gas. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
