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    w8onit got a reaction from jdown in WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THIS   
    I had the lap band and it was hell for me.. after 5 years I got it removed. I had the sleeve four months ago and its the best decision ive ever made. no complications and because its just a tool, it still requires me to work my ass off. as long as you do the things the doc tells you to do, I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be successful with it
  2. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from sacsa97 in Gastric sleeve left side pain   
    I had lap band in 2011..taken out in 2016.. sleeve done 2/10/17... im only four months post op but ive had the same left shoulder pain. they say it takes some time to go away. and my surgeon said it could have to do with how I was positioned during surgery.
  3. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from mtellez00 in Alcohol   
    just sharing my personal experience. your party probably already passed lol. I drank after 6 weeks post op. I didn't drink much. The only difference for me was that I felt full after drinking. I did not get tipsy faster and the feeling wasn't different. But that's just me. everyones different. I don't drink like I used to but if I want to go out and have a few drinks I will. my surgeon said its okay as long as I don't go overboard. so I make sure to know my limit.
  4. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from EmScaDem in No one understands!   
    hello all-
    new to this site... okay so im a 24 year old female from NY & ive been struggling with my weight for what feels like forever.. okay, since I was 11.. practically forever though. ive been on every diet you could imagine and even had the lap band put in back in 2011.. 5 years later and got it removed because all it was doing was making me sick. truth be told- I was 18 at the time of the procedure and my whole self wasn't in it. I wasn't mentally prepared and I didn't realize that I still had to put in work.. when you're young you don't really listen to what others say and that's obviously where I went wrong. now im getting the sleeve done in hopefully 2 weeks.. if not- gotta wait til march...
    my reason for writing this is because im tired. not only physically but emotionally too. im used to the stares. im used to the name calling. im used to being treated differently because of my weight. but you never really get used to feeling alone in a crowded room. no one understands!! I try to explain it to them but unless you're 300+ pounds youll never understand. one of my friends is overweight but not nearly as big as me. so she doesn't understand how it feels when im in a "bad" mood. I cant help but feel the way I do. I know that if I was at a normal weight I wouldn't be so angry all the time. im mostly angry at myself for allowing myself to get this way.angry at others for judging me and angry at my friends for not understanding. but how could they? I guess what im asking of you all is to just be there for me. to support me through the start of my journey.. or the next chapter of it. i need people who get it. im ready more than ever.. both physically and mentally. i would love a chance to get to know you all...
    im angela btw
  5. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from Bariaticlearner17 in 4 MONTHS POST OP   
    I'm coming up on my 4 months post op on June 10th. I am proud to say that I am 58 pounds down from my surgery!! Honestly, I expected to lose about 80 pounds at this point but that was before I went through this journey. The doctor says im right on track and now im learning to love the entire process. I am no longer in a rush to my finish line. Because happiness isn't about reaching my goal weight. Happiness is loving myself at 301 pounds (my current weight) and I definitely love myself more than I ever have in my entire life. This journey isn't just about losing weight. It sounds cliché but it literally is about gaining a new outlook on life. and id say im more than half way there!

    If you are still reading, my question to you, is how much were you down 4 months post op? Just out of curiosity. I am not comparing myself to others, that's a big no no I also learned lol. I would love to hear other peoples sleeve stories and you're experiences.
  6. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from Bariaticlearner17 in 4 MONTHS POST OP   
    I'm coming up on my 4 months post op on June 10th. I am proud to say that I am 58 pounds down from my surgery!! Honestly, I expected to lose about 80 pounds at this point but that was before I went through this journey. The doctor says im right on track and now im learning to love the entire process. I am no longer in a rush to my finish line. Because happiness isn't about reaching my goal weight. Happiness is loving myself at 301 pounds (my current weight) and I definitely love myself more than I ever have in my entire life. This journey isn't just about losing weight. It sounds cliché but it literally is about gaining a new outlook on life. and id say im more than half way there!

    If you are still reading, my question to you, is how much were you down 4 months post op? Just out of curiosity. I am not comparing myself to others, that's a big no no I also learned lol. I would love to hear other peoples sleeve stories and you're experiences.
  7. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from Bariaticlearner17 in 4 MONTHS POST OP   
    I'm coming up on my 4 months post op on June 10th. I am proud to say that I am 58 pounds down from my surgery!! Honestly, I expected to lose about 80 pounds at this point but that was before I went through this journey. The doctor says im right on track and now im learning to love the entire process. I am no longer in a rush to my finish line. Because happiness isn't about reaching my goal weight. Happiness is loving myself at 301 pounds (my current weight) and I definitely love myself more than I ever have in my entire life. This journey isn't just about losing weight. It sounds cliché but it literally is about gaining a new outlook on life. and id say im more than half way there!

    If you are still reading, my question to you, is how much were you down 4 months post op? Just out of curiosity. I am not comparing myself to others, that's a big no no I also learned lol. I would love to hear other peoples sleeve stories and you're experiences.
  8. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from mtellez00 in Alcohol   
    just sharing my personal experience. your party probably already passed lol. I drank after 6 weeks post op. I didn't drink much. The only difference for me was that I felt full after drinking. I did not get tipsy faster and the feeling wasn't different. But that's just me. everyones different. I don't drink like I used to but if I want to go out and have a few drinks I will. my surgeon said its okay as long as I don't go overboard. so I make sure to know my limit.
  9. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from jdown in WHY WOULD ANYONE DO THIS   
    I had the lap band and it was hell for me.. after 5 years I got it removed. I had the sleeve four months ago and its the best decision ive ever made. no complications and because its just a tool, it still requires me to work my ass off. as long as you do the things the doc tells you to do, I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be successful with it
  10. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from jdown in Anyone miss food?   
    im gonna be 100 percent honest with you. I am almost 4 months post op and I miss food quite often! sometimes when I cant finish a meal, ill cry. I cant eat icecream anymore, it makes me sick. but having the sleeve was def the best thing ive ever done. I lost 60 pounds so far, the most I have lost in my entire life! its a mental battle but in my opinion- worth it. I used to turn to food for any reason I could find. if I was happy, sad, mad, depressed, etc. And when I would hang out with friends all we would do is eat. but now we like to take walks and watch movies.. with no food lol. its an adjustment but I wouldn't change a thing about where I am now. sounds cliché but the only regret I have is not doing it sooner.
  11. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from RockDaisy in Feeling sorry for myself   
    its hard for me still.. almost two months post op and family will be eatting and ill have four bites and im full . itll be worth it is alll i keep telling myseld

  12. Like
    w8onit reacted to ryan_86 in Feeling sorry for myself   
    Stop and realize what you are saying: you are so addicted to food you would rather go on being obese than miss a few days of food.

    Speaking only for myself, when I put the same issue into those terms, it made me even more determined to change.

  13. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from Deactivatedfatgal in why no soda??   
    thank you everyone! i have no problem giving up soda. i drink mostly Water and diet iced teas here and there. just was curious as to why no soda but now i know!
  14. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from Deactivatedfatgal in why no soda??   
    thank you everyone! i have no problem giving up soda. i drink mostly Water and diet iced teas here and there. just was curious as to why no soda but now i know!
  15. Like
    w8onit reacted to BigTink2LilTink in why no soda??   
    Sorry if I came off preachy like. Not trying to be a hard ass about it. Its just that I been down that road, and the bloating, oh dear god the bloating wasn't worth it. So if I can spare someone by not going though the same bone head mistakes I went though early on, then I will try.
  16. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from MelissaRose24 in Regrets anyone?   
    im gonna be honest as hell. im 6 weeks out and the first week after i would cry and have a breakdown everyday. i couldnt drink 10 little medicine cups of Fluid so i thought how would i ever eat again? im eatting solids now and yes it is sad for me that i cant eat nearly as much as i used to . it gets easier everyday and they say youll be able to eat more as time goes on. but this was the idea of this tool. to not eat as much as i once used to. i lost 33 pounds and im feeling fantastic. although i have a long way in my journey, i now truly have a different outlook on life. im happier and im not as depressed as i was 30 pounds heavier. for me it was more mental than anything else. you do have to change your relationship with food. im still adjusting but to me it will be worth it in the end. its gonna be frustrating i can tell you now. but do whats best for YOU. no one can tell you whats best for you, except for you. i dont regret it anymore. im excited to see more weight come off . good luck in your journey
  17. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from MelissaRose24 in Regrets anyone?   
    im gonna be honest as hell. im 6 weeks out and the first week after i would cry and have a breakdown everyday. i couldnt drink 10 little medicine cups of Fluid so i thought how would i ever eat again? im eatting solids now and yes it is sad for me that i cant eat nearly as much as i used to . it gets easier everyday and they say youll be able to eat more as time goes on. but this was the idea of this tool. to not eat as much as i once used to. i lost 33 pounds and im feeling fantastic. although i have a long way in my journey, i now truly have a different outlook on life. im happier and im not as depressed as i was 30 pounds heavier. for me it was more mental than anything else. you do have to change your relationship with food. im still adjusting but to me it will be worth it in the end. its gonna be frustrating i can tell you now. but do whats best for YOU. no one can tell you whats best for you, except for you. i dont regret it anymore. im excited to see more weight come off . good luck in your journey
  18. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from gjb2017 in need to share...   
    a month & 5 days.. and i lost 33 pounds!! so incredibly happy and so incredibly proud of myself. it hasnt been easy! this is the most ive lost in my life so its kindaa a big deal to me
  19. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from gjb2017 in need to share...   
    a month & 5 days.. and i lost 33 pounds!! so incredibly happy and so incredibly proud of myself. it hasnt been easy! this is the most ive lost in my life so its kindaa a big deal to me
  20. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from gjb2017 in need to share...   
    a month & 5 days.. and i lost 33 pounds!! so incredibly happy and so incredibly proud of myself. it hasnt been easy! this is the most ive lost in my life so its kindaa a big deal to me
  21. Like
    w8onit reacted to maryl256 in Regrets anyone?   
    Thank you! Good luck in ur new journey too!

  22. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from gjb2017 in need to share...   
    a month & 5 days.. and i lost 33 pounds!! so incredibly happy and so incredibly proud of myself. it hasnt been easy! this is the most ive lost in my life so its kindaa a big deal to me
  23. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from gjb2017 in need to share...   
    a month & 5 days.. and i lost 33 pounds!! so incredibly happy and so incredibly proud of myself. it hasnt been easy! this is the most ive lost in my life so its kindaa a big deal to me
  24. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from gjb2017 in need to share...   
    a month & 5 days.. and i lost 33 pounds!! so incredibly happy and so incredibly proud of myself. it hasnt been easy! this is the most ive lost in my life so its kindaa a big deal to me
  25. Like
    w8onit got a reaction from gjb2017 in need to share...   
    a month & 5 days.. and i lost 33 pounds!! so incredibly happy and so incredibly proud of myself. it hasnt been easy! this is the most ive lost in my life so its kindaa a big deal to me

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