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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    njgal reacted to jess9395 in Gym or no gym, that is the question   
    I started couch to 5k at four weeks out and ran my first half marathon at eight months out. Added yoga at three months out and did 4-5 hours per week.

    Reached my goal weight at a year out. Lost 136lbs from 271 to 135. Size 20 to size 4. 74% body fat to 17%.

    Didn't cause any stalls or hunger for me. I think there is no one answer. We are all different with different genetics and habits and histories and mental process. One day science will know a lot more and know the people for whom exercise will work well off the bat and those if will cause hunger and stalls for.

    If I hadn't exercised like I did my lean body mass and musculature would be very different so it was definitely the right thing for me. So I suggest experimenting with your study subject of one--yourself.

  2. Like
    njgal reacted to Half-Tum in Gym or no gym, that is the question   
    For real, the amount of conflicting advice and recommendations out there vis a vis this surgery is enough to drive a person completely bonkers.
    Crush pills/pills are fine not crushed
    Eat this after surgery/don't eat this
    Some peopl;e get to eat this/some people get to not eat
    Work out/don't work out

    Damn, y'all.
  3. Like
    njgal reacted to Danny Paul in Finally Started to Excercise   
    I'm nine weeks post op and I decided that I'm ready to get into the gym. So, I go into the gym yesterday to find that my membership had lapsed. The young lady behind the counter renewed it with no problem and off I was to the treadmill. I used to do 30 minutes at 2.5 MPH with a 6 incline. I never ran just walked. Well, I started out with 45 minutes at 4MPH and I incorporated jogging into my routine. I couldn't jog with the extra weight but now, my breathing is better and my legs don't hurt. After the treadmill I started slowly on different weight machines so I can eventually build up my muscle mass. In the past after the treadmill I had no energy to even look at the weight area of the gym. I'm hoping to expand on the golden ticket I was given by eating right and finally incorporating a steady routine of exercise. If anyone has any workout tips for a senior please feel free in commenting.
  4. Like
    njgal reacted to Sullie06 in Head Hunger.....it's real!!!   
    I found that I have to proactively find something else to do when I start to feel that way. Even if it means just getting up and walking around my office or while I'm at home finding a task to complete until I get my mind off of it. If I take my mind off of it and I'm still hungry then I know its legitimate hunger and I will have a healthy snack.
  5. Like
    njgal got a reaction from GassyGurl in Need Help. Where to find a support group?   
    In case you need different info: net intake, ask for ellen. They do skype sessions for both psych and nutrition eval. Ellen is the nutritionist and she’s great. https://www.netintake.com

  6. Like
    njgal reacted to iHealthy in Nutley, NJ   
    Hi all, I’m having my surgery in Ridgewood on 11/4, so nervous!

  7. Like
    njgal reacted to Meguone in Workouts after surgery   
    I hate gyms, don't want to pay for them, or go. I use and have used before Leslie Sansone walking videos. She can be found on YouTube, I think most of her walks are on there and they are WONDERFUl. You can start out with a one mile walk, up to I think she's got 6 miles. She adds weights, and bands in them, and just stuff you have around the house and it really does work. I usually do mine while on the computer then I have a movie or TV show on the television while I'm doing the work out. And you don't need a lot of room to do them. Walking at home is great, if it's snowing outside, or windy, raining, whatever, you can do every day JUST at home. Look her up, I think you'll like her.
  8. Like
    njgal reacted to Thucydides in Workouts after surgery   
    I'm nearly 2 years post-op and have never gone to a gym. I started off gradually with walking and increased the tempo and distance over time. When I first started walking, I could only do laps inside my house (I started at 518 lbs). After that, I moved to walking at a park and tried to walk a mile. It took a while for me to do that. At that point, it took me about 27 minutes to walk a mile. Now, I walk 4 miles every morning at about a 13 min/mile clip. At about 6 months post-op, I added weightlifting, kettlebells, and a rowing machine to my routine.
    The biggest key is to find something that you enjoy and can stick with. I never felt that I had time to work out, but the added energy has helped give me extra time to be able to fit in exercise. Best of luck!
  9. Like
    njgal reacted to bilsk76 in Workouts after surgery   
    I like to work out in the morning before work so I do everything at home. There are so many different videos on utube or at home videos you can purchase. Leslie Sansone has some great walking and toning videos. The Biggest Loser and Jillian Michael video's are really good as well. I work out a minimum of 5 days a week, it gives me energy all day when I work out in the morning.

  10. Like
    njgal reacted to graziellabs in Workouts after surgery   
    I obviously plan on working out after surgery when my surgeon gives and clearance. Do you have to go to a gym? Does anyone have any workout recommendations you do at home and are they as effective as going to the gym. I am a mother of two and want to do workouts that I can still be around my children or at least not have to find a babysitter all the time.
  11. Like
    njgal reacted to Iconcinnity in Disovering new levels of fun!   
    Last night I was able to drive a two passenger go kart and take my littlest for a fun ride! It's the little things which somehow feel like the biggest successes!
    Sent from my LG-TP450 using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Like
    njgal reacted to LadyE2296 in Any Jersey sleevers??   
    Im in Garfield!

    Sent from my SM-G955U using BariatricPal mobile app

  13. Like
    njgal reacted to Brandeis in You know you lost weight when   
    Been so busy, I didn't have time to go for a walk/run for about 3 weeks. I was ridiculously excited when I finally had a day to do it........that would never have happened before!
  14. Like
    njgal reacted to Meguone in You know you lost weight when   
    It's not much but for me when I put on my iWatch and was able to put it back to the third notch made me very happy.
  15. Like
    njgal reacted to shedo82773 in Vet Search   
    I would love a group for us Vets!! If you decide to set one up please let me know. I am over 4 years out and to read this forum now is a little bit hard to relate to them. Some think they know it all and some jump to the quick when it is your opinion. So please let me know.
  16. Like
    njgal reacted to Sosewsue61 in Social events   
    Your 2yr old grandbaby doesn't care if you eat cake - just needs you to be there AND be there for years to come.
    I never pay attention to what anyone is eating at a bd party, too busy watching the kiddos open presents. You can always volunteer to take the photos. Or clean up, then go in the kitchen and take a few bites of your planned food, come back out with a drink in your hand and look busy. Fake it.
  17. Like
    njgal reacted to summerset in Vet Search   
    I dislike OH as well. A "view new posts" button would tremendously help. It's a pain in the butt to navigate that board.

    I think that's completely normal. Of course there was a lot to learn in the beginning but now you're at a point where you know your stuff. Maybe there isn't that much to learn now? What exactly do you miss?

    What's putting me off is the amount of zealots with black and white thinking that are still within the first year or half year of surgery. Like WLS is some kind of religion you converted to there is quite a bit of bigotry around. I get that itch to respond (and not always nicely) and then I hold my virtual tongue because people don't want to hear what I have to say about certain things anyway. Not worth the blood pressure raise.
    I totally get the "some veterans are rude and mean" though - it simply was that way a few months ago.
  18. Like
    njgal reacted to ausmith in Vet Search   
    What’s your diet and exercise like now, has it varied that much from when your weight was stable ? It’s funny how our bodies play games with us. I remember you going through a stage when you were struggling to eat.
    Your right about how we feel after plastics, it was like having weight belts on. Then you wake up after surgery and all that skin around your middle is gone.
    I also had a lot of feedback about not getting it done all at once but decided to get it all over and done with. I started with the Circumference body lift and bra lift. Then 10 days latter had a breast reduction, breast lift and my arms done . Painful and hardwork but it was definitely worth it. I only had one small complication and that was one of the stitches became infected on my arm. A quick visit to a doctor where he scraped it and removed a couple other stitches to prevent the problem happening again. 15 months latter and I forget what it was like carrying all that excess skin around.
    Your truly a success story but like all of us we will always have to be on our game to keep the weight off. Good Luck

  19. Like
    njgal got a reaction from Oliviasmom1578 in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Well, it's a start alright... the finish has yet to come. But I'll document my sleeve story here in the hopes that it'll help others.
    Surgery to lose weight? Peh!! That's for weaklings... I would never mutilate my body.... why take the easy way out... in short, wls was a remote concept to me. Honestly, it just never was on my radar, that's all.
    But like many here I struggled.. and it was a constant battle in the back of my head. I've been everywhere on the spectrum from "a real woman has curves, damn it" to " this is a social construct; it's todays world that makes me feel bad about who I am... I mean look at norms from 50-60 years ago" to "I don't have to be thin/normal/etc, I have brains to prove myself... I will never be one to rely on how I look to get ahead".... you name it, I've probably been there.
    I'm going on 40... years of this... and dieting... and gaining... and dieting... and checking out the newest fad... and shopping based on what fits... not what I like.... years of focusing on the 'content' vs the 'packaging', coupled with a very low idea of self-worth rooted in childhood... well, for one reason or the other we all end up in the same spot.
    Last summer my family and I were at the beach; There I am, sitting at the beach and I just can't stop judging people. Nevermind the fact that I lost 20 pounds and gained 19,5 back... So technically I have still lost weight compared to same time last year; I am just sitting here, in the shade and I can't stop myself from passing judgment on everybody... Bad posture, wrong choice of bathing suit... Omg!! What was she thinking?!?!? I would kill to have the body of most of the women who unknowingly are subject to my internal rantings but there you have it. And then I caught myself... sort of saw myself from a different perspective. Is this really who I want to be? This constantly bitter, unhappy person who blames everyone and everything but neglects to take responsibility? And it was there the first seeds of change had been sewn. Althought wls was still a long ways off from being even an idea.
    I came to the US 20 years ago... It's not easy being the 'outsider', less so when you're a parent. At times it feels like everybody knows each other; even worse everybody likes each other... everybody but you. And this even though we all started being soccer moms and dads at the same time. Granted, sometimes you'll have your neighbors who know each other and naturally gravitate toward each other... or those parents whose kids are besties in school and who automatically click.
    Some days a parent will say hi... good morning... how're ya doing? And those days are good days because for the next 60 minutes of a game you re-live that moment when you were part of the in-crowd. On other days your good morning will be ignored.. sometimes on purpose. And those days you put on a brave face for your kids because no kid likes their parents to be the outsider. Some days it gets so bad, so lonely, that I feel like exploding... i feel like asking "guys... what is it? Is it because i'm fat? Wear glasses? Have an accent? All of the above? I see these posts for parents with tips on how to deal with socially awkward teenagers... or how to boost their kids' confidence and I gulp them up looking for a glimpse on what it could be I'm doing wrong. It is a sad state of affairs when you're diving into teen advise columns but you're almost 40.
    I have two amazing kids... and I know how easily effected kids are by how they view their parents. All parents are an embarassment to their kids in one way or another but what all of this led to, what I realized was that unless I accept myself, unless I am OK with myself and unless I respect and love myself I couldn't possibly expect others to show me the same. And this sense of personal responsibility was the second seed toward change. You see, as much as it seems from the above that I am doing this so that others will love me, I have come to realize that I am doing this for me... and only me.
    Then, in January my husband's friend comes to visit.. and I don't recognize him... seriously, different human being. I felt like on candid camera where they do a switcheroo, you know? And he tells me about how he got sleeved... and he is patient with me and talks to me, explains, shows, guides me and before I know it I know that this is what I want. I just do, it makes sense, it all clicks, falls into place... damn in, I want it and I want it now!!!
    I talk to 3 different surgeons even though I have to pay for consults... one can't even be bothered to look me in the eyes... he's Mr super busy and important... you know, like a factory assembly line, you're just a number, not a human being. The second is nice...patient, knowledgeable but his staff is not well organized. Then I went to see my friend's surgeon. Staff and surgeon... good call; I clicked and knew I had found my surgeon. Of course I did my research, I read reviews, reached out to people but first impressions are so important.
    My insurance requires 6 months of documented visits. I was ready to have the surgery; I was excited; I didn't want to wait.. I even considered doing this out of pocket but thankfully cooler heads prevailed. I still think 6 months is too long but I'm halfway there.
    I am hopeful to have a surgery date in september for my sleeve.
    I still do my homework, I day-dream and I make lists, I fantasize about shopping sprees (which will be fun now, not torture... right guys?) but I'm not in laland in terms of expectation. I think I have a pretty solid grasp on the difficulties ahead. I'm going to therapy to prepare mentally.

    I have an incredibly supportive husband who's been with me through thick (and will be with me through thin!!)

    And with your support I know I can do this.

    Updates will follow!

  20. Like
    njgal reacted to Rucamama in This is a pro choice topic, so please if this offends don’t read.   
    Yes I’m freaking out over the hcg levels. I went on October 28th to have the abortion originally and they did the ultrasound and was to early to see anything even on the vaginal ultrasound but my test can back positive so they moved it to Nov. 11th. I told the office manager I’m scheduled for gastric bypass surgery dec. 5th and she said I should be fine but I am going to ask for proof of procedure to show my PCP. Thank you all again for being so kind I really had no one to talk to about this besides my husband even tho he is supportive it’s not the same support you can get from your women peers whom may have had same experiences.

  21. Like
    njgal reacted to Rucamama in This is a pro choice topic, so please if this offends don’t read.   
    I know I have my mind set, I’m just venting I had to say these things to get them off my chest... I did not see another baby in our future, I envision for my self getting healthy again for myself and my family and getting back to work and taking care of myself properly. Thank you for taking the time to respond I appreciate it.

  22. Like
    njgal reacted to Miss Topaz in How do you cook for your family post-op?   
    My husband claims that once I have the surgery (finally have a date!) he's going to do nutrisystem for the first few weeks. He needs to lose some weight and figures that way I don't have to cook and I won't have to watch him eat good food. He figures nutrisystem food won't even be tempting we'll see!
  23. Like
    njgal got a reaction from yvonne.cdn@gmail.com in Menstrual cycle   
    I have an IUD so at most I get a day or two of spotting during my cycle but since my surgery I’ve been spotting every day. Some heavier than others.
    More annoying than anything else really but there you have it

  24. Like
    njgal got a reaction from Oliviasmom1578 in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Damn I'm ready for this. Can we please just do this? I'm feeling very frustrated that my surgery date is still 3 months away. Once I had made my decision I was ready to go... then I saw the wisdom of waiting for a certain amount of time because some aspects of this journey take time to internalize. It's good that you can't just make up your mind and go do it the next day (if you go the insurance option, I mean) but I mean, 6 months? Come on!!! I'm getting restless here. I have to face a plane trip and family get-together (and yeah, those are always stress free!!) and beach season before I get anywhere near my surgery date. Meanwhile I read every new post, have subscribed and binge watched new vsg channels on youtube... and I know that tomorrow I will have calmed down and I will carry on doing the things I do, taking every step in its stride... but damn! Today is just frustrating.
    H 5'6" HW 253, CW 245, TBS 9/19
  25. Like
    njgal got a reaction from Oliviasmom1578 in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Well, it's a start alright... the finish has yet to come. But I'll document my sleeve story here in the hopes that it'll help others.
    Surgery to lose weight? Peh!! That's for weaklings... I would never mutilate my body.... why take the easy way out... in short, wls was a remote concept to me. Honestly, it just never was on my radar, that's all.
    But like many here I struggled.. and it was a constant battle in the back of my head. I've been everywhere on the spectrum from "a real woman has curves, damn it" to " this is a social construct; it's todays world that makes me feel bad about who I am... I mean look at norms from 50-60 years ago" to "I don't have to be thin/normal/etc, I have brains to prove myself... I will never be one to rely on how I look to get ahead".... you name it, I've probably been there.
    I'm going on 40... years of this... and dieting... and gaining... and dieting... and checking out the newest fad... and shopping based on what fits... not what I like.... years of focusing on the 'content' vs the 'packaging', coupled with a very low idea of self-worth rooted in childhood... well, for one reason or the other we all end up in the same spot.
    Last summer my family and I were at the beach; There I am, sitting at the beach and I just can't stop judging people. Nevermind the fact that I lost 20 pounds and gained 19,5 back... So technically I have still lost weight compared to same time last year; I am just sitting here, in the shade and I can't stop myself from passing judgment on everybody... Bad posture, wrong choice of bathing suit... Omg!! What was she thinking?!?!? I would kill to have the body of most of the women who unknowingly are subject to my internal rantings but there you have it. And then I caught myself... sort of saw myself from a different perspective. Is this really who I want to be? This constantly bitter, unhappy person who blames everyone and everything but neglects to take responsibility? And it was there the first seeds of change had been sewn. Althought wls was still a long ways off from being even an idea.
    I came to the US 20 years ago... It's not easy being the 'outsider', less so when you're a parent. At times it feels like everybody knows each other; even worse everybody likes each other... everybody but you. And this even though we all started being soccer moms and dads at the same time. Granted, sometimes you'll have your neighbors who know each other and naturally gravitate toward each other... or those parents whose kids are besties in school and who automatically click.
    Some days a parent will say hi... good morning... how're ya doing? And those days are good days because for the next 60 minutes of a game you re-live that moment when you were part of the in-crowd. On other days your good morning will be ignored.. sometimes on purpose. And those days you put on a brave face for your kids because no kid likes their parents to be the outsider. Some days it gets so bad, so lonely, that I feel like exploding... i feel like asking "guys... what is it? Is it because i'm fat? Wear glasses? Have an accent? All of the above? I see these posts for parents with tips on how to deal with socially awkward teenagers... or how to boost their kids' confidence and I gulp them up looking for a glimpse on what it could be I'm doing wrong. It is a sad state of affairs when you're diving into teen advise columns but you're almost 40.
    I have two amazing kids... and I know how easily effected kids are by how they view their parents. All parents are an embarassment to their kids in one way or another but what all of this led to, what I realized was that unless I accept myself, unless I am OK with myself and unless I respect and love myself I couldn't possibly expect others to show me the same. And this sense of personal responsibility was the second seed toward change. You see, as much as it seems from the above that I am doing this so that others will love me, I have come to realize that I am doing this for me... and only me.
    Then, in January my husband's friend comes to visit.. and I don't recognize him... seriously, different human being. I felt like on candid camera where they do a switcheroo, you know? And he tells me about how he got sleeved... and he is patient with me and talks to me, explains, shows, guides me and before I know it I know that this is what I want. I just do, it makes sense, it all clicks, falls into place... damn in, I want it and I want it now!!!
    I talk to 3 different surgeons even though I have to pay for consults... one can't even be bothered to look me in the eyes... he's Mr super busy and important... you know, like a factory assembly line, you're just a number, not a human being. The second is nice...patient, knowledgeable but his staff is not well organized. Then I went to see my friend's surgeon. Staff and surgeon... good call; I clicked and knew I had found my surgeon. Of course I did my research, I read reviews, reached out to people but first impressions are so important.
    My insurance requires 6 months of documented visits. I was ready to have the surgery; I was excited; I didn't want to wait.. I even considered doing this out of pocket but thankfully cooler heads prevailed. I still think 6 months is too long but I'm halfway there.
    I am hopeful to have a surgery date in september for my sleeve.
    I still do my homework, I day-dream and I make lists, I fantasize about shopping sprees (which will be fun now, not torture... right guys?) but I'm not in laland in terms of expectation. I think I have a pretty solid grasp on the difficulties ahead. I'm going to therapy to prepare mentally.

    I have an incredibly supportive husband who's been with me through thick (and will be with me through thin!!)

    And with your support I know I can do this.

    Updates will follow!

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