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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    njgal reacted to PrayingForWeightLoss in What did you wish you knew before surgery?   
    Don't stock shakes. Your taste might change after surgery and you will hate some flavors.

  2. Like
    njgal reacted to Youcangirl3 in What did you wish you knew before surgery?   
    Get some benefiber and stool softeners. Constipation was the bane of my recovery. I'm at seven weeks post and finally think I have it resolved.
  3. Like
    njgal got a reaction from {.Narin.} in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Oh, I’m at 30 lb now.. one can’t change stats on the app and I rarely access the forum on a computer but you haven’t missed much with my progress [emoji4] If I didn’t have a reminder to weigh in weekly I would probably not step on the scale. It’s not so much about the pounds for me as it is about establishing good habits now. We’ll see how that goes.
    As far as being back to “normal”; well, a friend of mine ended up being an outpatient and drove himself home... others take it easy for weeks. I was pretty much back to normal 2-3 days after I was home; so 4-5 days post-op.
    Once you have your liquid intake under control I don’t see a reason why you shouldn’t be back in action but Water (i.e. liquids) is key. It won’t be child’s play but it’s definitely doable!
  4. Like
    njgal got a reaction from mustanglauri in Is there an app?   
    Yep, been using myfitnesspal and am very happy with it. I can customize it up the wazoo if I want to too

  5. Like
    njgal reacted to {.Narin.} in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Ohh thanks! My surgeon said the same thing.. i pray to God I don’t have any complications so i can be there with her.
    how are you doing lately? Hope you’re not dealing with constipation anymore.
    how come you didn’t update your ticker after 30 lbs loss! I have a feeling I’ll be updating every .5 lb xD
    ok so I wanted to ask you ( and everyone on here who’d like to share) these questions: are you driving yet? how many days post op did it take before you felt somewhat normal and went back to doing normal daily things? Have you been working out or walking?
    sooo I’m going to do a two weeks of the pre op diet :/ i think i’ll try to just stick with the clear liquids for both weeks. Don’t trust myself to tasting real food for one meal only a day. Will see how it goes
  6. Like
    njgal got a reaction from {.Narin.} in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Luckily I had my annual ob/gyn check today and I’m good but yep... now I know not to! Thanks!!

  7. Like
    njgal got a reaction from {.Narin.} in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Luckily I had my annual ob/gyn check today and I’m good but yep... now I know not to! Thanks!!

  8. Like
    njgal got a reaction from {.Narin.} in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Hmm... difficult situation. I don’t know anything about your general make up or how you are going to fair obviously, however, if there are no complications you should be able to get through it. Even if you have a couple of days of crappiness like I did you’ll be fine as long as you rest and stay hydrated. It’s not ideal of course but unless you’re willing to reconsider your own date I don’t see another option. It’s a tough spot to be in, no doubt. Good luck!!

  9. Like
    njgal reacted to Sosewsue61 in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    @njgal 😡 girl you could have a hemmeroid from straining....be careful
  10. Like
    njgal reacted to {.Narin.} in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Aww I hope you’re feeling better now!
    I'm at my surgeon’s office waiting to be seen for my pre op session
    i just found out that my mom is having surgery on the 18th, my surgery is on the 12th and I’ve been stressing about it ever since (nightmares of running hospital hallways looking for her drowning in my own guilt). We are really close and she’d be expecting me to be there with her the day of surgery and the next 2 days that she knows I’m off work on.
    I’m so nervous as to what to do and if I’ll be ok enough to be there with her without her and the rest of my family (big fam) noticing anything.

  11. Like
    njgal got a reaction from kittymommy in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Ok folks... 6 weeks out and a TMI post for y’all:
    Ok so THIS is Constipation. 45 mins of agony on the toilet [emoji37] then an enema, which, 5-7 mins after being inserted, burned like hell. I must’ve damaged something beforehand. Needless to say hubby and I are a new kind of close now [emoji4]
    At the risk of being gross; didn’t realize this much had accumulated, I mean, I’ve been having bms daily so what gives? And I’d been taking Fiber too so I guess it’s time to up it even more 🤨
    Feeling better now.
  12. Like
    njgal got a reaction from {.Narin.} in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    I told my husband (obviously!) and SIL. My mom I told afterwards for similar reasons. I’m glad that’s how I did it too. Nobody at worked has asked; I didn’t have to tell for time off so I was lucky in that regard

  13. Like
    njgal got a reaction from kittymommy in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Ok folks... 6 weeks out and a TMI post for y’all:
    Ok so THIS is Constipation. 45 mins of agony on the toilet [emoji37] then an enema, which, 5-7 mins after being inserted, burned like hell. I must’ve damaged something beforehand. Needless to say hubby and I are a new kind of close now [emoji4]
    At the risk of being gross; didn’t realize this much had accumulated, I mean, I’ve been having bms daily so what gives? And I’d been taking Fiber too so I guess it’s time to up it even more 🤨
    Feeling better now.
  14. Like
    njgal got a reaction from Nancy MBGC in What you wish you'd known before having weight loss surgery   
    That I have no idea what my style in clothing is. Years of wearing what fit vs what I liked and voila!

  15. Like
    njgal got a reaction from kittymommy in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Ok folks... 6 weeks out and a TMI post for y’all:
    Ok so THIS is Constipation. 45 mins of agony on the toilet [emoji37] then an enema, which, 5-7 mins after being inserted, burned like hell. I must’ve damaged something beforehand. Needless to say hubby and I are a new kind of close now [emoji4]
    At the risk of being gross; didn’t realize this much had accumulated, I mean, I’ve been having bms daily so what gives? And I’d been taking Fiber too so I guess it’s time to up it even more 🤨
    Feeling better now.
  16. Like
    njgal got a reaction from Nancy MBGC in What you wish you'd known before having weight loss surgery   
    That I have no idea what my style in clothing is. Years of wearing what fit vs what I liked and voila!

  17. Like
    njgal reacted to {.Narin.} in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    LOL i hear ya about the six months of saying goodbye to food:D I have a feeling i’ll be easily nauseated after surgery and even if I crave things I won’t be able to eat much of them so I’m giving in to ALL my cravings at the moment till pre op diet
    Wow! Not even a whole day of clear liquids? That’s awesome 😍

    I don’t think I’ll have a problem with the liquids if i only do 1 week.. I’ve done almost a month of juicing before and even though this won’t be the same it is similar.
    Did you tell people around you about the sleeve?
    I’m not telling anyone at work and I don’t know how I’m going to explain to people around me why I’m only having liquids on lunch and dinner breaks.

    right now only my cousin/best friend, hubby know about my surgery. I plan on telling mom and my sister after the surgery just so i can focus on my own feelings/nervousness around and on surgery day vs worrying about them worrying about me if that makes any sense LOL

    you lost a good chunk in this short time! I wish you more and more losings till you reach your goal!
  18. Like
    njgal got a reaction from linah in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Thank you for your comment. I do hope that with a certain new found confidence post-surgery I will be able to initiate more.. and possibly have thicker skin as well. Right, I should put that on my "looking forward to" list.. to have thicker skin and not doubt myself as often!
  19. Like
    njgal got a reaction from Delete me in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Well, it's a start alright... the finish has yet to come. But I'll document my sleeve story here in the hopes that it'll help others.
    Surgery to lose weight? Peh!! That's for weaklings... I would never mutilate my body.... why take the easy way out... in short, wls was a remote concept to me. Honestly, it just never was on my radar, that's all.
    But like many here I struggled.. and it was a constant battle in the back of my head. I've been everywhere on the spectrum from "a real woman has curves, damn it" to " this is a social construct; it's todays world that makes me feel bad about who I am... I mean look at norms from 50-60 years ago" to "I don't have to be thin/normal/etc, I have brains to prove myself... I will never be one to rely on how I look to get ahead".... you name it, I've probably been there.
    I'm going on 40... years of this... and dieting... and gaining... and dieting... and checking out the newest fad... and shopping based on what fits... not what I like.... years of focusing on the 'content' vs the 'packaging', coupled with a very low idea of self-worth rooted in childhood... well, for one reason or the other we all end up in the same spot.
    Last summer my family and I were at the beach; There I am, sitting at the beach and I just can't stop judging people. Nevermind the fact that I lost 20 pounds and gained 19,5 back... So technically I have still lost weight compared to same time last year; I am just sitting here, in the shade and I can't stop myself from passing judgment on everybody... Bad posture, wrong choice of bathing suit... Omg!! What was she thinking?!?!? I would kill to have the body of most of the women who unknowingly are subject to my internal rantings but there you have it. And then I caught myself... sort of saw myself from a different perspective. Is this really who I want to be? This constantly bitter, unhappy person who blames everyone and everything but neglects to take responsibility? And it was there the first seeds of change had been sewn. Althought wls was still a long ways off from being even an idea.
    I came to the US 20 years ago... It's not easy being the 'outsider', less so when you're a parent. At times it feels like everybody knows each other; even worse everybody likes each other... everybody but you. And this even though we all started being soccer moms and dads at the same time. Granted, sometimes you'll have your neighbors who know each other and naturally gravitate toward each other... or those parents whose kids are besties in school and who automatically click.
    Some days a parent will say hi... good morning... how're ya doing? And those days are good days because for the next 60 minutes of a game you re-live that moment when you were part of the in-crowd. On other days your good morning will be ignored.. sometimes on purpose. And those days you put on a brave face for your kids because no kid likes their parents to be the outsider. Some days it gets so bad, so lonely, that I feel like exploding... i feel like asking "guys... what is it? Is it because i'm fat? Wear glasses? Have an accent? All of the above? I see these posts for parents with tips on how to deal with socially awkward teenagers... or how to boost their kids' confidence and I gulp them up looking for a glimpse on what it could be I'm doing wrong. It is a sad state of affairs when you're diving into teen advise columns but you're almost 40.
    I have two amazing kids... and I know how easily effected kids are by how they view their parents. All parents are an embarassment to their kids in one way or another but what all of this led to, what I realized was that unless I accept myself, unless I am OK with myself and unless I respect and love myself I couldn't possibly expect others to show me the same. And this sense of personal responsibility was the second seed toward change. You see, as much as it seems from the above that I am doing this so that others will love me, I have come to realize that I am doing this for me... and only me.
    Then, in January my husband's friend comes to visit.. and I don't recognize him... seriously, different human being. I felt like on candid camera where they do a switcheroo, you know? And he tells me about how he got sleeved... and he is patient with me and talks to me, explains, shows, guides me and before I know it I know that this is what I want. I just do, it makes sense, it all clicks, falls into place... damn in, I want it and I want it now!!!
    I talk to 3 different surgeons even though I have to pay for consults... one can't even be bothered to look me in the eyes... he's Mr super busy and important... you know, like a factory assembly line, you're just a number, not a human being. The second is nice...patient, knowledgeable but his staff is not well organized. Then I went to see my friend's surgeon. Staff and surgeon... good call; I clicked and knew I had found my surgeon. Of course I did my research, I read reviews, reached out to people but first impressions are so important.
    My insurance requires 6 months of documented visits. I was ready to have the surgery; I was excited; I didn't want to wait.. I even considered doing this out of pocket but thankfully cooler heads prevailed. I still think 6 months is too long but I'm halfway there.
    I am hopeful to have a surgery date in september for my sleeve.
    I still do my homework, I day-dream and I make lists, I fantasize about shopping sprees (which will be fun now, not torture... right guys?) but I'm not in laland in terms of expectation. I think I have a pretty solid grasp on the difficulties ahead. I'm going to therapy to prepare mentally.

    I have an incredibly supportive husband who's been with me through thick (and will be with me through thin!!)

    And with your support I know I can do this.

    Updates will follow!

  20. Like
    njgal got a reaction from Intrinsic_1 in Before and After Pics   
    Nice progress, congratulations!!

  21. Like
    njgal reacted to JCKlgl123 in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    @njgal - thank you so much!

  22. Like
    njgal got a reaction from Delete me in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Well, it's a start alright... the finish has yet to come. But I'll document my sleeve story here in the hopes that it'll help others.
    Surgery to lose weight? Peh!! That's for weaklings... I would never mutilate my body.... why take the easy way out... in short, wls was a remote concept to me. Honestly, it just never was on my radar, that's all.
    But like many here I struggled.. and it was a constant battle in the back of my head. I've been everywhere on the spectrum from "a real woman has curves, damn it" to " this is a social construct; it's todays world that makes me feel bad about who I am... I mean look at norms from 50-60 years ago" to "I don't have to be thin/normal/etc, I have brains to prove myself... I will never be one to rely on how I look to get ahead".... you name it, I've probably been there.
    I'm going on 40... years of this... and dieting... and gaining... and dieting... and checking out the newest fad... and shopping based on what fits... not what I like.... years of focusing on the 'content' vs the 'packaging', coupled with a very low idea of self-worth rooted in childhood... well, for one reason or the other we all end up in the same spot.
    Last summer my family and I were at the beach; There I am, sitting at the beach and I just can't stop judging people. Nevermind the fact that I lost 20 pounds and gained 19,5 back... So technically I have still lost weight compared to same time last year; I am just sitting here, in the shade and I can't stop myself from passing judgment on everybody... Bad posture, wrong choice of bathing suit... Omg!! What was she thinking?!?!? I would kill to have the body of most of the women who unknowingly are subject to my internal rantings but there you have it. And then I caught myself... sort of saw myself from a different perspective. Is this really who I want to be? This constantly bitter, unhappy person who blames everyone and everything but neglects to take responsibility? And it was there the first seeds of change had been sewn. Althought wls was still a long ways off from being even an idea.
    I came to the US 20 years ago... It's not easy being the 'outsider', less so when you're a parent. At times it feels like everybody knows each other; even worse everybody likes each other... everybody but you. And this even though we all started being soccer moms and dads at the same time. Granted, sometimes you'll have your neighbors who know each other and naturally gravitate toward each other... or those parents whose kids are besties in school and who automatically click.
    Some days a parent will say hi... good morning... how're ya doing? And those days are good days because for the next 60 minutes of a game you re-live that moment when you were part of the in-crowd. On other days your good morning will be ignored.. sometimes on purpose. And those days you put on a brave face for your kids because no kid likes their parents to be the outsider. Some days it gets so bad, so lonely, that I feel like exploding... i feel like asking "guys... what is it? Is it because i'm fat? Wear glasses? Have an accent? All of the above? I see these posts for parents with tips on how to deal with socially awkward teenagers... or how to boost their kids' confidence and I gulp them up looking for a glimpse on what it could be I'm doing wrong. It is a sad state of affairs when you're diving into teen advise columns but you're almost 40.
    I have two amazing kids... and I know how easily effected kids are by how they view their parents. All parents are an embarassment to their kids in one way or another but what all of this led to, what I realized was that unless I accept myself, unless I am OK with myself and unless I respect and love myself I couldn't possibly expect others to show me the same. And this sense of personal responsibility was the second seed toward change. You see, as much as it seems from the above that I am doing this so that others will love me, I have come to realize that I am doing this for me... and only me.
    Then, in January my husband's friend comes to visit.. and I don't recognize him... seriously, different human being. I felt like on candid camera where they do a switcheroo, you know? And he tells me about how he got sleeved... and he is patient with me and talks to me, explains, shows, guides me and before I know it I know that this is what I want. I just do, it makes sense, it all clicks, falls into place... damn in, I want it and I want it now!!!
    I talk to 3 different surgeons even though I have to pay for consults... one can't even be bothered to look me in the eyes... he's Mr super busy and important... you know, like a factory assembly line, you're just a number, not a human being. The second is nice...patient, knowledgeable but his staff is not well organized. Then I went to see my friend's surgeon. Staff and surgeon... good call; I clicked and knew I had found my surgeon. Of course I did my research, I read reviews, reached out to people but first impressions are so important.
    My insurance requires 6 months of documented visits. I was ready to have the surgery; I was excited; I didn't want to wait.. I even considered doing this out of pocket but thankfully cooler heads prevailed. I still think 6 months is too long but I'm halfway there.
    I am hopeful to have a surgery date in september for my sleeve.
    I still do my homework, I day-dream and I make lists, I fantasize about shopping sprees (which will be fun now, not torture... right guys?) but I'm not in laland in terms of expectation. I think I have a pretty solid grasp on the difficulties ahead. I'm going to therapy to prepare mentally.

    I have an incredibly supportive husband who's been with me through thick (and will be with me through thin!!)

    And with your support I know I can do this.

    Updates will follow!

  23. Like
    njgal got a reaction from MTL in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Good advice, thank you. I guess everybody's varies just a little but but like you said reading these forums is excellent in preparation so thanks for sharing
  24. Like
    njgal got a reaction from JCKlgl123 in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Thanks! and good luck to you, If at first you have problems don't despair, it does get easier so hang in there and feel free to come and rant if needed
  25. Like
    njgal got a reaction from ProudGrammy in A record of my experience... from start to finish... rants and all!   
    Yay! I just had my 1 month check up and I am through with flying colors! I can eat anything (slowly) and I can exercise anything (taking it slowly) going forward. So onward we go.
    I’m down to 3 square meals, 1 afternoon snack and 2 Protein Shakes in between meals. Looks like this’ll be it for the foreseeable future. And onward we go.

    Really, the only thing I get to complain about now is that I am so fricking cold all the time. My husband keeps teasing me “welcome to the normal side”. But even that has a silver lining; I finally get to wear some lovely sweaters!

    Carry on everyone!

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