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About TammyLee66

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    Junior Guru

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  1. HHi I'm new my name is Pam I'm trying to find friends and support on here I don't no anyone,I'm trying to lose 17 pounds before my surgery and its due to insurance,I'm having a hard time just asking others for info and stuff,and congrats to you hun hope all is well.

    1. Newme69


      @Pamela wallace when is your surgery date? I had my surgery 5 days ago. I also worried about the weight I had to lose before surgery. I just followed the diet they gave me to the tee. I exercised 2=3 times a week and I lost 26 lbs preop.

    2. Pamela wallace

      Pamela wallace

      I'm not for sure I stated in august,had to lose 23 pounds,I weighed 232 my scale says I weigh 221 but all scales r different I go back to my primary on 20th,and then my current on , January 3rd so I really need to lose,if not then if I.

  2. Not really I have been working out a lot
  3. Wanted to give a quick update I don’t go on here too often anymore since I’ve had my surgery. I started my journey on February 21, 2017 I have Kaiser insurance, I had to take 3 months of classes. In those 3 Months of classes I lost a total of 58.6 pounds. I ended up having surgery on May 31, 2017 and since surgery I have lost 32.6 pounds. And today I had wonderland feel so awesome to get there. My total loss is 91.2 pounds I have about 34 more pounds to lose. Well I hope everyone is doing good and good luck to all the surgeries that are coming up for everyone[emoji173]️
  4. I am 6 days post op it is going OK like I said it is a learning experience you have to figure out what works for you trying to get the protein in and the water at first was very difficult but now I pretty much have it down I do have my 1st appointment tomorrow with the dietitian and then next week I have my appointment with the surgeon I will keep following on here to see how you're progressing. I do have an a YouTube pageand Instagram page if you'd like to follow me on there you can I cannot figure out how to paste my YouTube information so I'm just gonna screenshot it
  5. Good luck to you Monica I went through Kaiser Bakersfield for my classes and I had surgery on May 31, 2017 doing good it is a Learning process keep posting on here after surgery so we can follow
  6. One thing my insurance company Kaiser Insurance they follow you for 5 years you have a dietitian that you meet with I meet with her for the first time this week 1 week post op if you have any questions about nutrition or anything they are there to help you they do you watch how many protein grams you're taking in and how many calories they do you show you what to eat and what not to eat it is a great program they also have support groups.
  7. I have been getting about 75 g of protein I have been adding Isopure drink it has 40 g of protein I diluted it to my water half Isopure half water that way I'm getting more protein in
  8. TammyLee66

    Rough Night

    Today is my 6 day after having surgery it is hard day 4 I could not get enough water and protein in yesterday day five was good for me I got all my protein in and my water I just took 2 sips every 15 minutes before I ate I waited 30 minutes after I ate I waited 30 minutes as well I've heard it does get easier
  9. Hi everyone I already had my VSG on May 31, 2017 also had to have a hiatal hernia removed I'm still in the hospital hopefully getting out later this afternoon I had an episode yesterday where my throat was closing up and then I ended up having a panic attack so they ended up keeping over night pain is about a 5 haven't had too much gas pain but I ended up getting a migraine finally that's gone and just waiting for the doctor to release me it is very hard to drink your liquids and you're not hungry at all but I guess that will pass.
  10. TammyLee66

    Got my time

    Yes I am resting now and I will definitely post something as soon as I can
  11. TammyLee66

    Got my time

    Yes I am ready I have done so much today I mowed my front and backyard which is a half acre I vacuumed my whole house I did four loads of laundry I hosed out my garage I made my Jell-O for when I come home and my pudding. Now I'm just waiting for tomorrow morningto come thank you again and I will let you know how I'm doing as soon as I can [emoji4]
  12. TammyLee66

    Got my time

    Congrats to you that is exciting news I'm so happy for you and my son he's 15 years old but we live 30 minutes from The high school so he has to take a bus
  13. TammyLee66

    Got my time

    Congrats to you that is exciting news I'm so happy for you and my son he's 15 years old but we live 30 minutes from The high school so he has to take a bus
  14. TammyLee66

    Got my time

    Yes I had to complete the 12 weeks of class and then the person was on vacation that sent the paperwork over to the surgeon so it took a couple extra weeks

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