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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rainenroses

  1. rainenroses

    Dr. Visit tomorrow....

    ok i made it through hurdle #2.....lol:thumbup: Dr. consult is OVER..phew i have to say when i pulled into the parking lot i had to sit in my van for a good 10 minutes.......i started shaking and thought i was going to throw up i was so nervous.:smile2: i probably looked like a madwoman sitting there talking to myself....lol finally talked myself out of panic and went in...... i think i was the only patient in there at that time ....... i signed in , then was taken to a room where i had to watch a video and as it went if i had questions i coud type them into the computer..... that done i had to go back up front and let them know i was done........they printed out my ?'s and took me back to wait for the dr. the nurse came in and talked to me for a few minutes.........got weighed , my neck & belly./middle measured , got my vitals taken...... told her about this site ( they tell pple in the seminar that OH is a great site, personally i like oh but as for informative i LOVE this one ) they are going to check this site out now :mad: so , then the dr. comes in and says hello and goes over questions and shows me the band /port........... after that was done i headed out to see his assistant...... my job now is to call my PCP and set up my 6 month supervised weight loss deal for Indiana state law ( SUCKS! ).....but hey , i figure whats 6 months.....i can do this so i guess all in all i freaked over nothing....everythings good..........i am so READY they are supposed to call me for my next appt. with the dietician ......... Seminar - 3/24/08- DONE Dr. Consult. - 5/09/08 -DONE start weight 5/09/08 240.04 lbs BMI 43 goal weight ( from the dr. ) 168 lbs yim = rainenroses myspace = www.myspace.com/angela_m_west
  2. rainenroses

    80's Trivia

    that is so true........ i remember my boyfriend in high school wore as much eyeliner as i did.......lol those really WERE the good days :biggrin:
  3. rainenroses

    Newby with Fibromyalgia

    well here is what RSD/CRPS is RSD = Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy CRPS = Complex Regional Pain Syndrome chronic neurological syndrome characterized by: severe burning pain pathological changes in bone and skin excessive sweating tissue swelling extreme sensitivity to touch RSDSA :: welcome American RSDHope in my case i never had RSD/CRPS until about 3 years ago (approx. ) i was walking across the street ( my parents live across the road ) with an OLD thick crystal glass in my hand.....walking home. i fell ( ankle gave way AGAIN ) the glass broke and sliced into my palm..........they say i lost over 2 pnts of blood at the scene.......severed an artery and the nerves in my hand. due to an incompetent dr. ( the hand sr on duty was to "busy " to go to the er to check it out ) i was stitched up and sent home............ after 2 weeks ( yeah...OUCH!) i went to my appointment ...............after much arguing i saw a different dr ( who i LOVE ...he is awesome ) long story short..........3 hand surgeries, a nerve graft lots of therapy i am disabled, cant feel my dominant hand and now most of my right foot (due to graft ) i have rsd/crps in my hand,shoulder,foot,ankle.............. the websites i included can give all sorts of info on it. Angie (rainenroses)
  4. hi amy.....i am seeing dr ray for the 1st time ( well , beside the seminar i went to in march ) TOMORROW........what all do the visits entail? they said 2 hours for the 1st visit...........i am getting anxious and scared all at once...lol


    Angie (rainenroses )

  5. rainenroses

    American Idol '08

    both DH & i LOVE LOVE LOVE david COOK. my other favorite was Brooke......she reminds me of a very cool , laid back folksy kinda singer.......and i hope she goes that way later in her career ( i could see her doing the arlo guthrie kinda funky folk songs ...i LOVE A.G )) David A. seems like a *sweet kid * but so not ready for this.......yes, he can sing but the squinty eyes,breathy sounds etc..... i see him as runner up to David C. never have liked Syesha or Jason Castro .
  6. rainenroses

    Would You Wear a Mini-skirt?

    i also voted NO ... i am only 34 and still "feel" very young *BUT* i also have 3 daughters ( 16 1/2 , 12 1/2 & 11 ) so i dont feel it is appropriate .........i constantly do the bend over/turn around skirt checks with my girls........lol we all pretty much agree a little above the knee is a good length area for a skirt ( plus it looks really cute with the right boots :frown:
  7. rainenroses

    80's Trivia

    OMG.....(swish - swoosh-swish-swoosh ) i remember those pants. and cant forget SPANDEX ( yes i was actually small enough then to wear them)......BRIGHT PINK and i wore them with WITCHY BOOTS . cant forget wearing 2 different colored socks at once ( slouch socks ) i have to admit to also being in the big hair club.........a tornado could go past me and my hair would NEVER move.....lol ahhhhhh the good ol' days ( uhhh, wait.....maybe not )
  8. rainenroses

    Newby with Fibromyalgia

    hello. i dont have Fibro but i Do have Rsd/Crps. so i understand all about living with pain. i am also hoping the band /weight loss will help at least a little. any little bit helps a LOT .
  9. rainenroses

    Approved in One DAY!!! BCBS

    ok ok ok , i HAVE to share :crying: i just called my ins. and they said NO i DO NOT have a wait of ANY kind (YES!!!!!) i just have to complete all the criteria ( psych eval , see the dietician , be well informed , etc.... ) ok.....now i am even MORe anxious to get throgh these next days till my dr. visit . Angie myspace.com/angela_m_west
  10. rainenroses

    Approved in One DAY!!! BCBS

    thanks ! now i am REALLY excited !!! i wont start "happy dancing " till i hear it for myself ( may call my ins. today & ask ).....i'm to impatient to wait a my 23 days till i see the dr. so , what all did you have to get done before they do the surgery ? woooo-hoooo ( sorry....lol ) angie Angie MySpace.com - Angie - 34 - Female - GOSPORT, Indiana - www.myspace.com/angela_m_west
  11. rainenroses

    Approved in One DAY!!! BCBS

    i have BCBS of MA also. havent really been able to find anyone else on here w/ it. do they require a 6 month wait ? i have had my seminar (march 24th ) & have my consult appt w/ the surgon May 9th. just wondering what to expect & how long a wait . I am in Indiana but we have BCBS of Ma through dh's work. i have heard they cover GREAT! angie
  12. :confused:i have bcbs of MA. i know it covers the lap band surgery. i have my dr appt set up (may 9th initial consultation ) here is where i am confused. i am hearing a lot of people say you have to wait 6 months.......... i just received my BCBS coverage papers in the mail today ( i requested them ) it says nothing about a 6 month wait. it does say (and i am writing word from word here ) *" ALL ELIGLE PATIENTS WILL BE GIVEN AN AUTHORIZATON LASTING 3 MONTHS . ADDITIONAL 3 MONTH EXTENSIONS REQUIRE DOCUMENTAION OF WEIGHT LOSS OF AT LEAST 4 LBS PER MONTH DURING THE PRECEDING 3 MONTHS . COVERAGE WILL BE DENIED PERM. AFTER 2 FAILURES TO LOSE 12 LBS PER 3 MONTHS OF THERAPY "* help! :rolleyes2: anyone decipher that to me as if i were a child ?...lol does this mean i only have a 3 month wait but have to lose 12 lbs in that time ? anyone else have bc of ma? :smile2:
  13. Hi Sarah. Owen county is near Bloomington indiana.

    Thats where my dr. is. I am seeing Dr. Ray. him & his office all seem VERY nice. he banded my brother in law last year!

    I know my ins covers and i have my 1st initial consult appt may 9th,.....excited & scared all at the same time :)

  14. hello everyone. i am *so* glad i found this site. Everyone on here seems so nice and helpful. I do tend to get a little lost while on here though I Went to the "seminar" the 25th of March . I go to my 1st Dr. appt. the Consultation May 9th .....i already know my insurance covers the surgery great .....when i called they asked what Insurance we had since that was what they said was one of the 1st steps. i told them , then they asked through what compant, i told them . they said "Oh yeah, they cover it " ...I have to say , i was doing the Happy Dance while on the phone ...... I was told to expect at least a 2 hour visit MINIMUM for the 1st initial consult w/ my Dr. I am right now in the process of gathering my "weight record" for at least the last 5 years......going through my medical records. i even called my ins. just to verify.......i am SO SO SO excited but i have that nervous feeling like someones about to pull the rug out from under me and take it all away....... cant wait till i get that 1st appt. under my belt....lol I am seeing the same dr. who did my BIL's surgery a year ago. oh, I am from Indiana .....lol Close to Bloomington. ....seeing DR. RAY hopefully things go smoothly from here :thumbs_up: Blessings Angie
  15. rainenroses

    Started the Journey

    Thanks ! Everyone keeps telling me how fast it will all go but i seems to be DRAAAGINNNNGGG by........lol I have even called my dr. twice to see if i could get in any earlier.Of course not, so i am just counting the days now till my consult appt. ( 29 days !!) . I am spending my time gathering my medical info ,filling out paperwork i had them send me ,started walking daily ( i have RSD so i cant walk far due to that ...hoping wls will help with that also ) we live in a small town & our grocery,bank & post office,dentist,Dr. are all within 2-4 blocks of my home so when i need something from there i make myself WALK . I'll keep everyone posted on my progress :huh2: Angie ( rainenroses )
  16. rainenroses

    Anyone else have BC Ma. ?

    Hello everyone. I am new to all this. Just went to my 1st seminar & have my 1st Dr. Consultation May 9th. Already have an appointment with a dietician set up for May 14th to begin the 6 months for my Insurance which i already know does cover the surgery. when i called the dr.'s office they asked what insurance we had....i told them BC then they asked what company through .i told them and the reaction was Oh yeah they cover WLS ! .....i am now in the process of gathering my medical records for the past 5 years or so so i can take them in with me the 9th when i go see the dr. * SO EXCITED * Angie :biggrin:
  17. hello.

    not any 1 question...lol. I just pretty much want to talk to others who have had this done and kinda know what to expect from pre-op visits through post op & surgery. I have my 1st dr consult set for May 9th , already went to my 1st semiar & it made me even more convinced & excited to get this done . i am seeing dr. ray in bloomington . i already know my ins. covers the surgery . i am getting my medical records together to show i have been overweight for 5 + years to take with me to dr. rays. also have an appointment with a dietician set up to start recording my 6 month waiting period for insurance. WHEW! are you sorry you asked if i had a question yet?...lol

    I can be a talker....lol

    thanks so much & hope to hear back


  18. yes i am born & raised in indiana :) owen co actually ....where are u from ?

    Angie (rainenroses)

  19. hello....i saw u were from T.H ....i am in Owen co (Gosport...near Spencer )

    i have just started the process of this ( 1st dr appt may 9th...already went to the seminar )

    would love talking to you :)

    angie (rainenroses)

  20. hi. i am a so ind Hoosier also :)

    i am just starting the process ( 1st dr. visit May 9th )

    i went to the seminar and that clenched it for me .....i am SOOOOO ready for this . who is your dr.?

    would LOVE talking to you .

    angie (rainenroses)

  21. hello. i am in Owen co (gosport) indiana. who is your dr.?

    i have just begun the process ( have my 1st appt May 9th...Woo-hooo)

    looking for people in IND who can share their experiance w/ me. im NERVOUS but excited to do this :)


  22. hello. i am just starting my journey to a new me :) i made my 1st appt w/ dr ray today.

    looking for others who have had him do their band and wanting to know what to expect. i already know my ins. covers it (* happy dance *)

    Angie (rainenroses )

  23. Hi Debbie.

    I just went to the seminar at dr rays last night and today made my 1st appt. w. him ( May 9th !!) i already even made an appt w/ my dietician to start the 6 month wait for ins. ( my ins. COVERS!!!! )

    just wondering what all to expect and how the process goes :)


    Angie (rainenroses)

  24. hello. i just went to the seminar at dr. Rays and made my 1st initial appt. *(so excited )* ....just wondering what to expect and how it all goes. he seems very nice ( so does his staff at the office).

    thanks :)

    Angie (rainenroses )

  25. hello everyone. i am *so* glad i found this site. finally made my call to the dr today i go to a "seminar" the 25th of this month then go to my 1st appt. phew! .....i already know my insurance covers the surgery great ..... hopefully things will go smoothly from here on out :smile2: anyone else from owen county indiana or close ? how long does it take from 1st appt to get approved to actual surgery ? Blessings

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