:huh2:Hello everyone,
I am just starting to look into Lapband surgery as an option for me. I happened to be blessed with heart disease (six bypasses at age 38), sleep apnea, type 2 diabetes. Weighing in at 270, 5’8”. I am currently taking a lot of insulin (160 units of nph and 50 regular each day) that I can not lose weight at all. I have done the diet and exercise bit. Spent a ton of money on a personal trainer and I am/was the most fit 270lb person I knew, but could not drop the weight or keep the diabetes under good control. So my exploration into LapBand surgery has begun. I would like very much to hear from others with my similar conditions who have had the band “installed”. How has it changed your meds, diabetes, apnea and cholesterol etc.
I am searching and reading the site (that could take a year in itself). Any feedback from others would be appreciated.