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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Krisbell

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 01/06/1992

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    Front Desk Agent
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  1. Since my surgery, I have been doing pretty good, but I'm so depressed and I don't know why.. I almost feel numb, to be honest. I'm wondering if maybe this could be post op depression... Has anyone experienced it? What did you do to make things better?
  2. HelloFresh was only 27$ a week for my husband and I -although it was only 3 meals, it did include all of the ingredients so I thought it was a good deal compared to what those ingredients would cost at Walmart. Can you explain Keto to me, please?
  3. I do have an Aldi about an hour away. What do you recommend?
  4. I have an extremely low budget when it comes to what I have left out of my check for food. It's so hard to find healthy things for low prices. My main focus is on protein and thats what my doctor wants me to primarily focus on anyway. I've tried out HelloFresh meal delivery and it's not bad but I work overnight and my husband is on second shift so it doesn't make sense to buy something every week that may not get cooked. I've even tried couponing but I'm not very good at it. What can I do to make sure I'm getting the right nutrients, saving money and time, and stay in the right lane of what I'm supposed to be doing? (High Protein, Low Carb, Low Calorie) And so I'm not eating the same type of protein every day, because I like to mix things up a little. And what are some good recipes?
  5. There were 6 pinwheels. I was able to eat 2 within the first hour, it took me literally the whole hour just to chew them up really well and swallow them. After I was done with the first 2, I did wait 30-45 minutes and I was able to get liquids in, and then I waited a little while longer and tried again because I needed the protein and the shakes don't sit well with me as well as they did pre op. Im not sure if I'm doing it right or not because I wasn't really given guidelines on how to eat, just how much protein I need to be getting a day.
  6. I did have the sleeve on March 24th, so I'll be 3 weeks out on Friday. I was able to start my pureed stage after a week and it went smoothly. When I went to my post op appointment the doctor said to trust my body and if I felt comfortable moving to softer foods like moist meats, eggs, etc then I should go for it. The only discomfort I've felt is in my chest and then I feel it go down my stomach but its not bad just weird. I lost 17 pounds and I have a hard time with my protein intake, so with me being able to eat some soft meats, that helps me a little.
  7. So I guess I'm not technically eating soft foods before I'm supposed to because my doctor told me to baby my stomach and if I felt like I was comfrotable to move from pureed foods to soft foods then no one knows my body better than me. I chew it up really good to where its almost like a pureed consistancy in my mouth and then slowly swollow small pieces. It hasnt been hurting my stomach but sometimes I feel it going down and it feels really weird, sometimes my chest starts hurting but it goes away and occasionally I'll start burping immediently afterwards, but I'm proud of myself. I got some turkey pinwheels from walmart and took the tortilla part out so now its just meat, a lil cheese and whatever sauce they use, it took me 5 hours but I finally ate all 6 pinwheels. Anyone else relate? Any advice for me?
  8. Krisbell

    Today is the day

    It's good. I've been itching terribly, and I'm no longer on pain medicine but I'm good. I've actually lost 17 pounds and I go for my post op appointment tomorrow
  9. I'm 6 days post op and I'm itching. I know it's a mix of healing and the glue. The incisions aren't infected but the area around the glue is red. I'm so ready for the glue to come off. How long did it take for the glue to come off and what did you do to keep it from irritating the skin? Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. Krisbell

    Today is the day

    Medicated but I'm out Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. So excited. In less than 5 hours I'll be making my way to the losers bench Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. I don't have sleep apnea and I was on Zoloft for a while and it made me feel sick, after that I did switch to Prozac but it never made me sleepy
  13. Krisbell

    What to tell people?

    I'm telling people I'm having surgery that will help with certain health conditions and that a side effect is weight loss. No one has really asked me what type of procedure.
  14. First off, OH MY GOSH, I'm getting sleeved on FRIDAY the 24th!!! My emotions are going crazy, but the crazy Alabama weather has my sinuses draining! I have my pre op blood work and final testing on Tuesday and I'm worried that I won't be able to have the surgery with my sinus draining. I don't feel sick or anything, its just draining and its annoying and I'm just worried that it could mess with the anesthesia. Anyone else go through this?
  15. Melatonin is iffy with me. I have to take multiple doses of it in order to go to sleep and stay asleep. Unfortunately, I think I'm one of those people who have to have prescription strength sleeping medicine. On another note though, I'm hoping and praying that the surgery will get rid of my insomnia and help me sleep better so I can stop taking medication to sleep, but if it does not, I need something pretty strong that will help me sleep and stay asleep without feeling hungover when I wake up.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
