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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by orionburn

  1. Personally I would avoid rice, but that's just me. It's an empty carb that isn't going to benefit you in any way. Don't get me wrong...I love rice, but I avoid it these days. You really do not have to avoid fluids that long before a meal. 30 minutes is the normal cutoff time prior to eating. Fluids don't stick around in the stomach for long. A lot of people chase the sensation of always wanting to feel full. Personally I don't get the point. Feeling full these days makes me miserable for the next 30-60 minutes after eating. I measure out my portion (about 6 oz as you), eat, and am done. That's my meal and that's it. I don't try to find something else to eat because I feel that I can fit more in. I do understand the concern but just focus on the portion control. Foods are going to sit differently in your stomach depending on the source. I could get away with eating 1 cup of cottage cheese with a little bit of fruit in it and not feel full, but if I ate 3/4 cup of chicken salad I'd feel miserable.
  2. Glad to hear you're getting it sorted out. I never had a solid explanation as to why my heart rate & temp stayed elevated the first week at home. I could only assume it was due to the complications I had after my little spleen bleed. Definitely stay on top of his water intake and keep an accurate measurement of what he's getting in to take out the guesswork. Hope after this he's onto a speedy recovery.
  3. orionburn

    How many weeks to request off

    Could you request 3 weeks with the understanding that you could come back after 2, or does the scheduling not allow for that? I returned to work after 2 1/2 weeks but I have a desk job. It was mainly being tired and not having a lot of energy that made the first week rough. If you're used to being on your feet and moving around it might not be so bad. It's really hard to give solid advice as we all handle post-op life differently. I've seen some say they wish they could have taken more than 4 weeks off and others that were back to work in only a few days. Our doc mandated 2 weeks minimum. He wanted 4 weeks but told them there was no way I could with work.
  4. orionburn

    Pre op Liquid Diet Shakes

    Assuming you mean Unjury and not Premier? Either way that makes sense. When I was on my pre-op we had to do 3 Unjury shakes a day along with 3 other protein products which were the Healthwise soups, fruit drink mixes, etc. So all in all I was getting around 135g of protein a day. Thanks for remembering to follow up and let me know!
  5. orionburn

    Insurance Approval

    Your bariatric team should be able to assist as well. Keep in mind that policies can vary. Two companies could have BCBS and one cover it and the other not. Call directly and speak with a rep. My insurance website said it didn't cover the sleeve (only bypass), but turns out they did cover the sleeve. My main nurse/assistant at my clinic was a huge help in walking through the insurance questions. Approval times are going to vary as well as any program you may be required to go to. I have Anthem and they mandated that everyone go through a 6 month program before being approved. So depending on your policy you could be eligible in two months or 6 months from now.
  6. orionburn

    3 Months Stall

    I've been stuck for a bit as well and it's actually helped me by upping my calories a bit. I was averaging 600-700 a day and bumped it up to 800-900. It wouldn't hurt to get your Water up a bit more as well (shoot for 64 oz or more). Even on your high side if you're taking in 700 and burning off upwards of 300 calories you're really low on your caloric intake. Personally I think you're at a good place with your carbs & Protein. I know it can difficult to accept that getting more calories in can actually help lose weight but it does.
  7. orionburn

    3 Months Stall

    I've been stuck for a bit as well and it's actually helped me by upping my calories a bit. I was averaging 600-700 a day and bumped it up to 800-900. It wouldn't hurt to get your water up a bit more as well (shoot for 64 oz or more). Even on your high side if you're taking in 700 and burning off upwards of 300 calories you're really low on your caloric intake. Personally I think you're at a good place with your carbs & protein. I know it can difficult to accept that getting more calories in can actually help lose weight but it does.
  8. orionburn

    3 Months Stall

    I've been stuck for a bit as well and it's actually helped me by upping my calories a bit. I was averaging 600-700 a day and bumped it up to 800-900. It wouldn't hurt to get your water up a bit more as well (shoot for 64 oz or more). Even on your high side if you're taking in 700 and burning off upwards of 300 calories you're really low on your caloric intake. Personally I think you're at a good place with your carbs & protein. I know it can difficult to accept that getting more calories in can actually help lose weight but it does.
  9. orionburn

    schedule surgery

    Gotcha. A lot of it depends on your insurance company. Mine typically approves within 2 weeks, but I got caught up in the end of year rush and it took about 4 weeks to get approved. Once I had the insurance approval I was able to schedule my surgery within a month of the approval. Lot just depends on how far out your doctor is booked. Your doc's office should be able to give you a decent estimate of time as they're typically familiar with various insurance companies and their approval turnaround.
  10. orionburn

    January Sleevers Check-In

    Being cold is pretty common. This winter was a real pain for me. I wore more sweatshirts and used blankets way more than any previous winter. I've never been one to be cold often but definitely more sensitive to it now. I like to chalk it up to not having as much insulation...lol. Truth is I've weighed less than this previously in my life and cold never bothered me then. I don't know what the science/reasoning is behind being more cold sensitive after surgery.
  11. orionburn

    January Sleevers Check-In

    9 weeks post-op as of today. Scale seems to be moving a bit more again this past week since upping my calories a bit. Down 40 lbs total since surgery. The past 3 weeks have been frustrating as I've only lost around 5 lbs in that time but I have been lifting again. Noticed this morning I had moved up a notch on my belt so that was good to see. All in all things are going great. Hope my fellow January sleevers are doing well!
  12. Good luck. Hope your husband gets to feeling better and gets an idea of what's going on after the visit.
  13. orionburn

    Let's celebrate small victories!👍👍

    I have kind of a set path at work where I walk around outside on breaks. My phone has a built in step tracker so I always keep it with me on walks and get a message after 10 minutes of constant walking. I realized this week that my pace has quickened (I hadn't noticed) and cover the distance in a shorter time, so now I'm having to do some back tracking to add distance in to hit my 10 minute mark. And despite the scale not moving much in the past 2 1/2 weeks I noticed this morning that I moved up a notch on my belt so that was a pleasant surprise!
  14. Holy crap man...my complications are a drop in a bucket to what you went through. I think it's great that you're still positive about it all despite going through all of that. Glad to hear that you are doing so much better and for sharing your story. Best of luck to you!
  15. orionburn

    schedule surgery

    Not trying to be smart, but your question doesn't make any sense. You're asking when you're going to have surgery after scheduling the surgery? Do you mean the approval process from insurance?
  16. Don't worry about calories at this point. Just continue to focus on getting your protein in. There's ban a lot of posts lately of people asking about getting out of a stall and seeing most have their calorie intake too low. In time there will be some trial & error on finding out what works best for you. Once you get into the pureed/soft food stages you'll begin to pay more attention to calories & carbs.
  17. orionburn

    Forgetful on Vitamins

    I have a couple of daily silent alarm/reminders that go off through the day. I try to time them with my usual meals. As to the vitamins making you feel sick to your stomach try taking them with food. My calcium pills don't bother me any but my multi can make me feel sick. I try to take those in the middle of eating lunch to help mask it. I've tried to take them right after eating and it doesn't work. I need food behind them to keep that ick feeling away.
  18. orionburn

    Can't drink Protein, HELP!

    Taste changes happen in a lot of people. I used the Unjury protein powder before surgery and loved it. Post-op I hated it. My doc's office sells Healthwise products. The broth/cream soups are decent tasting and have 15g of protein per serving. I only used them through the pre/post phases. They're a bit pricey but might help get through the initial period. https://www.healthwisenri.com/shop/
  19. orionburn

    Money $_$

    I do feel for my local convenience store. Their profit margin has probably dropped significantly since I had my surgery.
  20. There are always going to be side effects and risks with any surgery. They can't go listing every single possible thing that might happen. 6 days out is a bit early to be in any sort of "regular routine." It takes time to heal from this. I had an elevated heart rate and minor fever the first two weeks, but I had some complications a few days after surgery. Even when I was back home the feverish feeling and higher heart rate continued. Our doc had us monitor our heart rate and temperature. If either one was over 100 that was when he wanted a phone call so the office was at least aware because it can be a possible sign of infection - possible - not a guarantee that it is. After a few days things leveled out for me and I was back to normal.
  21. orionburn

    Plateau Help

    All this. My guess is you're not taking in enough food. It may see counterproductive but if you keep your calories too low your body is going to go into protection mode and do everything it can to keep from losing. Stalls are going to happen so might as well get used to it now! Just keep doing what you're doing and the scale will start to move again. Keep your carbs low and focus on good protein sources. Bump your calories up a bit (maybe 100 per day) and see what happens. It's trial & error some times.
  22. This is our pack. We have a greyhound obsession This was from last year and we've added one more since then (the boy in my profile pic), so we're up to 7. We are not adding any more after this...lol
  23. orionburn

    Crying spells

    This surgery can beat you down as much mentally as it does physically. I spent my first week in the hospital due to complications, but the first week at home was rough too. Went through the same thing - tired easy, ran out of breath from doing the simplest things, down in the dumps...had it all. You have to keep positive and remember that this is only temporary. Soon you'll be looking back and thinking this was no big thing. Hang in there!
  24. orionburn

    Weight training nutrition

    It does for me as well. In the old days I wanted to eat everything as soon as I got home, but now having that shake on the way home helps out tremendously.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
