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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by jillybeanRN

  1. Honestly, I think the regret is just a combination of all the really major things going on with the body, mechanically and chemically. For me it was the physical pain, the mental changes and not being able to eat what others are eating (at first) and not having that food freedom (which is precisely why I got the surgery!). The fatigue and feeling useless because I didn't feel like doing anything around the house... The depression / mourning is a very real thing, for me it bubbled to the surface about a week post op and has since fizzled out. You find other outlets for support and stress (journaling, prayer, reading others' success stories). Good luck to you as you go through the journey!
  2. jillybeanRN

    Sleeve, Cholecystitis, Regret!

    Oh goodness sorry you've had such a rough beginning to your recovery!! I was also sleeved on 4/18. I step on the scale once in awhile, but I'm trying not to focus on it. It really is a rough road both physically and emotionally. People (myself included) think laparoscopic?!?! I got this, no sweat! I'm a nurse and I see what people go through post op, but I found myself thinking I was just going to sail through... boy was I wrong! I have never wanted to sleep and netflix binge more than I have the last 2 weeks! For protein supplementation I have used both Unjury (to add unflavored powder to pureed stuff) and Vega protein and greens (for my smoothies which I make with banana, PB fit and almond milk). So far I'm able to tolerate (but even the unflavored powder changes the consistency a bit). We're going to have good days and not so good days, but know that in the long run, we can continue moving forward. Having post op complications (not as serious as yours, but still present) has made me realize I don't want any of this to be in vain, so hopefully it'll keep me honest!!
  3. jillybeanRN

    Soft foods ?

    Egg salad, chicken salad, yogurt, chicken wing dip (Without the chips -- just eat with a fork), ricotta cheese, or just blend up whatever is on hand. I did an overnight oatmeal recipe too that was very soft.
  4. jillybeanRN

    I'm so tired!!!

    Oh yes, I'll jump on the tired train too -- I'm only 2 weeks post op, but I am exhausted! Came back to work and it's strange to not be able to have a nap!
  5. Thought of a couple more things ... My carpal tunnel that is usually unbearable at night is markedly better, and almost gone. I don't have chest pain (in the form of stomach acid / ulcer pain). Yesterday I was still able to function at 930 at night, even though I woke up at 5 for work and didn't have a nap (and no coffee for a couple weeks!).
  6. Oh that's exactly how I described it to people, like my good faithful friend that I've had my entire life is now gone. I found I had a really hard time when my kid had a sleepover and we ordered pizza... I don't think I ever wanted pizza so badly!! I think all these feelings in the beginning are normal and if we focus long term and think about all the good things that are going to transpire, the regret will slowly dissipate!!
  7. Surgery was 4/18 -- I have lost 16 pounds since coming home from the hospital. I've noticed my clothes are a bit looser, and my face looks a bit thinner. I've also noticed I think about food a lot, how to make my favorites healthier, how to creatively fit more protein in, etc. I'm still exhausted so can't speak to having more energy. I'm experiencing a lot more regret than I thought I would, but I know that's normal and temporary. Congrats to everyone on the strides made so far!!!
  8. jillybeanRN

    Help after Sleeve

    I think you'll be okay without much help. You will likely be exhausted and not feel like doing a whole lot. 2 weeks post op and I'm still exhausted, but the only thing I really needed help with was grocery bags (but I could have done it making several trips if my husband hadn't grabbed them).
  9. I only had one day of liquid diet prior to surgery. Once I had my surgery date I went on a legit bender for about a week and a half, essentially made a food bucket list and hit all my favorites. I know it isn't never again, and I'm not totally sure why I even did it, but I did and I honestly don't regret it. Made me appreciate the discipline and control I am able to exercise now, 2 weeks post op.
  10. jillybeanRN

    VSG 4/12/17

    I was sleeved 4/18 and I can totally relate to your experience of people eating around you. I just had family in for the weekend for my daughter's birthday and there was all sorts of food. And I had some serious regret!! But then I realized it is more the emotional connection of my brain to food with these experiences. I tried to go back to remembering why I did what I did... I still have moments where I miss my binge sessions, but then I remember I did this so that I could no longer have binge sessions! It's a transformation of body and mind for sure!
  11. jillybeanRN

    Family event

    Yep, just had family in from out of town for my daughter's birthday. They had all sorts of stuff while I had my protein shakes and water. Definitely more head hunger than real hunger but still, it made me realize the emotional connection I have had with food.
  12. jillybeanRN

    After surgery

    Thanks for the encouragement!!! I am finally starting to feel better!!
  13. jillybeanRN

    Eating Standing

    I was sleeved on 4/18 and do this about half the time, mostly to continue to relieve the gas! Also to keep my mind occupied, makes it a little easier to cope with just having the fluids right now. I've been struggling with a lot of head hunger so staying busy (even just walking around) helps a lot!
  14. jillybeanRN

    Post op pain

    I had mine on the 18th and I couldn't believe how bad the pain was. After numerous other surgeries including c-sections, I thought this would be a breeze. This is the first day I haven't needed to be doped up all day -- so trust me it will get better. As far as the bubble feeling when you drink, I have experienced that too -- it has been better when I drink slower, but it still happens sometimes. Also, I had a TINY bowel movement yesterday. Have been taking colace twice a day since my surgery and may add some milk of mag in too. Remember there's not a lot going in, so not a lot will come out!
  15. jillybeanRN

    Best decision I've ever made

    I'm so glad you posted this... because right now I am feeling the opposite. I just had my sleeve on Tuesday. Glad to know these feelings of pain and regret are temporary. And also, you look awesome!! Great job!
  16. jillybeanRN

    After surgery

    I had my sleeve on Tuesday ... I gotta be honest, I never thought it would be this painful. I've had 2 c-sections and I'm going in thinking .... ha this will be a breeze. 2 of my incisions are fine and not painful at all, but the third is incredibly painful (I think that's the one they pulled everything out of, as there is some bruising around it). So I've been all gorked out on pain meds, coughing from the breathing tube and congested. Just thought I would bounce back quicker!!!
  17. I'm scheduled for April 18th! Nervous, scared and excited!!
  18. jillybeanRN

    Any April sleevers

    First post... but I've been lurking for awhile!! I'm scheduled for 4/18 and feeling all of the "normal" feelings: nervous, scared, excited. Good luck to everyone!

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