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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Walter.Sobchak

  1. Walter.Sobchak

    People Are Hating

    They don't understand. No one knows what it's like to live in your body. Personally, if I could do it without surgery I would. The surgery is only a tool, you still have to make healthy choices and exercise. The surgery is not a shortcut or a quick fix, it is merely a tool. Do what is best for you.
  2. Walter.Sobchak

    Hiatal Hernia

    I had my EGD on Thursday last week and I am fine, I do not have Hiatal Hernia. That made me feel much better. I am feeling more confident each day and each weigh in. I will be getting the surgery for sure as long as insurance approves it.
  3. Walter.Sobchak

    Nervous and Afraid

    Thank you for your encouragement. I am looking forward to the weight loss. I am tired of being in constant pain and discomfort. I am also sick of always feeling tired.
  4. Walter.Sobchak

    Nervous and Afraid

    I understand, my surgery isn't until August and I am scared and nervous. I am hoping everything goes well for you. Good luck and stay strong.
  5. Walter.Sobchak

    New to site and considering surgery

    I can relate to how you are feeling. My weight has caused me to feel worthless, hopeless, suicidal and lost. I am 38 years old, 6 foot 1 and 420 pounds. I am currently pursuing gastric sleeve surgery with a target date of August. I can no longer tolerate being in my own body and have to do something. I do not know the answer to your question about sagging skin, so I apologize for that. I have decided on the sleeve due to its proven results. I would not want the lap band as I have read about too many people not having long term success. I would not want bypass just for personal reasons. I would say, you should at least go to a weight loss surgery seminar or meet with a trusted surgeon in your area. I hope this helps.
  6. Walter.Sobchak

    EGD and Psych Eval

    I sure hope so. I am still scared, but I feel a little better knowing I don't need to get hernia repaired first and then go back for sleeve. I was up at my weigh in, which was a bummer.
  7. Walter.Sobchak

    EGD and Psych Eval

    Hello Peeps I had my EGD today and my psych evaluation. The psych eval was no big deal. He said he does not see any issues. I was so stressed about the EGD and it was nothing. It was no big deal at all, super easy. I do not have Hiatal Hernia, so that is good. I was afraid I would have it and then have to get surgery twice. Once to fix the hernia and once to get sleeved. I am glad I am one step closer to getting sleeved, but I still have to wait until August.
  8. Walter.Sobchak

    8 1/2 months out...

    Awesome. You look great. You look like a totally different person. You look so happy.
  9. Walter.Sobchak

    My personal VSG journey take 2

    Pretty awesome. Keep up the good work. Keep that weight coming off.
  10. Walter.Sobchak

    Pissed Off and Rebelling

    You said it yourself, you have to think about long term success. Can you lose the weight naturally and then keep it off?
  11. Walter.Sobchak

    I got a date!!!!

    Woo hoo, congratulations. I am still a long way away from surgery.
  12. Walter.Sobchak

    Pissed Off and Rebelling

    I have mixed feelings about this as well. I do not like being made to wait, but I think the six months can be beneficial as others have said. I wish I didn't have to wait, I wish I could get the surgery and get on with it but that is not the case. I am trying to use these six months to get myself mentally prepared for the surgery.
  13. Walter.Sobchak

    The waiting game begins

    Awesome. I still have like 5 months to go. Good luck.
  14. Walter.Sobchak

    Lack of support

    Don't let her get to you. You are on your own path. You felt the band was best for you. You might see better long term results.
  15. Walter.Sobchak

    3 more months?

    Same here. I have to do six months of working with dietician. Monthly weigh ins. Monthly office visits. Psyche evaluation. Lots of hoops to jump through. Surgery won't be until August at the earliest.
  16. Walter.Sobchak

    5 month post opt pictures

    Awesome. Keep up the good work. You look great.
  17. Walter.Sobchak

    Not telling Husband or Anyone

    I am sorry you are in such a bad spot. That doesn't sound like a healthy marriage, in my humble opinion. Have you two tried marriage counseling? That would be a start. Having major surgery without telling your spouse is also not a good idea. I think you need to work on your marriage before you run off to get surgery. If he doesn't support you, or love you enough to support you then that is a whole separate issue. Sorry to hear you are having these issues. My wife and I are trying to get sleeved together.
  18. I don't think I would want to go to Mexico, but that is just me. My wife has friends from work that have gone to Mexico and have been fine. My insurance should approve mine, based on my absurd BMI and comorbidites. If I didn't have insurance I might consider Mexico, but I would definitely do a lot of research before I chose a doctor in Mexico. Good luck to you.
  19. Cool, you look great. I am hoping my wife and I have good results like we are seeing on this forum. Keep up the great work.
  20. Walter.Sobchak

    Weight loss WITHOUT surgery?!?

    I keep going back and forth about whether or not I could do it on my own. I am 38 years old, the last time I lost a significant amount of weight I was a junior in college and was 21 years old. My primary doctor recommended gastric sleeve back in fall of 2013 It actually hurt my feelings. I was interested in getting it done, my wife has adamantly opposed. She was convinced we could do it the "natural" way. Here we are three and a half years later, heavier than ever and my wife is actually further along in the journey and is not looking back. She is getting sleeved at all costs. I want to lose weight, but I am scared of surgery. Mine won't be until August, so I have time to get mentally prepared.
  21. Wow, you look great. So much happier and healthier. What were your starting statistics? Weight and BMI? How much are you down and in how much time?
  22. Pretty awesome. What was your BMI when you started? You look great. Keep up the good work.
  23. Walter.Sobchak

    Trying to stay positive.....

    I am wondering if you could call your insurance directly and ask them the requirements? Maybe they can provide you with a better understanding?
  24. Walter.Sobchak

    Trying to stay positive.....

    That is interesting. I haven't been told that we cannot gain weight at all during the six month period. Isn't the point of the surgery to help us lose weight? If we could do it on our own, we wouldn't need surgery. Insurance companies are so crooked. I lost weight at my first check in, but I am afraid I have gained this month. I will have to ask at my appointment next week. That would be very disappointing if they will keep making you do the six month wait each time you gain.
  25. Walter.Sobchak

    Pre Op

    Wow, that is awesome. My insurance requires 6 months of working with a dietician and office visits and weigh ins. You are lucky.

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