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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Walter.Sobchak

  1. Walter.Sobchak

    Down 43 pounds in 10 weeks

    Keep up the good work. My surgery won't be until August, at the earliest. I am excited and scared.
  2. Walter.Sobchak

    Down 43 pounds in 10 weeks

    Good looking guy. What was your BMI? This is not meant to be offensive by any means, I am just curious. Did you have any comorbidites? At any rate, you look great.
  3. Yeah, I understand. This whole process is stressful. I would say go ahead and call your insurance, put your mind at ease.
  4. Walter.Sobchak

    No weight loss, Denied?

    I am scared about this as well. My first weigh in after the consultation, I was down 11 pounds. Next weigh in I had put 6 pounds back on. I am scared about how insurance will handle it. The rep that handles insurance and financing said not to worry about it. However, I am still stressed out about it.
  5. I would say call your insurance provider and ask. Or ask your doctors office, I am sure they have encountered this before. Last option, don't loose too much weight before surgery [emoji6]
  6. Pretty awesome. Keep up the good work.
  7. You look great, keep it up.
  8. Walter.Sobchak


    You got it. Prayer coming your way. Don't give up, you are so close. Stay strong.
  9. Walter.Sobchak


    I am working towards the gastric sleeve. Target date of August. I would not want bypass or lap band.
  10. Walter.Sobchak

    Question/ help

    Find a new PCP for sure. You could call your insurance and find out the exact requirements. I would think a dietician would not be able to approve for surgery.
  11. Good luck man. What is your BMI, mine is 55 I am 6 foot 1 and weigh 420 pounds Target date for Gastric Sleeve is August.
  12. Definitely not too cool that she would do that, but try not to have a resentment towards her. You are not obligated to talk about it, so if you don't want to talk about it then don't. I am sure they will understand if you tell them you don't want to talk about it.
  13. Yikes, that isn't cool. I had never heard of it, but I looked it up online. I am guessing it isn't very popular or well known.
  14. Walter.Sobchak

    Hiatal Hernia

    I am fine, no Hiatal Hernia. So, I was stressing myself out for nothing.
  15. Walter.Sobchak

    Hiatal Hernia

    Hello Peeps, So, evidently Hiatal Hernia is pretty common. My wife had her EGD and found out she had Hiatal Hernia. She had it repaired about 2 months ago. Now she is waiting for sleeve in April. Here's the thing, I don't want to have to get an EGD. I also don't want to have Hiatal Hernia repaired if I have it. My sleeve won't be until August, but I am already starting to back out. I don't want to have to do all the steps required. Sounds like a huge pain in the rear. I especially do not want to have surgery twice. Once for hernia and once for sleeve.
  16. Walter.Sobchak

    Helloooo new here!

    I am terrified and mine won't be until August at the earliest. Good luck to you all with your upcoming procedures.
  17. I just looked up the wrap, I have never heard of it. Did you have any success with it?
  18. Walter.Sobchak

    Pissed Off and Rebelling

    How long is your wait period?
  19. Walter.Sobchak

    My Expierience (so far)

    Awesome, glad to hear it. Hope you continue to feel better. I am trying to get Gastric Sleeve, target date of August.
  20. Walter.Sobchak


    Thank you. Same to you, please keep us posted. I have a couple female cousins that had the surgery over a year ago and they have been encouraging me to get it. My wife is supposed to have it done in April so I will be able to assist her and see how hers goes.
  21. Walter.Sobchak


    Wow, I can't believe the requirements were so minimal. I wish I didn't have to do the six months, but I suppose it will be good to get myself mentally prepared.
  22. Walter.Sobchak


    Call and find out what the situation is. Maybe it was just an error? I find it odd that they would tell you that you had coverage just to come back and say that you don't?
  23. Walter.Sobchak


    I understand. I am sure we can all relate to what you are feeling. How long has this process been? My insurance requires 6 months of working with dietician and office visits. I have to wait until August before I can have the surgery and that is the earliest. I hope things go well for you. I have a high BMI, mine is currently 55 Plus I have 3 comorbidites.
  24. Walter.Sobchak

    Is it just me.....?

    I have been telling everyone, but that is just me. I have received some negative feedback, but I don't care. People that actually care about me are super excited for me.
  25. Walter.Sobchak

    My journey

    Pretty awesome. Keep up the good work. You look great.

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