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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Walter.Sobchak

  1. Walter.Sobchak

    I'm unsupportive, but I want to be....

    I understand your fears, as this is major surgery. My wife and I are in the process of getting gastric sleeve together, within a few months of each other. I am scared for her and scared for me. However, we both understand the risks involved and the rewards of a healthier better life. We are getting this done to improve our lives and to be healthy for our kids. I would suggest counseling and therapy to work on your fears and anxiety. You are correct about the resentments he will harbor towards you if you discourage him from getting the surgery. I wanted to get sleeved 4 years ago and my wife was opposed to it. I had resentments towards her for that, but now here we are trying to get it together. You said you are afraid you won't like the new him, that very well could happen. You could also find out you don't like him without surgery, relationships and especially marriage take a lot of work. At the end of the day it is about him and his health and feeling better about himself. I believe you can get on board with that [emoji4]
  2. Walter.Sobchak

    97lbs in 5 months!!!

    Awesome, keep it up. You look like you made the decision early in your life, which is also awesome for you.
  3. Walter.Sobchak

    Sick of the BS

    I suggest staying away from the free dating sites. I met my wife on match.com so I can say it does work. Having said that, online dating can get to be bothersome after a while. I was getting pretty jaded with it and then I met my wife. I am sorry you are having such a bad experience.
  4. Walter.Sobchak

    1 year surgiversary!

    Pretty awesome. Keep it up.
  5. Walter.Sobchak


    Ah, they may have been able to use your documented weight loss attempts with your primary doctor. Maybe that's why you were approved so quickly? At any rate, I am happy for you. I just have to be patient until August.
  6. Walter.Sobchak


    I have a mandatory six month waiting period. Have to do weigh ins and office visits and all kinds of stuff. I just don't understand why some people have no requirement and others have to jump through several hoops. I am of course, not mad at you by any means. I am just mad at the process.
  7. Walter.Sobchak


    Wow, that is so unfair. I am jealous.
  8. Walter.Sobchak


    You mean the entire process? You didn't have to do a six month waiting period? Or do you mean 30 days from submission of paperwork until approval?
  9. Walter.Sobchak


    You were stressed out for nothing [emoji12] Glad to hear you are approved.
  10. Walter.Sobchak

    August 2017

    My insurance requires a six month waiting period. Also working with a dietician and office visits and weigh ins. So, I have to wait till August. I wish I could get it sooner.
  11. Walter.Sobchak

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    Wow, pretty noticeable difference. Keep it up man. Great work.
  12. Walter.Sobchak

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    Thank you. Keep up the good work.
  13. Walter.Sobchak

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    Pretty awesome. You both look great. You are much prettier than him. My wife and I are getting sleeved as well. Hers is on pace for May, mine is on pace for August.
  14. Walter.Sobchak

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    Wow, you look great. It looks like you were about the same size as my wife currently is. Her surgery is next month, possibly, and then mine is on target for August.
  15. Walter.Sobchak

    August 2017

    Welcome. I am on target for August as well. I am excited and scared.
  16. Walter.Sobchak

    Orbera Balloon Next Week!!!!!

    Cool, I hope it works out for you. I don't know much about it but I did see it at my surgeons office. They had a display setup for it. Can I fill a balloon with rice or something and swallow it and get the same effect? (just trying to make a joke)
  17. Walter.Sobchak

    Orbera Balloon Next Week!!!!!

    The balloon isn't permanent correct? They take it out after a designated time frame right?
  18. Ah, that makes sense. I forgot you were a nurse. I totally understand your thinking now. Bless your heart for taking care of those little newborns.
  19. I am waiting for August as well. Do you think you will need FMLA? you might just need a couple days off? Schedule surgery around a weekend? I don't know, just a thought.
  20. Man, total bummer. Sorry you were experiencing that. Hope you start feeling better. I have not been sleeved yet, so I can't really comment on the cause of your issue.
  21. Walter.Sobchak

    Quick poll

    I would definitely be willing to see a counselor in regard to weight loss surgery and lifestyle changes. I see a psychologist for my depression and other issues that I have. I also try to hit one AA meeting a week. I like working with my psychologist one on one. I like the group feeling of AA meetings. To each their own, I always say.
  22. Walter.Sobchak

    5 month post opt pictures

    You look great. Please continue to post updates, they are inspirational.
  23. Walter.Sobchak

    First appt for Gastric Sleeve surgery

    You are most welcome. My BMI is currently 56, I just have to get it down under 55 My surgeon and dietician have not given me any specific amount I need to lose. I am thinking around 10 pounds. It will come down to what your insurance says and what your surgeon says. You could call your insurance and ask, or just wait until you meet with the surgeon and his team. They should be able to give you the specifics.
  24. Walter.Sobchak

    First appt for Gastric Sleeve surgery

    I believe it depends on what your insurance requires. I had my consultation in January, but have to do six months of working with a dietician and office visits and weigh ins. Surgery won't be until August for me. It seems like most insurance companies require a six month wait. I have seen some people posting that they only had to do 3 months.
  25. Awesome. Glad to hear it. I am anxiously waiting for my 6 months to be up. My wife might be getting her sleeve in about 1 month. Mine, not until August.

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