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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Walter.Sobchak

  1. Walter.Sobchak

    Losing dedication for surgery.

    I almost backed out at the last minute. I was too scared to change my eating habits and lifestyle. Life is going to be hard post sleeve trust me on that. I am a food addict and am emotional eater and this has been very hard. I was sleeved 7 weeks ago.
  2. Walter.Sobchak

    Are your pants getting longer?

    Not yet. I am trying to hold off on new clothes. A couple years ago I gave away a bunch of big and tall clothes that didn't fit anymore. I was convinced I would be fat the rest of my life.
  3. Walter.Sobchak

    Hardly eating

    I am having a hard day today as well. My depression has flared up and all I want to do is eat and I can't. Like you said, I know this surgery is for the best and had to be done but I miss food.
  4. Walter.Sobchak

    Are your pants getting longer?

    My wife told me my clothes are too big and it looks ridiculous. I asked how ridiculous, she said I look like a little kid trying to wear my dads clothes.
  5. Walter.Sobchak


    I am wondering if the lap band will ever be phased out? I read so many stories of people not having long term success with it. My wife has a friend that lost a ton of weight with it but has now put it all back on and then some.
  6. Walter.Sobchak

    I Want To See Before & After Pics! (Cont'd)

    How much are you down in those 4 months?
  7. Walter.Sobchak

    Just ate a lot - scared

    Yep, I was taking in about 8000 calories per day. I was literally eating myself to death.
  8. Walter.Sobchak

    One month Post-Op...only 6lbs lost!

    What was your bmi? A lower bmi will result in slower weight loss. Also, you could be losing inches but not showing it on the scale. Did you measure yourself before hand? What about before and after pics? How are your clothes fitting?
  9. Walter.Sobchak

    Any regrets?

    Awesome, now who can I find to install it?
  10. Walter.Sobchak

    Any regrets?

    I want my huge stomach back. How can this be accomplished? Cadaver? Fake stomach made of silicon and plastic?
  11. Walter.Sobchak

    Drain Tube Hole

    My surgeon's partner did mine. He didn't do a count down or anything he just yanked it out. Felt very weird.
  12. Walter.Sobchak

    Drain Tube Hole

    I used a butterfly stitch on mine as well. It closed up pretty quickly. The drain pull itself was pretty gross.
  13. Walter.Sobchak

    Any regrets?

    Yep. I have posted about this many times. I was not mentally prepared for how difficult it would be post surgery.
  14. Walter.Sobchak

    I have a CRAZY question

    Yeah, just trying to be funny. I would have liked to have seen pictures of it. My surgeon told my wife that my stomach was huge. I believe it, I could easily eat a large pizza in one sitting with no issues.
  15. Walter.Sobchak

    I have a CRAZY question

    I kept mine and then ate it once I was able to eat soft foods, kinda weird I know. I felt as though I had to, as a rite of passage.
  16. Walter.Sobchak

    I feel like I can eat too much

    I can easily eat two eggs at 6 weeks out. I don't understand why I can eat so much more. I am 6 foot 1 My doctor said my preop stomach was huge. He had to do a lot of cutting.
  17. Walter.Sobchak

    Drain Tube Hole

    I am six weeks out and mine healed up just fine. I had no issues with it.
  18. Walter.Sobchak

    Just ate a lot - scared

    I am ashamed to admit, before surgery I could eat 8 McDonald's sandwiches. I could do 4 hot and spicy mcchicken and 4 mcdoubles. Hence why I was 430 pounds.
  19. Walter.Sobchak

    Just ate a lot - scared

    My surgeon said you would have to repeatedly overeat to stretch your pouch. One time shouldn't be a big deal.
  20. Pretty awesome. Keep it up.
  21. Walter.Sobchak


    Dude, bread sits so heavy in your pouch. I have made the mistake of eating it and it hurts so bad.
  22. I think you should tell him. I personally would want to know. If he is such a great guy it won't scare him off.
  23. Walter.Sobchak

    Surgery Update

    Hello, My surgery went well. I was home around 4 yesterday and spent most of the night in bed. Just got up to take my vitals and walk. I am at the doctor's office right now to get my drain pulled. Sent from my SM-G900V using BariatricPal mobile app
  24. Walter.Sobchak

    Surgery Update

    Another Update. I am six weeks out. I am down 37 pounds since surgery. Including pre op diet I am down 55 pounds. I was using my Hydro flask and using the straw and I honestly think it was making me hungry by putting air in my stomach. I ditched the straw and I swear I am not as hungry.
  25. Walter.Sobchak

    I feel like I can eat too much

    I am not buying into that I asked my doctor and he said there is scientific data to support.

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