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Everything posted by Lavieboheme84

  1. Lavieboheme84

    Sugar Addiction

    Hi All Did anyone who has had the sleeve struggle with sugar addiction before surgery? (Chocolate, ice cream, candy etc) If so- how did you manage post surgery? Did your cravings come back? Were you successful with the sleeve? I ask because I'm reading more things recently that the sleeve is good for folks who have trouble with portion control but not so much for those who have a sweet tooth. Any experiences would help. Also- I am aware that it's important to try and work on eating behaviors/emotional eating pre surgery and after- I'm just curious on the experience people have had. Does the sugar cravings/desire ever go away after time? Anyone successful kicking sweets for food post surgery? Thanks!
  2. Lavieboheme84

    June 2017 Sleevers Dr Illan

    HI All June 21st here! Good luck to all of you---June is right around the corner !
  3. Hi there I am lactose intolerant and am concerned I won't have a lot of options for the pureed stage. Anyone have any suggestions/recipes? Thanks!
  4. Lavieboheme84

    Sugar Addiction

    Good luck on your journey!
  5. Lavieboheme84

    Sugar Addiction

    Thanks for sharing- congrats- that's quite the achievement. I think you're right- abstinence is key.
  6. Lavieboheme84

    Sugar Addiction

    Thank you for your share- I think what you're describing is exactly what I'm worried about. It sounds like the only way is to abstain completely. Your story will inspire and teach me. How did the resleeve go?
  7. Lavieboheme84

    Sugar Addiction

    Thank you for sharing. Your commitment inspired me to stay away from all the Easter candy and desserts yesterday. One day at a time....
  8. Lavieboheme84

    Sugar Addiction

    Thank you for this information. It's what makes me the most concerned over this surgery. I'm hoping those first 6-12 months will give me the grace period I need to form new habits and break the cycle. (And of course trying even now pre-surgery) If you have any information as to what coping skills/things ppl do to help get over cravings and abstain successfully-please pass along Have a great weekend!
  9. Lavieboheme84

    Sugar Addiction

    We can! Good luck!
  10. Lavieboheme84

    Sugar Addiction

    Thanks for responding. Yes I think you're right- I'm hoping the first 6-12 months post surgery where we shouldn't have too many cravings will give me the room i need to form new habits. Good luck!!
  11. Lavieboheme84

    VSG Prep

    Can everyone share what they felt was important to have in their toolbox immediately post surgery other than food? Examples: 1-2oz plastic cups to eat out of, baby spoons, antacid, listerine melts etc I am building my arsenal lol
  12. Lavieboheme84

    VSG Prep

    Thanks all! Great info! Thanks!
  13. Lavieboheme84

    VSG Prep

  14. Lavieboheme84

    VSG Prep

    Why children's ? Can we not take regular?
  15. Lavieboheme84

    VSG Prep

    What are ppis?
  16. Lavieboheme84

    Cigna NY

    Congrats!! Thanks for keeping me posted. Good luck!
  17. Lavieboheme84

    Cigna NY

    Has anyone been approved through Cigna NY? They only require 3 months and it seems too good to be true. I require BMI over 40 since I have no co morbidities. Thoughts?
  18. Lavieboheme84

    Cigna NY

    Thanks so much!
  19. Lavieboheme84

    Cigna NY

    that's great! we are in the same boat--I started 1/18/17, same timing Good Luck--if you remember, let me know how you fare with insurance. Best
  20. Lavieboheme84

    Cigna NY

    When did you start? When do you submit to your insurance?
  21. Lavieboheme84

    Cigna NY

    Thanks! That's good to hear!
  22. Lavieboheme84

    Lactose-Intolerance & Food Allergy Issues

    Thanks guys! I will try your suggestions and see what works!
  23. Hi All I am lactose intolerant and also have a poor reaction to whey and artificial sugars. As you can imagine--this really effects my ability to find a good Protein shake/protein powder for pre-op and post/op. Anyone have any suggestions on what I can use for both the 2 week pre-op liquid diet and then post op? Also--I've heard stories about people who've had gastric sleeve that developed lactose intolerance---has anyone experienced/heard the opposite? Where the lactose intolerance disappeared? (wishful thinking) Any advice welcome!
  24. Lavieboheme84

    Lactose-Intolerance & Food Allergy Issues

    Thanks all! Great suggestions/explanations. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. Hi All I'm a newbie to this site, and am currently going through the pre-op clearance process. I am 90% sure this is the decision for me (sleeve), however, I still have some doubts. What I am most concerned about is the maintenance phase of this journey. (Is it weird to have nerves about that part so early in the game??). I've just completed a 1 year cognitive behavioral program to help change my relationship with food (this will always be a work in progress--never "cured"), and see a nutritionist weekly (even before surgery consultation). I am trying to begin following some of the bariatric guidelines now (drinking Water 30 min before meals, eating slowly, chewing a lot, being mindful of meals and not multitasking/inhaling food) I'm hoping this will introduce me to the structure I will adhere to the rest of my post-surgery. Here are my burning questions for the vets out there who've had this surgery 2 years ago or more (that are past the honeymoon phase and have had some time under their belt in maintenance): 1. Did you ever find you were subject to weight gain, even if you followed the "rules/guidelines" (monitored Protein, water, 30 min in between h20/meals etc) 2. If you did steer off course for a bit of time and happened to gain weight---did the weight come off when you went back to the "old rules"? I guess what I'm asking here---is do/did you find weight loss just as difficult as when you were heavier? My personal nightmare is to go through this surgery, and gain it all back. I am not a fast food eater, I don't even eat big portions. I am a sugar addict and while I often go for days without eating sugar/sugar products (flour/pasta/rice etc), I will wind up in a state where I'm binging like crazy. (Still working on this--will be a lifetime battle) Thoughts/Pearls of Wisdom?

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