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Posts posted by James8525

  1. I got 2 really big ones after my gastric sleeve, I used every otc medication amd even prescribed medicines and still they would not shrink or go away. I saw a general surgeon and they cut one out and banded another. This is the worse surgery ever. I was on in bed rest for 2 weeks took multiple pain pills during the day and muscle relaxers for the spincter. It's like having a baby naturally with no pain medication for about 10 days.

  2. Today makes the third day on the liquid diet I only have 4 more days left. My surgery is Monday January 16th 2017! Yay I'm excited, anxious, nervous and a bag of mixed emotions tonight. I don't think I've ever felt more hungry my life especially as my mom was cooking dinner today homemade pot roast with potatoes and carrots and here I had to drink Clear Liquids popsicles, Protein shakes,

    & Water I'm not even sure that I'm getting the 800 recommended calories in a day I am keeping track of my Protein but I think I'm on the lower side of 500 calories that's why I've lost 4 pounds in 3 days I'm sure. I am a mixed emotions also because my best friend feels that he needs to share with people that he barely knows and is just meeting my story of what I'm having done on Monday, inviting them to come along with us just so that he doesn't have to pay $131 for three nights in a hotel room. I didn't invite you to come along I asked you to drop me off and pick me up. If you can't afford it don't go we've had our ups and downs but I just don't know how to talk to him about this it's hard right now.

    Sent from my SM-T537R4 using the BariatricPal App

  3. Howdy neighbor! *waves* I'm in WV as well, my surgery is next month at WVU Hospital. I'm also opting for the sleeve, I think it will suit me better. I can't speak to quitting smoking except to say good luck, they say it's tough but so worth it in the end. The clearances and tests you'll go through usually depend on what your insurance requires and what's the "norm" for your surgical program; mine is 6 months of nutrition class, cardio testing, pulmonary testing, psych eval, letter from my PCP, and endoscopy. One more class to go! :) I'm relatively new to this forum as well but I've found it a wonderful source of information and support, and I think you will too. You can edit your profile from the main webpage, that's how I do it, I don't think there's an option for that on the app. And "stickies" are forum posts that are permanently set at the top of the page so they're easier to find, usually FAQs or necessary information. Hope that helps, and welcome! :)

    How did your surgery turn out at WVU? Mine is Monday January 16th 2017 with Dr. Nova Szoka because Dr. Tabone left.

    Sent from my SM-T537R4 using the BariatricPal App

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