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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lenore1890

  1. Name................Current....Goal......Lost...Still to Lose BigBandFan..........296........270.......0......26 Epm316..............235........200.......0......35 (by 7/4) Hastings............253........228.......0......25 KarenG..............174........160.......0......14 (by 7/4) kathystrick.........318........288.......0......30 Leslie2Lose.........231........208.......2......23 (by 7/4) LessNLess...........149........140.......2.......9 Luu2008.............215........185.......0......30 (by 7/4) luvinke.............217........190.......2......25 Marissa's Mom.......388........358.......0......30 (by 7/4) MollyMolly..........204........188.......0......16 nancy52.............197........170.......0......27 Nettie..............193........170.......0......23 Newhope4me..........177........160.......0......17 NukeChik............238........222.......0......16 nurse7263...........244........150.......0......24 (by 7/4) renewedhope.........197........170.......0......27 Sunshine2...........179........160.......0......19 (by6/29) Tess415.............329........299.......0......30 TexasFire67.........170........145.......0......25 Wombat712...........135.8......120.......0......15.8 Lenore1890..........267.7......247.......0......20.7 Hope its not too late to join the challenge. :thumbup:
  2. lenore1890

    New Member

    I clicked on someone elses ticker. Then designed one of my own, made up a pass code and copy and pasted it into the "signature" section of my main page. Theres a thread somewhere with more technical directions and links and stuff. try searchign for "tickers" or "how to make a ticker" in the topic bar at the top right of your screen.
  3. lenore1890

    Massachusetts Bandsters Chat

    Actually Ive probably been playing around on this site for about a month now, but Im not banded yet so Im still a newbie. I have been going to the Comprehensive Weight Management Group at Mercy for the last month. Technically Ive talked to my health insurance company and I could be approved now based on my BMI, but I chose to take the slower route and work with professionals so I can do this right. This week I met with my nutritionist and my psychiatrist. Surprisingly the psychiatrist was much more helpful. I mean within our first 10minutes of my appointment he had already approved me for the surgery, the rest of the time he explained the diet. Not the what but the how and the why. He said that by explaining the how the diet works and the whys it helps you decide foods more carefully and how they are working to help your weight loss and the knowledge encourages better success. How cool is that. On my own Id probably fail. I attend my first support group meeting this next tues 5/6. Maybe Ill see some of you there? Some of you mentioned husbands and wives and kids. Me? Im getting married next May (2009). I have no kids but 4 cats. Sadly my cats arent very supportive, but they ARE snuggly. My fiance is thinking he might be doing the lapband thing after he sees how mine goes. Or he might just try to benefit from my changed eating habits, since I am the main chef of the household. He can cook hotdogs...and thats pretty much it unless it involves a grill. And since starting this process I figured Id probably be banded sometime late July early August, but it may belooking more like June/July, how exciting is that? My surgeon will be Dr. Kasper. My first appointment with him is on May 20th. I would defintiely be into meeting other bandsters fro mthe area, as well as those pre-band like me. Besides contacting me on here I can be reached via AIM as Lenore1890. I am in the Franklin/Hampshire County area, though I am in the Fitchburg area once a month. Best wishes.
  4. lenore1890

    New Member

    Welcome! How goes your journey? And your wife's?
  5. Hey there. I saw that you had posted on one of the message boards and I have to admit Im reaching out to you for two reasons. One your closer to my age than some of the others Ive seen on this site and two you look great! Id just love to hear about your experiences etc. My aim is Lenore1890 in case you want to chat. Thanks, Jacki.

  6. This is a common problem for everyone approaching their weight with surgery. This"quick fix" mentality of others has really got to end. Its not a "quick fix" by any means. Every diet plan out there says that you will average 2lbs a week lost if u follow it correctly and exercise. So there is no difference, with the band you will lose an average of 2lbs a week if you diet and exercise. Someone on this site said something I found to be profound "who cares if it's a 'quick fix' or a slow one, its a FIX." You are trying to get healthy. this is something that works, no matter what anyone says it WORKS. How could anyone who is a friend not see that it is in the best interest for your health? I dont think you would lose a true friend over this. If you do how true were they to begin with? You didn't disown your friend because she started drinking whaet grass shakes and eating granola she shouldnt disown you for your choices either. Kudos for you losing weight and doing what needs to be de for YOUR health and sanity. I personally dont tell the people who may doubt my decisions. I dont lie, but I adopt the military philosophy "dont ask, dont tell." if they ask I simply say. "yes weight loss surgerywas my choice and it is the best choice for me. I dont need to justify myself only I live in my body. therefore i get to decide what to do with/to it." ITS YOUR BODY ITS YOUR CHOICE. DO WHAT IS BEST FOR YOU, DONT LET ANYONE STOP OR THREATEN YOU!!! YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO AND EVEN MORE THAN THAT!
  7. lenore1890

    Still No Fill 9 Weeks Out !!!!!

    Four months without a fill is actually fairly normal. My doctor told me (im not banded yet) About 3 of the 10 patients he banded in the last two weeks of december who still havent had fill who are losing weight, and that they slowed their weight loss a little and one even stopped losing for about a month, but didnt gain so his ultimate decision was not to fill for at least a few more weeks and after checking progress. Be patient you dont want to lose weight too fast youll end up making yourself sick or crazy. Make the most of the time till your fill and remember to exercise. Thats my best advice for you. But yes 4 months till the first fill is pretty normal.
  8. lenore1890

    Hi! New in Arkansas

    Hi JenJen My appointment went well. It was scheduled for an hour but they stayed an half hour late to make sure all my questions were answered. They treated me like a person and not a patient. They explained the surgery to me in detail and the risks as well as the benefits. They didnt make up figures they handed me several info packets to peruse at my leisure and gave me a number to reach them if I have any questions about those. They are working with my scheule for all of my appoinments so I dont even have to take days off from work. They were surprised by how much info I already knew about both eating the right foods and amount as well as about the surgery itself. They were impressed that I was asking all the "right" questions and not "so um when will I be a size 2?" They showed my the lapband itself. and my reaction was "WOW thats so much smaller than it was in my head." haha. theyre trying to get ahold of the needle they use and some saline solution so other patients and I can see how it expands when it fills. They put alot of my fears to rest. I had mentioned some of the horror stories that Id read about on the site and they said of all te people theyve banded in the past year (about 300) only one had even mentioned having any issues everyone else was doing great. I even got to talk to a few of them. Their biggest complaint? That they PB (productive burp) if they dont stop eating when full or too fast. Although they dont abreviate it when they talk about it at the clinic so when i asked about if any of them PB-ed they had me clarify. haha. I was also told I needed to attend one support group meeting before and one after my surgery, but Ill probably just make it a habit so I can keep from annoying my friends with my WLS details etc. But all in all after my orientation I felt totally and completely certain tat this was the right decision for me. I even got my friend together over the weekend to let them know what was going on and they were all very supportive. How is your process progressing?
  9. lenore1890

    My weight loss is hurting my sister

    Im glad you started this thread too. And can I just add that its not just family and close friend who treat you differently. I gained 40 lbs over this past year and the way co-workers and complete strangers treat me like im always in their way and as if my weight is contagious is starting to wear on me I really cant wait till I start losing the weight (Ill probably be banded sometime in july or august). Ive even had kids in the supermarket point and tell me Im fat. Its embarassing and heartwrenching. I can even remember leaving the grocery store close to tears. People can be so mean. I mean yes Im willing to take responsibility for most of my weight but I didnt wake up and decide my goal was to reach 300lbs. I just cant wait to be treated like a human in my everyday world and not just in circles where others are in the same boat.
  10. lenore1890

    My weight loss is hurting my sister

    Well, I had my first appointment with the weight loss clinic Im working with today. They rock my socks. Im no longer worried about whether or not Ill get the support I need. Besides having a kick ass support group every other week the staff is awesome and extremely supportive. I mean my appointment was supposed to be like an hour long and they stayed an extra 30 min to make sure I had all my questions anwered and managed to book me all the appointments I needed within my schedule so I dont need to take time off from work. So if my family cant be behind me a group of complete strangers can! Wahoo! Im sure Ill hear similar stories from people in the support groups as well. Not to mention the uber nice people on this site!!! Like BrandyII. You guys are the best! Its so easy to lose sight of the reasons we do this stuff, and forget that what other people say doesnt matter because for once its all about us/me...well you get the idea. On this site and at the weight clinic I feel like a person and not a weight. I havent had that feeling in a long time. :crying: So if you cant get love from the ones you love get love from the ones youre with tehe. :thumbup:
  11. lenore1890

    My weight loss is hurting my sister

    Thanks BrandyII. I definitely feel better having vented and having my feelings validated and empathized. :thumbup: Let me knwo if I can ever return the favor
  12. lenore1890

    My weight loss is hurting my sister

    Yeah I totally see where youre coming from. Were competitive in a lot of ways. We only within the last two years were able to mend our relationship to the point of civil communication. I think Im most hurt because I thought shed be in my court on this one. At a recent family function one member of my family was talking about weight loss surgeries and my sister was totally for them...at Easter I found out she was only for them for complete strangers. Its just weird thats all I was hoping shed help me bridge the gap from the dark ages to technological advances with my parents but as it turns out...thats just nto going to be the case. Ive decided to not tell anyone in my family and see if they notice at all. Her response just stung and my friends dont get it...I mean they are totally supportive of me and the surgery they just dont get that my family is totally unresponsive and in denial about the weight issue and not being able to do anything medically without surgical intervention. *la sigh*
  13. lenore1890

    My weight loss is hurting my sister

    I suppose taking the high road would work if you were taking someones feelings into consideration. My sister has absolutely no problem telling me Im fat and that she worries about my health and it "saddens" her to see me letting myself become so obese and unhealthy. I know Im about to sound cold and callous here but let me just say that my family has MASTERED the art of manipulation. Ive went to my doctors a YEAR ago specifically to discuss weight options. Six different pills later and 3 months of weight watchers and Im up 40 POUNDS! Then to have her turn around and say Im letting this happen to me or Im causing it is infuriating! Shes not supportive of the band says to me that shes supportive of me becoming 800 pounds and living in a bed for the rest of my days. I cant win I tell you. Trying not to talk about it with her is like trying to alter the course of the heavens and all the stars. She brings it up. I feel like if I tell her anything Im actually doing concerning the band shell "Tattle on me and people will do the equivilent of sitting on my chest to keep me from getting it. It feels most days like they all WANT me to be fat. Maybe Im the only one feeling so outraged, but I mean seriously I can win. I DONT WANT TO BE FAT. I DID NOT CHOSE THIS FOR MYSELF. GIVE ME A BREAK PEOPLE!!! Oh thank god for therapists! lmao really guys Im not that insane I am just utterly frustrated on the subject of my family and weight loss. Sorry about the rant/vent.:thumbup:
  14. lenore1890

    My weight loss is hurting my sister

    I hear you guys! I recently decided to begin the lapband procedure. I have a long road ahead of me, with a minimum of 3 months worth of classes and dr. apts required by my insurance. I opened up to my sister at Easter, pulle her aside because I knew that my family had issues with the surgery for weight loss thing. She 180 me. She started telling me I could get a handle on my weight with exercise. It totally depressed me that she didnt see that I had been doing just that for the last year with absolutely no positive results. She blamed a lack of commitment. Had my fiance been in the room he would have set her straight, but I had been so sure my sister would be in my court that I didnt tell him where wed disappeared to. To frustrate matters more, his initial reaction to surgery had been a selfish one. He was convinced Id leave him once I reached my desired weight goal. It took my exolaining that the reason I wanted to do this in the first place was to increase my health and life span to make every minute with him count. It wasnt until he attended a meeting on the procedure that he finally got in my court. Ive decided that Im not telling any of my family and only a select few friends. I shouldnt have to explain the decisions about my health and well being to anyone. And theres no need to push people away because your getting healthier and they arent. My advice dont tell them. Or stop talking about it and find people who are supportive to talk to, join a support group. In time they may come around. In my situation, I back tracked I told my sister Id only been thinking about the surgery and that I probably wouldnt go through with it anyway. After Ive had the surgery and theres no going back I may approach the subject with her again. But shes been perfect for her whole life and she gained about 40lbs after a breakup and she has no idea what its like to gain 30-40lbs in a year despite taking perscription pills and working out for 2 hrs a day. Some people just want you to be picture perfect and they just dont care how you do it. They really just dont want to know. Thank god for this site!
  15. How is being banded going for you? I know at Mercy they talked about the Opti fast program...god I could never do that, I like FLAVOR to my food haha. I havent gotten banded yet I probably have a minimum of 3 months worth of pre recs to complete first.

  16. Thanks for the support. Please feel free to let me know if u need anyone for support or just to gripe about how hungry u are. Im a pretty good sounding board. :) Out of curiosity who was your surgeon?

  17. Hey everyone! I have to confess to shadowing on the site for the last few days since joining. Just trying to read and get a feel for the whole band thing. I have not been banded...yet...Tomorrow I am attending an orientation at a local hospital that has a 3 month plan, supported by my insurance that educates, councils and prepares people for either gastric or lap band surgery. I have spent the last year working with my doctor and listening to his every suggestion only to have gained weight. I am now topping the scales...for me...at 265. I have never in my life weighed this much. Im nervous and excited. But mostly excited that there are some people that might actually be able to help me. Anyone else from MA who want to share their stories with me I am totally excited and more than willing to listen and cheer on! :thumbup: Im hoping to be banded by the end of july beginning of august.
  18. lenore1890

    Newbie from MA

    thanks jaylow nice to meet someone in the same boat. i wish u the best as well. low carb, man i gotta say im dreading the low carb thing i love pasta. roses I know what u mean about feeling like u should be losing more. I havent been banded yet but Ive tried other diets before that promise fast results and yet id crawl along. but u should totally be proud of your 30lbs. thats awesome!
  19. lenore1890

    Newbie from MA

    Oh yeah Sue what do you o for your exercise?
  20. lenore1890

    Newbie from MA

    Thanks Sue and might I say 114! How awesome is that. In a year? I mean even now WITH exercise I couldnt hope to get near that! Trust me Ive tried! Im a big fan of Turbo Jam but I recently gained 15 MORE pounds (Im planning my wedding can you say stress!) and Im finding moving to be so difficult, never mind those forward push kick combos. As for gall stones. I went into the doctor at one point with side pain...and he thought they were gall stones, which is the only reason he was considering the surgery for me in the first place, but he made me want to try a trillion other things first. Weve since discovered or I should say he decided that the pain isnt gall stones and Ive decided to look for weight loss help without him haha. I hear that waiting for surgery thing till you can totally chill and take it easy. Please keep me posted on it. Maybe Ill even mail you a card Im in the Western MA area. the weight clinic Im going through is at Mercy medical.:thumbup:
  21. lenore1890

    Ideal Weight

    Tell me about it my doctor and weight watcher have both told me I should weigh between 98 and 105...because Im only 4'11". I think my boobs weigh that much now! LMAO
  22. lenore1890

    Hi! New in Arkansas

    Hi JenJen, I too got fed up with my PCP. Hes done a sleep study, several blood tests and recommended weight watchers. Still I have not lost weight. Hes had me on thyroid medicine...though my thyroid is perfect, a diaretic, acid reflux medicine, and a pre diabetic diagnosis X medicine all of which have had absolutely no effect. So a woman at my work turned me on to a weight loss clinic at a nearby hospital that fast tracks you to surgery. I go to my orientation on Tues. I feel like Im finally moving forward. Especially since Ive asked my PCP about the surgery only about a hundred times and he always said: " Oh well lets try this and if it doesnt work then well look into surgery..." then when it didnt work hed say it again. Talk about frustrating! Seems liek the only way we girls can get what we want is to do it ourselves right? Glad to hear things are working out for you!

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