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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lenore1890

  1. Hey there. My inscisions are sore, sometimes even sting, doctor says its nerve endings regrowing. I have an appointment on Thursday Im hoping the doctor says I can work out again...walking isnt cutting it. How are you? I also started mushies early and am onto regular food, I dont think theres anything I cant eat which I find a bit scary but I also cnt eat as much as before but still more than I would hope. Im definitely looking forward to my first fill.

  2. OMG Debbie I would be PISSED! As it is I ended up gettign banded a day late (so yesterday) On the day of my surgery I got a call at 6:30 asking me where I was...my scheduled check in time was 9:30 so I was totally confused. THEY CHANGED THE SCHEDULE BUT NEVER TOLD ME!!! So my surgery was supposed to be at 7:30AM. GRR. So I booked down there and they cancelled me. I ran home grabbed my paperwork and went to the surgeons office where I demanded to speak to the office manager and that I wasnt leaving until I had a new appointment within the next 24hours. I took the week off from work, the fuck up was theirs not mine so I wasnt going to let them reschedule me for 2 months later we were DOING THIS TODAY OR TOMORROW! Amazing what someone will do when you confront them on their screw up in person. I was sceduled for surgery for yesterday at 11:45. So today I am home, sore but happy. I glad I demanded and didnt back down. I hope things work out for you. Just dont let them move your date again. Seriously put your foot down, but whatever you do dont mention lawyers, they shut down and your surgery will be put off indefinitely. (My mom works in a doctors office she gave me pointers on how to work them) I am sorry to hearabout your delay, truly I am, but just wait and see how rewarding it is when its all done. Youll be sore and tired but Ive never felt more brave or satisfied with a decision Ive made in my entire life. Best of luck Debbie, please know you can always drop me a line to bitch or get some moral support. Youre almost there.
  3. OMG! I did the same thing. My fiancetook me out for a super romantic dinner the night before and I ate the yummiest food and drank a bottle of wine. But now Im on my pre op diet and not hungry but craving food. Stupid head! Get with the program! *sigh* Its hard to retrain the brain. How are you holding up pre op?

  4. Hey there. Sorry its been awhile since I hopped on the computer. Trying to get my house etc straightened out so I wont have to worry about it after surgery. Im on my pre op liver shrinking diet now. Just shakes up to 6 a day, but Im only drinking about four of them and i switch one out for chicken broth, not sure if Im supposed to do that or not but I needed to feel like I was eating a meal. But Ive already lost like 5 pounds in 2 days so I guess Im doing alright. Has your port pain reduced at all?

  5. Hey there everyone. How's it going? Im pre op dieting. God I miss food. Im not sure if Im supposed to but Ive been replacing one of my shakes with some chicken broth just so I feel like Im having dinner. How are the banded doing? I bet sore. But Im definitely excited for you! Keep us posted.
  6. Love your vlog...havent gotten through all of them yet but I DID check out the video on pizza on your page...yum. Your surgery is getting close...are you on the liquid-liver-shrinking diet yet?

  7. Hi there. Welcome to lapbandtalk. Im one of your band-sisters...we're scheduled for surgery on the same day. So are you getting excited? Nervous? Hungry? hehe. Drop me a line sometime either through message or PM. Id like to get to know you better.

  8. Hey there Slimmommyslim...no way in hell Im calling you fat unless is with a ph...your not here to be acknowledged for that. ;) We have the same band date...so Im trying to get to know you and some of our "sisters" a bit better. Please drop me a message or a PM sometime. Id love to hear from you.

  9. Hi there Tami! Im just trying to get to know some of my band sisters a bit better. Were scheduled for surgery on the same day. Are you excited or what?

  10. Hi there Sistergrl. Just wanted to get to know some of my bandtwins (though at this point I think were quints) a little better. Drop me a PM or a msg. Let me know a little more about you. :)

  11. Hey there fellow samurai. I had to befriend you...you're banner is just too awesome. :)

  12. Hey there samurai...were getting banded on the same day! How goes your journey?

  13. lenore1890

    Urban Myth or Truth???

    i had to attend a nutrition class before i could get approved for surgery. after completeing the class they gave me the card. It says: "Comprehensive Weight Loss Management (thats the name of the program Im getting surgery through) 'This person is a patient of the Comprehensive Weight Management Program who has had bariatric surgery. The surgery reduces the size of the stomachto a half cup capacity. Please allow this person to order from the appetizer, children's or senior menu, in that small sizes are critical to care. Thank you.'" Now my fiance and I usually go to the same few restaurants and the people there know us pretty well so I havent had to use it yet. But the seniors menu is pretty decent and usually has healthy options. If your surgeon didnt give you one after surgery ask them for one when you go in for a fill or make one for yourself, the card I have is just a business card. I laminated it to make it look a little more official.
  14. haha thanks fro the compliment but i just used premade tickers. and plugged in my numbers. easy breezy mac and cheesy.
  15. lenore1890

    Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet

    Hi Im actually in the middle of the master cleanse right now. I am pre surgery though. You not only drink the lemonade but you drink a laxative tea at night and do a saline flush in the morning. Im doing it to cleanse my liver before surgery. The liver and kidneys process toxins in the body and when its overloaded with chemicals and antibiotices from your food it stores it in your fat so as you lose fat you release the toxins back into your body. Im hoping to eliminate the toxins BEFORE losing the weight. so my body liver and kidneys can focus on getting the fat out haha. but mostly because its good for your skin and other organs in the body. Im not hungry but I crave foods...talk about the epitome of weight gain. Eating not because your hungry but siply because you WANT something. haha. Im learning alot about myself. As for after surgery my only concern might be dehydration during the flush. Otherwise I dont see why you COULDNT do it.Hope this helped.
  16. its so great that there are so many of us samauri out there. i feel like i have so many new sisters and brothers. :cursing: im getting so excited! im sure my nerves will set in but right now im too excited to be nervous.thanks gg for updating the list and in such a nice table. You rock!
  17. hye u gotta have something that inspires and motivates you. if its a banner thats cool. but even if that wasnt the intent the time u spent on ur banner shows the pride in ur decision which is definitely admirable. i only wish i had a similar talent.
  18. Wow! Kristylynn thats some banner! Nice!
  19. Lets try this again NAME....................DATE....................GOAL(# lbs to lose) gg2007.......................9/1 a2bachik.....................9/2 ~patty~b...................9/2....................135 health4life...................9/2....................129 Christina......................9/3....................164 Denvergirl....................9/3....................70 Noosgirl.......................9/3 Bubblyblonde................9/3 Ginarf..........................9/3....................68 Kiz..............................9/4....................85 Bluezbandit..................9/4....................114 Annarach....................9/4 Jetblue61215................9/4 Angelwhispers...............9/4...................105 Regang30....................9/4....................108 Roland130....................9/5 Flirtylass......................9/5 Janice818....................9/5 Keleka.........................9/8....................105 Aprilapple....................9/9 Debduck......................9/9....................87 Florn...........................9/10 Slabenne.....................9/11 Paisleydaisy..................9/11 Mommie of 4.................9/15....................84.5 Tamihott......................9/15 Hopelives124.................9/16 Fatmommyslim...............9/17 Lilysmommy...................9/17....................122 Lenore1890...................9/17....................150 Brockbabe82..................9/18 Debbieperez55................9/19....................102 Mdargen........................9/24 Littlesweet....................9/24 Hawki14........................9/25 Msv529.........................9/29 Cthomas........................9/30 ok its still messy but maybe more readable. haha
  20. Hey guys I took it upon myself to update the list. Sorry if I stepped on anyones toes here. I also took the goals from people's tickers. If I missed you Im sorry. Also tally I couldnt find your date. feel free to add yourself NAME DATE GOAL(# lbs to lose) gg2007 9/1 a2bachik 9/2 ~patty~b 9/2 135 health4life 9/2 129 Christina 9/3 164 Denvergirl 9/3 70 Noosgirl 9/3 Bubblyblonde 9/3 Ginarf 9/3 68 Kiz 9/4 85 Bluezbandit 9/4 114 Annarach 9/4 Jetblue61215 9/4 Angelwhispers 9/4 105 Regang30 9/4 108 Roland130 9/5 Flirtylass 9/5 Janice818 9/5 Keleka 9/8 105 Aprilapple 9/9 Debduck 9/9 87 Florn 9/10 Slabenne 9/11 Paisleydaisy 9/11 Mommie of 4 9/15 84.5 Tamihott 9/15 Hopelives124 9/16 Fatmommyslim 9/17 Lilysmommy 9/17 122 Lenore1890 9/17 150 Brockbabe82 9/18 Debbieperez55 9/19 102 Mdargen 9/24 Littlesweet 9/24 Hawki14 9/25 Msv529 9/29 Cthomas 9/30 sorry its so mess this is hard to line up haha.
  21. Awesome goals, and even better gifts to self! Indiana to Ohio? No good doctors in Indiana? Or health insurance complications? So would you be coming ove r to the U.S.??? Where??? I think a cruise would be awesome. Sign me up. I havent been on a real vacation in forever...unless you count camping in the next state over where I can wear baggy clothes and hide out around the fire. Id love to show off my new shape someplace warm with others who have been on the same journey. The second is coming up...you must be so psyched! Have you started your liquid diet yet?
  22. Thanks! I shouldve guessed it was so easy. (the banner thing that is) Im totally excited about my band day. Its going to be my second birthday from here on out! Except other people wont buy me presents ill buy them for myself and theyll have to be new clothes to fit my new figure :biggrin: Of course i dont celebrate for a year, but this year my present IS the surgery) haha Im so lame I know. but hey this is something hard thats going to change my life. so what are people's goals??? mine is to lose 150 and to look smokin hott in my wedding dress this may of course health and longevity also where is every one at? im in massachusetts. I mean hey if were all in the same boat that leaves port in the same month we should get to know each other so we can be the best supportive team we can be.
  23. I got a call this morning and Im APPROVED!!! Surgery date: 9/17!!! HORRAH!:Banane37: How do I get the September Samauri banner???
  24. lenore1890

    Walk Away The Pounds

    i have the 1,2,3, and 4 ive never done the 1mile...but i do love them i just wish that she would stop TALKING! id rather hear the music...and i think her laugh is annoying...but i try to block it out haha.
  25. lenore1890

    The ACTI-TRAINER (like bodybugg)

    hi everyone what kind of results are you guys who have the acti-trainer having? how many pounds have you lost since starting to use it?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
