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Little Green

Gastric Bypass Patients
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  1. Like
    Little Green reacted to DropWt4Life in Vegan Protein Shakes   
    I was vegetarian for 3 years, and always made my own Protein Shakes with Orgain Organic Protein Powder.
    2 scoops of Orgain chocolate Protein powder (150 cals, 21g protein, 5g Fiber, 5g net carbs)
    1Tbsp of PBFit Peanut Butter Powder (25 cals, 3g protein, 2g fiber, 2g net carbs)
    2Tbsp Hemp Seeds (114 cals, 7g protein, 2g fiber, 0g net carbs)
    1Tbsp ground Flax Seeds (37 cals, 1g protein, 2g fiber, 0g net carbs)
    2 cups of Unsweetened Almond Milk (60 cals, 2g protein, 0g fiber, 2g net carbs)
    1 medium frozen banana (105 cals, 1g protein, 3g fiber, 24g net carbs)
    1 cup frozen spinach (45 cals, 6g protein, 4g fiber, 2g net carbs)
    Ice and Water to desired consistency
    Macros: (536 cals, 41g protein, 18g fiber, 35g net carbs)
    This makes approximately 32-40 ounces depending on amount of ice and water added, so if you broke this up to 2 shakes, 268 cals, 20.5g protein, 9g fiber, 17.5g net carbs.
  2. Like
    Little Green got a reaction from shsa_rod in Got my date!!! Yay!!   
    We might be twins! I'm aiming for the 5th-7th of Feb.
  3. Like
    Little Green reacted to Apple1 in Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis   
    Full disclosure I look at a lot of graphs and data sets in my line of work. My major was Entomology with a minor in Wildlife Conservation. My research is on Asian longhorn beetles, and biological control of invasive wood boring beetles.
    Don't feel bad, Graphs can be a pain to decipher especially without the accompanying text.
  4. Like
    Little Green reacted to summerset in Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis   
    Maybe this low carb approach really doesn't work in the long run? Of course it's always easier to blame the patient instead of the diet.
  5. Like
    Little Green reacted to Newme17 in Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis   
    Interesting article from a journalist though....so I'd like to see some scientific resources with it (he doesn't list any---makes me have to be cautious about believing these types of articles). I do know that there is 3% of Americans who are actually Protein deficient (there are sources listed in Proteinaholic and nutritionfacts.org). The lady he writes about could be that 3%...also she was raw vegan (I don't know too much about it). Also, I eat eggs and cheese still and have the occasional Protein Shake. I'm not lethargic, pale, or anything either. Hubby says he's amazed at the level of energy I have and I don't complain. LOL So, I still stick to "it takes care of itself" for what I'm doing. Thanks though!!
  6. Like
    Little Green reacted to Apple1 in Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis   
    But the whole grains and starchy veggies like sweet potatoes and white potatoes are what gives us the feeling of fullness. They are nutritious in their own right and they add the calories we need. Combining ingredients with calorie dense grains and less dense veggies is just exactly what we should be doing. It is a win win combination. Another good combo is a few nuts on a salad or slices of avacado.
  7. Like
    Little Green reacted to Apple1 in Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis   
    Yes they are. I will keep drinking mine every morning nevertheless. I don't feel as if this hurts my over all health as my diet is so vastly improved over what it used to be. WFPB doesn't have to be an all or nothing proposition. Anything you can do to improve your diet and limit animal products and processed foods is a step in the right direction.
  8. Like
    Little Green reacted to Apple1 in Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis   
    Preach sister
    I am doing great eating 40-50g and I have even started logging only a couple days a week now just to spot check. Eating this way there is really no need to stress about calories or macros anymore.
  9. Like
    Little Green reacted to Apple1 in Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis   
    How about by just eating whole unprocessed foods for 80-90% of your diet? That would be a good place to start.
  10. Like
    Little Green reacted to TheMrsV in Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis   
    I am currently reading the book and have started making the change to vegetarian/vegan lifestyle. I love the book! Since my sleeve surgery I haven't been able to really tolerate much Protein and would get most of my daily amount from shakes. I have been so confused on what I should eat even after almost 3 years. So I was excited to know that I there is an alternatives and that it's ok to not have so much protein especially since it doesn't set well with tummy . I have had on going digestive issues and feel the main cause is dairy. I have cut out dairy and most meat protein for the last week and a half. I am proud to report that for the first time in months I have had almost no issues with digestion. WOW! So happy there are like minded bariatric people to share with.
  11. Like
    Little Green reacted to fruitandveggies in Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis   
    You guys are making this jaded old vegan very happy! <3 <3
  12. Like
    Little Green reacted to Apple1 in Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis   
    dinner at my house tonight.

  13. Like
    Little Green reacted to CattMyst in Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis   
    If you can handle the attitude, Thug Kitchen rocks!!!!


  14. Like
    Little Green reacted to CattMyst in Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis   
    Hi Guys!!
    I'm officially 10 days post on, and doing SUPER on WFPB!!! Now, I'm still on liquids until the 24th, but have been making my own veggie juices and LURVE them!!!

    On a side note, in immediate post on, my surgeon told us that I had NO VISCERAL FAT on my organs!! Completely unheard of for a 300lb person!! I know that this is because of my diet. This alone makes me super happy!! And I wish that same health and happiness for ALL!!!

    HW 355
    SW 315
    CW 301


  15. Like
    Little Green reacted to fruitandveggies in Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis   
    Let me just say having been vegan for over a decade--I'm still glad I got WLS! It's so incredibly easy to get vegan junk food and to just eat way too much, healthy or not. I credit being vegan with having no health problems and looking younger than my peers, but I think the combo of both WFPB and WLS is the best for people who have serious eating/obesity issues. It would eventually catch up with me.
    Also, I love that you're sharing all the Nutrition Facts vids on here! Are you totally obsessed with Dr. Gregor now like I am?? I mention his name at least once a day!
  16. Like
    Little Green reacted to 2ndSpring in Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis   
    @Newme17thanks for the recommendation!!! I bought the book and am nearly finished. It has totally changed my perspective.
    As I mentioned earlier, I've been a pescatarian most of my adult life so I'm already a big believer in plant power for good health. I have to admit though, that I had really been sucked into the WLS mantra of high Protein if you want to lose. I was eating a lot of eggs and cheese (which is not very heart healthy), ordering a protein in restaurants when I really wanted salad and eating Protein Bars or shakes on days when my protein grams were too low.
    Dr. Davis actually reviewed and debunked some of the studies that I had based my decisions on. Even limiting my research to published studies, there is no way that a layperson can know who is in Big Agro's pocket or who had faulty statistical models. I'm so glad to have read a book that goes through each study the way he did.
    This week has been so liberating - not worrying about protein content and putting starches back on the menu. I had oatmeal for the first time since before surgery!
    Ugh, but now I feel really bad about giving out advice on this site that was misguided.

  17. Like
    Little Green reacted to fruitandveggies in Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis   
    First of all, thank you for this thread! I am so happy to see people changing/basing their diets on science-based nutrition.
    You all might enjoy the work of Dr. Michael Greger. He is THE BEST in the field of nutrition and has done thousands of free videos based on the latest research. The best part is, he doesn't just cherry-pick one study to back up claims (like many do), he reads ALL the literature on a topic and presents it in each video. He's also very aware of how the source of funding can change the outcome of studies, based on what the company/group wants to achieve. Check him out: https://nutritionfacts.org/
    Also, his book How Not to Die is EXCELLENT!
    (Sorry for all the caps, but he really is the best!)
  18. Like
    Little Green reacted to fruitandveggies in Opinions to stop losing weight   
    This kills me. In 2006 I lost 115 pounds and people told me I was too skinny. I was a size 14, 144 pounds at 5'5. I let it get to my head and gained all my weight back and then some.
    This time, my doctors are doing it. ALL of them. They are telling me my goal weight is crazy, that at the least I could be in the 150s. I have no idea why they are discouraging me and telling me things that are obviously against basic standards set by their own medical community (BMI). I've got a very small frame (wedding ring is a size 4) and I know what I look like at 150. Like I said, I was still a size 14. This pisses me off so much I don't even want to go to any appointments anymore. When someone says this kind of thing to me I want to become a teenager again and scream LEAVE ME THE EFF ALONE!!
    So yeah...feel you!
  19. Sad
    Little Green reacted to Healthy_life2 in Opinions to stop losing weight   
    It's an adjustment for them. I understand that its bothers you to hear "don't lose more weight" It may be out of concern or it may be a compliment. Reassure them you are healthy. It will pass with time once you are maintaining.
    It's hard enough for us to wrap our heads around the weight loss. Some of the comments kind of mess with your head a bit.
    I went to a check up at my surgeon's office. The nurse comment "if you gained 10 more I would look less skeletal"
    I was at goal 140 and a healthy BMI.

  20. Like
    Little Green reacted to James Marusek in Opinions to stop losing weight   
    I received a few comments like that. As I lost weight I replaced most of my clothes. But I didn't replace my jackets and coats. Well the weight I lost was not only around my waist but also my shoulders became smaller. So when people looked at me they saw the disney character Dopey, because the sleeves went way below my fingertips. Anyways I replaced my coats and jackets and the comments disappeared.
  21. Like
    Little Green reacted to JohnnyCakes in Bypass , sleeve, lapband?   
    let's stop dealing in generalities and put some numbers to this, backed by research.
    25% of RNY patients will ever experience dumping syndrome. and of those 25%, most actually LIKE the symptom because it helps them avoid bad food.
    whereas 40% of sleeve patients will develop mild to severe GERD that they did not have before surgery. of those, 0% enjoy this symptom and leads to this message board being flooded with posts of sleevers going back to revise to RNY.
  22. Like
    Little Green reacted to JohnnyCakes in Bypass , sleeve, lapband?   
    you have two very different options here...
    1 - you get the lap-band. it fails. you go get a revision surgery to the sleeve. it fails. you go back for a third surgery to go to the RNY bypass, which works excellently for the rest of your life.
    2 - you get the RNY bypass, which works excellently for the rest of your life.
  23. Like
    Little Green got a reaction from NatureLover888 in Sitting in the Hospital, Feeling Amazing!   
    Congratulations!!! Woohoo!
  24. Like
    Little Green got a reaction from NatureLover888 in Sitting in the Hospital, Feeling Amazing!   
    Congratulations!!! Woohoo!
  25. Like
    Little Green got a reaction from Apple1 in HEALTHY Vegan/Vegetarian Recipe Swap and Pics!   
    @Newme17, girl you are the bomb dot com. You too, @Apple1. I've been reading through this thread for several days (lots of the "somebody liked a post..." notifications you've been getting are from me! LOL) and I'm finally to the end! I'm so thrilled to find some other bariatric patients eating plant-based. Thank you for sharing your recipes and your passion/knowledge!!! Love it!
    I'm reading Proteinaholic now based on your recommendation (as well as reading through that thread so be prepared for more notifications! ).
    I haven't searched through the entire forum yet but if y'all haven't read How Not to Die by Dr. Michael Greger, you gotta get on it STAT. It is so thorough, so well-researched and well-cited, and so compelling. It has changed me and my husband to be plant-based and my therapist has ordered it as well. You can also check out his videos on YouTube (NutritionFacts.org) if you can't get the book just yet. (But the book is still the best!)
    I'm about six weeks pre-op at this point and planning to eat fully plant-based between now and my liquid diet. Due to the restriction in food volume intake I know I will almost certainly have to supplement with dairy products to hit at least 50g Protein, but I plan to make as much of my protein plant-based as possible. Definitely going to be a lot of pureed Beans and bean chilis until I can eat more!

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