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Little Green

Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Little Green

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    Bariatric Guru
  • Birthday September 6

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  1. Struggling at the moment, the last few days have been pretty bad. Feeling frustrated and angry. Have made some crappy eating choices since Monday and having an awful flareup of knee pain that is affecting my walking. Trying to stay positive and not let some bad choices affect my overall path.

    1. krandall


      hello its ok keep trucking this too shall past we fall down dust yourself off and try again

    2. MowryRocks


      Hang in there, the goal is not to be perfect, but close to perfect. The less time you spend hung up on bad decisions you may have made, the quicker you move on to better ones.

    3. pfisher



      Isn't is something how we can let some poor choices dictate so much sometimes? I've spent countless hours beating myself up over having a brownie instead of fruit. Which led to thinking that eating healthy wasn't something I could do, so why bother? And that's how I ended up being so miserable at my highest weight.

      As I journey toward sleeve surgery, I'm working hard on not beating myself up when I fall. I decide that the next diet choice or exercise moment will be a healthy one. Then I follow through. And my husband keeps me accountable. Knowing he will ask how I worked off that brownie keeps me honest.

      Keep making healthy decisions, forgive yourself when you slip, and don't look back. Keep moving toward the goals you've set for yourself.

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