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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by yesigold

  1. yesigold

    Looking for support group

    Oak Brook sounds good to me too. I'm gonna put it in the calendar. thanks!
  2. yesigold

    Support Group in Bolingbrook

    I'm in! I agree, support is so important, and crucial to our individual success. So, lets get it together!! Make a date, and I'll be there.
  3. Hi everybody, well I had my surgery in October, and I'm lingering around a 30 lbs loss. I can't get passed it. I just weighed myself this morning, and I think I have lost like one pound in the last two weeks. I am happy that I got the surgery, but I get a little discouraged when I don't see the scale change. Going into the surgery, I thought that afterwards, I was going to be like this lap band poster child, I was going to do everything right, but it has been quite the contrary. Anyway, I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I just joined, and I am looking forward to meeting and reading everyones stories.
  4. yesigold

    Greetings from Chi City

    Hello, I think I've had 3 fills, and I'm going back in a couple weeks for the next one. I feel restriction sometimes. I guess it just takes time to get used too.

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