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Everything posted by nandy

  1. I have been on here about a week or so and made some posts and everyone has been wonderful made me feel supported and extremely helpful But I would like to find a friend that is willing to chat with me , support each other when needed cause I swear if I had a friend yesterday maybe I wouldn't have let my emotions get the best of me. But today is a new day and I understand that everyday can't be perfect .. you have to pick yourself up and try again .. so here I am !! I want this year to be different I am head strong and I can accomplish what I want , but I do need someone to keep my focused now and again. Cause it's not easy to say no to a easy way of making yourself feel better And I'm willing to do the same .. I will tell you a little about myself I am barely starting out I'm going through the kaiser Fremont I have been to one class the weightloss surgery overview.. I am scheduled for the co-Bariatric orientation class on the 12th of this month. I am married 13 years today 2 girls and live in Modesto .. I am geeky, outgoing at times and antisocial others.. I am a emotional eater.. I'm hoping someone will read this and wanna be my friend. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  2. So I have my 3 hour appointment with the surgeon, dietitian and the coordinator .. I have to travel about 1hr 1/2 to about 2 hours to go to my appointments .. so I have been staying with family .. and we are a family that social eats .. laugh have a blast.. and my last appointment was last week so i have 1week to lose something and my family also loves to sabotage me .. I do understand I don't have to eat it but is it worth the mental guilt and fighting that comes with it . And everyone I talk to especially family is why are you doing it .. your healthy and you hold your weight great and even the lady at the orientation looked at me and check me out and said how much do you weigh .. I told her she was like ok your BMI and the looks at my butt and was like oh that's where your weight is.. I'm worried that I'm going to gain and they will think I'm not ready for all this when I have been waiting all my life .. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  3. I barely started my journey and have only completed the first class at kaiser and scheduled the 12th of Jan for my surgery overview class.. I am getting a little discouraged and anxious at the same time and I can't lose any weight cause it could disqualify me for the surgery cause I don't have any other issues like high cholesterol ( but I just started a medication that raises my cholesterol) high blood pressure , diabetes ect .. but my family on both side have everything and a ton more . So I'm sitting here spinning my wheels can't to anything .. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  4. nandy

    Looking for a friend

    Thank you I will message you Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  5. nandy

    Looking for a friend

    I don't have anything wrong with me to qualify me for the surgery beside being extremely overweight Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  6. nandy

    Looking for a friend

    I get migraines on the regular also ever since I was a little girl Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  7. nandy

    Looking for a friend

    My husband is doesn't understand why I want to do it .. cause I have always been this way .. but he doesn't understand the struggle I go through just to maintain my weight . Losing weight is always been extremely hard for me Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  8. This is all new to me I have done all the research completed the first class . Weight loss surgery overview at the Manteca kaiser two days ago and I got a call back for my second class in Fremont surgery overview. My question is if anyone has gone through the process recently how long does it take to get approved for surgery ? Is there classes? I heard all facilities do things differently and I looked everywhere and there is nothing recent or remotely answers my question. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  9. I wanted to make a little post , to say thank you to all your guys support and replies I have never met a group of people that are so warm and actually responds to posts.. I'm barely starting my journey and seriously you guys rock !!! You calm my nerves and make it not so bad knowing I have a long ways to go.. cause of all the encouragement and tips !! I wish everyone a Happy New Year and keep being awesome!! Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  10. What a kick ass idea!!!! You seriously rock !!!!! Much easier than going through kp.org and tracking down someone that can tell me what i needed.. this way I can weigh in after my class and start my process.. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  11. Wow that's is still fast thank yo sooo so very much for taking the time to post this. It helps me a lot knowing the different timelines .. my concern is that they didn't weigh me at orientation the last time they weighed me was when I made the request for the referral from my primary.. at that time I was at 40.1 BMI it's been a month and I gained 10lbs and cause I worried about not qualifying.. I stopped dieting !! Now I'm at 41 BMI. I don't have any other medical issues .. the kicker for me I'm on a heavy duty antidepressant which one of the side effects is weight gain.. I would love to go back to dieting making health decisions cause I feel awful my clothes are tight which in turn makes my social anxiety worse.. I just feel better when I get right. I seriously wish I could call the dietician or email her and ask her if I can start losing weight now without it affecting their decision .. Side note I am going to lose what I have gained before I go back cause I can't sit here and make my situation worse. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  12. nandy

    When will they weigh you?

    I'm wondering when they will weigh you ? So you can start losing towards you goal surgery weight ? ( I am right at the cut off not to qualify, no other issues) Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  13. nandy

    Kaiser Fremont- Dr. Hahn

    @ audiciousmarie Did you do the psych evaluation yet ? If so I would love to hear some of the questions they asked you? Besides my weight the psych eval. Is the two things I'm worried about. I have a history of depression and anxiety. I would like to be prepared for any kinda question they throw at me.. I tend to get very nervous and on my new medication which I started about week and half ago i can't focus.. or I stumble to find the right words .. and I end up saying something totally different than I meant . Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  14. nandy

    Kaiser Fremont- Dr. Hahn

    Hi @@Phoenix40! So last Thursday I went for my Nutrition/Surgeon/Coordinator appointment. I'll describe each appointment below: First you are weighed in and your height is taken Nutrition: The nutritionist is a very nice lady and she will ask you about what type of diet you have been on (I started following the 1200 calorie diet after orientation). You will have to describe what you usually eat for Breakfast, lunch, dinner, Snacks,etc. She also talks about Vitamins and what type you will need post op (this will depend on if you get the sleeve or bypass) and what to expect as far as diet goes in the first weeks after surgery (i.e. liquids, soft foods, etc) She also informed me about the different types of Protein drinks and answered any questions I had. Surgeon: Dr. Hahn was very patient. He went over my BMI, co morbidities, medications, etc to ensure that I would be a good candidate for surgery. He said it would be my choice whether to go for sleeve or bypass as I would be great candidate for either (I don't have acid reflux). We talked about the differences between sleeve and bypass (right off the bat he discouraged from the lap band so we were in agreement about that). He reiterated that regain was possible with either surgery and so is dumping (so it really comes down to the patient being willing to put in the work to not only lose the weight but keep it off). He went into detail about possible complications withe each procedure (ulcers, reactive hypoglycemia, reflux, etc). He then set a weight loss goal for me. Normally they ask the patients to lose 10% of their body weight but Dr. Hahn only requires a 7-8%, of total body weight, loss. For me 7-8% was 19 pounds (I had already lost 9 pounds since orientation and he credited me so I needed to lose 10 pounds to get a surgery date and 5 pounds to get a psych appointment). The only other requirements Dr. Hahn set out for me, besides weight loss, is attending at least one support group, and an EKG (I already finished my bloodwork). Coordinator: She was very pleasant. She informed of what my next steps to surgery are (support group, psych appointment, etc) and that to be sure I call monthly to update them on my weight and progress. Before the psych appointment each patient must fill out a surgery quiz (located in Chapter 9 of the Bariatric binder) and send it in before the appointment. Overrall it was an interesting yet quick appointment. I was told to expect to be there for 3 hours but for me it was more like 2 hours. Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App I am also going through kaiser Fremont the haven't weighed me yet .. Did they weigh you at the surgery orientation? I would love to start dieting again I feel awful not doing anything .. but I'm scared if I drop down below the 40 BMI it will disqualify me for the surgery Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  15. @ kaylamh My insurance covers all but $100 bucks .. I'm lucky ( if I'm approved). So I have no need to look anywhere else if they don't approve me I will just give up .. I don't have funding to go anywhere else . I'm not knocking either of those options I would be over the moon for either of them. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  16. @@Kaylamh at kaiser they only offer the gastric bypass , gastric sleeve and the lap band. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  17. @ kaylamh I haven't picked yet cause I'm not that far into the process I wanted to get the doctors recommendation.. but to be honest I would take anything but the lap band .. I have had issues with eating disorders since I was 4 years old .. and I feel you on that one it's the only way you lost weight . It's the same with me it has to be extreme for me to see any progress which sucks to be honest . Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  18. Oh my cheese and crackers you give me hope !!!!! I'm so sick of being over weight .. I know this surgery isn't a fix all but most of the people that have been telling me are skinny like a pencil.. lol when all your life you been told negative things about your weight and it has affected you as a person in a negative way.. And you been dieting all your life since you were a little girl .. this is what I have been waiting for .. to give me the tool to finally be successful.. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  19. You seem like your really qualified.. I personally don't see why you wouldn't be approved.. try to relax your appointments are around the corner. You are letting your anxiety get to you cause you want it so bad I don't have any other issues except me being over weight .. if anyone is going to get denied it's me I work really hard to stay healthy.. and I never thought there would be a day that being unhealthy would benefit me You are a couple steps ahead of me the are having time take the surgery overview class before the schedule any appointments so it sucks big time for me.. cause I don't even get to talk to anyone to feel out how they feel about my situation. Sure we can keep in touch Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  20. At least you have your surgery date I think I wouldn't be so anxious .. if I get approved cause that's my worry that I won't. Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  21. I haven't seen anything and I'm barely starting out also at kaiser Fremont Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  22. nandy

    CA - Bay Area

    I'm in Modesto but my surgery site is going to be Fremont Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  23. Thanx , positive people make it feel like I do got this ! Congrats you are so close ! It's like a huge accomplishment to get through all the hoops the give you in itself which makes you more motivated and with forums like this and support group in person... no way we can fail. @@mcg2074 Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  24. I so feel you on that !! I made up my mind about a month ago .. my mom had it done about 3 yrs ago and she still had the binder they gave her and I read it 3 times researched and researched and I know it's what's best for me. So I'm like I'm ready !!! Let's do it now !! Team ready !! Go !! Go !! Go!! Lol @@clc9 Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App
  25. I think we are just anxious cause we have been waiting our whole life for something that will work for us. If your anything like me cause I seriously have tried all the diets known to mankind. I even went as far to mash up a couple thinking it would work. Lol @@amf1025 Sent from my iPhone using the BariatricPal App

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