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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About 2-Liter

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  • Birthday December 14

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  1. 2-Liter

    2 week stall

    Stalls come and go you will see the scale drop again soon. Our Biggest enemy is Defeat because that's when we go back to old Habits that caused us needing the Surgery in the first place. Stick to your Plan and give your body a little time to catch up.
  2. 2-Liter

    Tearful mess

    As the fat melts it seems to release emotions. Do tiny tasks that you know you can complete to build back your confidence. We have all been there and somehow made it through. Pick at least one thing you are doing right and focus on that. Two months from now you will look back and appreciate how far you have come. Good Luck
  3. Personal Experience was about 8 weeks out before I could eat foods with much texture partly from fear of something causing a abscess in the incision lining the other it felt uncomfortable. I wanted to look at this question from a different perspective So I went and looked at all three recipes and I believe that if you got inventive you could substitute a few ingredients and still fit these items in your diet occasionally. Using ingredients like Almond or Coconut Flour. I know we all sound overprotective but that comes from finding out firsthand that the Lays got it correct " You can't have just one!!!"
  4. The Sleeve only gives you a short window to change your eating habits before regain is a possibility. At Six months out I thought I had it mastered and could introduce small amounts of Carbs and Sugar back into my diet but Once a month turns into once a day and then you find your self on the road to where you started. I have faith in you and Hope you realize that no food tastes as good as being Healthy. This is just my Personal experience but it is one that I see posted on this forum day after day. I fight regain daily and have come to realize that I have to keep choosing Healthy over that warm fuzzy lethargic feeling that comes after I have ate something that I know I shouldn't.
  5. 2-Liter

    Never Ever Ever

    Now sitting at 18 months out I realize that for my body Carbs are my Mortal Enemy. The Sleeve will trick you into thinking you got this and just a little cheating is fine but I can promise Sugar is more Addicting than Crack (Well not that I have tried Crack LOL). I hit a little Speed Bump in my Weightloss but I'm Back on the Wagon and setting a new set of Goals. I have walked to many miles to GO BACK!!! I want to encourage everyone considering the Surgery or that has recently had it done that you have made the first step of a Great Journey now just stick to the Path and keep picking yourself up when you Fall Off!!!
  6. 2-Liter

    Pre op diet/ upset

    Keto is when your body goes in Ketosis and burns your fat stores instead of using your food for energy. I eat mostly Meat Dairy and Green Vegetables. I try to keep my daily Carbs under 20 a day.
  7. 2-Liter

    Pre op diet/ upset

    I was able to lose 100 pounds Pre Op by going keto and eating as if I had already been sleeved. This time before the surgery will Help you get prepared for life Post Op. Keeping your protein High and your Carbs low will help you trim that 20 in a Hurry. Head Hunger is terrible but once you learn to tell the difference between it and true Hunger you will have a tool to build your future with. Good Luck
  8. 2-Liter

    Regretting it

    It will Pass!!!! One Year out and I Drink as much as I want and sometimes miss those first few months where the Scale moved lower everyday. You are going to be so excited 4 months from now when your whole wardrobe has changed at least 4 or 5 times.
  9. I am a Creature of Habit so for me it was eggs, sausage and cheese. I also live the Keto Lifestyle now so these are a Staple of my Diet. Enjoy the Honeymoon because at 4 months out I thought that I had lost the Love for all things Bad and couldn't understand how anyone could gain back any of the weight and now I realize (1Year) that Habits are Habits and unless you truly break them for Good they will always haunt you. I hate the words or even the thought of I can have just one because I know I am a LIAR!!! One turns into 3 and then into 3 servings. HaHaHa after proofreading this I realize I must be in my Feelings this morning.
  10. 2-Liter

    Never Ever Ever

    I am 12 days from my one year Surgiversary and I tell you it is as hard today as it was a year ago. I have finally admitted to myself that I have a Food Addiction Duh I know right. I always thought that I could quit anytime I want but now I find that I have to adhere to a Schedule. So now its 3 small meals and one afternoon snack. Stay away from the Carbs and the Sugars and Cheat Days turn into Cheat months for me, so its better just not to do them. I am still a work in Progress.
  11. 2-Liter

    Food scales

    Amazon has one called Vont that is $11.99 if you have Prime. I have one at the office and one at home. So far they haven't given me any trouble.
  12. Dr. Illan and the whole BariatricPal Family are Amazing. I have been as a Patient and as a Companion and can Honestly say that I enjoyed both Experiences. Congratulations on the Weight loss and looking forward to your continued Success.
  13. 2-Liter

    I stay HORNY all the time!

    Bahaha a Very Valid Point on the STD’s and no Condoms don’t stop everything that’s for sure. What’s so Bad is that it is a lot harder to meet single women than it is married ones so the guy that is having unprotected sex with his own wife is at as much risk as a single man. It is a Sad time we live in these days. You by far are doing the smartest thing possible by keeping his Belly full and balls empty!!!
  14. 2-Liter

    How to keep a booty

    BBL Brazilian Butt Lift helps you re-position the fat you do have to J-LoLicious back side.
  15. 2-Liter

    Four Days Post-Op

    The first 3 weeks to a month you feel drained but just hold on because your energy will come back and even better.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
