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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lapbandbarb

  1. lapbandbarb

    Had my first episode of "stuck"

    I have trouble with chicken,too. Small cubed chicken seems to be the best going down. My Dr said the best thing to do if you get stuck and irritated is do a liquid diet for two days or so. If you can get liquids down, you are Ok. If you can't manage liquids, something could be wrong and get checked out. Here's hoping we don't go through this again! Chew, chew, chew!!!
  2. Good one, Froggi! You and BJean are right on target. Couldn't agree with you guys more.
  3. Sorry to hear about your husband responding this way to your weight loss. Look back at my other post. I think it may help you. Are you sure that it is only his insecurity over your weight loss that has made your huband so mad at you? It is possible that he has his own issues and he is taking it out on you? The fact that he can't handle the new you is an issue he needs to own up to. You have been married 12 years an have 3 kids together so you know this man pretty well. How do you usually get along? I've been married 14 years and can predict how things will be and see right through my husband almost always.Is this response something you anticipated? Does your husband know how you feel and your concern for your children's happiness? We are here for you so keep writing. Don't give up yet. Try to communicate with him. Hope things get better for you!
  4. lapbandbarb

    Hallow-Lean Challenge...

    Thank you so much!!:tt2: I won't update here until the end so I don't have to bother you to do it for me. It is a great challenge for ourselves, not against each other. I'll keep track of my progress. I only weigh myself 1x week to avoid scale addiction and hatred! .Congradulations to those who have already lost. :frown:
  5. lapbandbarb

    I'm here to help...

    Janet- You always have such great advise for us! You have so much willpower and drive- going to the gym 2x today! Wow. I enjoy reading your other posts too. The one on"are we ready for a woman VP" was priceless. Have a good day! Glad your GS is doing well! Barbara
  6. lapbandbarb

    Poll: The lapband

    Good for you! You should be proud of yourself, being assertive enough to ask for the the flouro. You saved yourself surgery and probably lots of $ that would of been for that unnecessary surgery. I look at Drs being just people. They are sometimes really full of themselves, but I laugh it off and treat them like equals. This is how I developed such a good relationship with my Dr. He saw that in me and my actions. Way to go! Good luck to you. I hope your leak is not too serious. I'll be thinking about you! Keep us updated. Barbara
  7. lapbandbarb

    Hallow-Lean Challenge...

    WHAT A GREAT IDEA!!! Sorry, I just can't figure out how to get myself into the list. Please, can someone do it for me? Thanks so much! Barb12590 228 228 213 Thanks again. I have tried everything! :thumbdown:
  8. lapbandbarb

    Are We Ready For A Woman VP?

    I agree, Froggi. Oh no, Looks like some are getting the gloves out. Let's chill a little! Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Putting down the candidates is not going to change anything. But hopefully THEY will change things. Let remember why we are really here! LAPBAND BABY!!!!!!!!! :thumbdown:
  9. lapbandbarb

    I lost my band...

    Sorry, Carol. I know it is really hard right now, but things WILL get better. Try to think more positively- about the good things in your life. As my late mommy used to say.... This too will pass. Good Luck on Tues. Let me know how you are. I'll be thinking of you.
  10. lapbandbarb

    Are We Ready For A Woman VP?

    Really interesting. Thanks for pointing that blog out. I stand corrected!:thumbdown:
  11. lapbandbarb

    Are We Ready For A Woman VP?

  12. lapbandbarb

    Are We Ready For A Woman VP?

    Thanks, Froggi!!:thumbdown:
  13. Misty- This is well said! This is a learning experience for us all and with experience, the weight will come off. We need to be patient and be kind to ourselves.
  14. I had my surgery on 7/7/08 so we are about the same time out(or with band in). I had the same horrible, painful thing happen to me recently and had to have strict liquids for two days after. When I called my DR office after it first happened, he told me to stay on liquids and treat myself like I had just had a fill for a few days and I would be fine. He told me NOT to make myself try to throw up!! So don't do that.He was right and I was fine after a couple days. Let us know how you are doing.
  15. lapbandbarb

    Fruit Issues

    I am fairly restricted and I have trouble also with fruit, especially bananas. I now blend my fruit into a protein smoothy. I usually use frozen fruit. This works for me.
  16. lapbandbarb

    I lost my band...

    Oh boy! I feel so bad for you guys!:thumbdown: My heart goes out to you. I don't know what I would do if something happened to my band. I have it less than two months and love it Why did this happen to you? Did it have to do with the way the surgery was first done or anything that happened physically after? I have heard often that stress definitely affects it. I am so sorry that you had so much sadness and stress in such a short amount of time. Nobody should have to go through that:mad2: There is help available if you feel you need it. Years ago, I went for grief councel and it helped me alot. I have been having nightmares about something bad happening to my band. I have always been a worry wort and had nightmares. Instead of worrying about other stuff, I worry about something going wrong with the band now. Again, I feel for you. So sorry... and now so scared that my nightmares will come true. Good Luck in your recovery.
  17. lapbandbarb

    Are We Ready For A Woman VP?

    I'm just curious, if you don't mind me asking, how do you know that McCain was looking at Palin a year ago? I always follow all the election news -on all the news chanels and none mentioned that ever. Infact, they were all surprised. There were four possible choices mentioned by all the news shows- all men-the night before he made his announcement, the night of Obama's convention. Everyone was wildly shocked when he announced her the next day. Some even said that McCain had mislead us when he supplied info about who he might chose as his VP. They all said that he made the announcement right when he did to try to take some spotlight off Obama because everyone thought his televised convention was so spectacular. Smart. My feeling is that he did only pick her to try to get the woman vote. Well, like I said in my other post, I don't care about race or gendre, Who will help our country- that is IMPORTANT! Don't we all agree on that?:thumbdown:
  18. lapbandbarb

    Are We Ready For A Woman VP?

    It is cool that the election will make history! BUT... What about after the election? It is scary to me. I never thought I would see the country in the shape it is in today and have to fear for what the future of this Country holds for my children. There has to be changes made or we are all in trouble! To me, a woman vice president, an afro-american president, a green president or vice president doesn't matter. We need someone who help our future on so many issues!
  19. lapbandbarb

    Does anyone know the cost of fills???

    I have the same issue as you. I have magnacare and Dr Fielding did my surgery right before he dropped it(the same time he dropped GHI) From what I understand, they only charge $100 to patients who do not have insurance. Otherwise, they charge $250 for a fill. So I'm pretty sure you would pay $100 out of pocket. I was banded on 7/7/08 so I am still on my 3 month post op fill schedule that is included with the surgery price. Come Oct, I will also be paying out of pocket. Dr Fielding is so excellent that I really don't mind. I have looked into other DRs but decided not to switch. Call the office to find out just to be sure but that is what I think. Good Luck!!:wink2:
  20. lapbandbarb

    I wish I wouldn't Have!

    Hi--- Thank you for that post. It is both inspiring and very informative. I have personally found much of what you said to apply to me too. I know that my success with my weight problem and food obsessions will come from many different sources. I take from OA only what I feel I need and leave the rest, I seek weekly councel with a therapist I feel comfortable(after going through many others) with. We deal with "mindfulness" rather than past issues. I had a mother similar to yours in many ways and have always found companionship and salvation for every feeling or situation in food. I have been on phentermine and still have a supply. Thing is, that I was told that it IS a diet pill(part of the Phen-Phen) which caused many problems years ago. I investigated it in depth and had not heard of its relationship to stopping cravings for carbs. I used it to try to get control for my pre-surgery diet but had bad reactions to 30mg.1x day. I went to 15mg 2x day and it worked better. I am hesitant to be on it now although I'd like to use it late in the daybecause that is when I have my problems. It does not keep me up. Did your Band Dr say it was Ok ? It was my GP who gave it to me in the first place. I am very interested in what you know about it. I investigated so much--was banded by one of the most experienced surgeons. He also has the band so really understands it. He is agressive with fills and I am restricted. It is the "mind" hunger that still is there. I try not to graze but that is what I am used to and it is possible even with the band. In the morning I am restricted. By night, I can eat a lot if I allow myself. This is my issue. I have been trying "distraction" as a tool at night when the urges come. It is hard!! I am looking forward to next week when I start work and my kids go back to school. Summer has been very unscheduled and a routine helps so much! I am very interested to know the name of the Dr who first placed the Lapband in the US. The one you went to for help.(if you would rather PM me, fine-thank you!) I hope my fellow banders don't mind this long post and perhaps it has helped someone. I get so much out of reading and posting on this site! We are all in similar boats and sometimes we can share the same life jacket! Best Wishes to everyone!!!
  21. lapbandbarb

    Post op restrcition????

    From what I understand and from my own experience, the first six weeks after your surgery is for healing and you should not have any restriction. I didn't-although I have heard people say they do. This is a process. We have to expect it to take some time before we are not hungry anymore. It could take a # of fills before you have restriction and you probably won't get a fill for four weeks depending on your Dr. Talk to him and see what he says. Every Dr is different and expects different things from his patience. My Dr has the band himself so he is very understanding. That helps me. You may have the "head" hunger that needs to be addressed too. This is no magic cure. I deal with my urges to eat even though I physically can't. I still want to when I am stressed or bord. Old habits take a long time to change. We are a work in progress. You will find answers and support right here on this website. It has helped me so much. Take it easy- you have time-let yourself heal-don't worry about the weight right now. You have taken the first step towards a healthier you but it is a process that will take time and willpower. Good Luck. Feel free to PM me.
  22. lapbandbarb

    2 Fills Help

    Sorry to hear about your frustration! Did you go to the same Dr for your fill and your surgery? My Dr has the band himself and really takes his time to talk to you and explain things. He told me he tends to be aggressive with his fills and I was glad. It is important to know what size band you have. I have a 10cc- I had 2cc 1st fill and then 3cc second fill. My Dr dropped my insurance right after my surgery but is working with me. There are some good,caring Docs out there. Try to find one. Anyway, try to enjoy your cruise. LUCKY!!! The 24 lbs you lost is a great start! We have only just begun! Keep reading-it helps! Hope you feel better!
  23. lapbandbarb

    I'm here to help...

    Harmonygirl- Good Luck with your banding! I want to tell you that I had severe arthritis in my knees and could hardly walk. All you heard were crackling sounds everytime I bent my legs. Every Dr I saw told me to lose weight. And there were many. There was nothing they could do. I was on heavy pain meds. One Dr told me that every 1 lb of weight is like 4 lbs of pressure on your knees. Well, I was banded on 7/7/08 and even the amount of weight that I have lost thus far is making a huge difference in my life! I am almost pain free! I don't need the meds anymore and I am walking on the treadmill! Good things are in the future! This forum is a wonderful place to be.
  24. lapbandbarb

    2 Fills Help

    The feedback here is great. Thanks! I have had two fills and feel really restricted in the morning. By night, I have no restriction. Anyone else have this happen to them? Does it mean I need another fill soon?I am afraid I may have too much restriction with another one.

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