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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lapbandbarb

  1. lapbandbarb

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    WOW!!! You can have a turkey sandwich? I can only have slimfast, 1 cup of veggies, broth and sugar free jello. I am on day 5 of my liquid and I would die for a turkey sandwich. I get woozy and light headed all the time. Good Luck with your surgery!
  2. My Dr suspects that I have one, too. When he goes in there on July 7th for my band, he will fix that. Make sure that there is proof of diagnosed hernia for insurance purposes because my surgical coordinator confused my insurance company by trying to get the hernia repair preapproved without evidence and it was a pain in the butt! They had to resubmit everything with just Lapband and it backed my approval up almost a month. Finally everything is worked out. Can't wait!
  3. lapbandbarb

    Tears on my pillow

    I am scheduled for July 7th and it has been helpful reading about what you guys have experienced soon after your dates. I, too, thought that I would loss really quickly but you have brought me to reality. The thing that I want to take from my band is long term weight loss. I have lost 70lbs 2x, gained 100lbs, 3x. You know, before I turned 40 and develped arthritis in my knees, it wasn't so hard to loss. Keeping it off was the trick. Hopefully, with this tool,this time, the weight loss will be for keeps. Once you lose the weight, it is possible to keep it off, right? I mean, I would love to drop 100 in a month, but to drop it in a year and keep it off forever is so much better! Wish me luck and congradulations! Patience is a vertue!
  4. lapbandbarb

    What my mother said

    Reading about all of you guys telling your mothers has brought up so many feelings. But, I am not afraid of them. Because of my mother's 23 years of addictive smoking, in Dec of 2007, we were told that she had cancer of the lung that had been growing for at least 10 years. She died on Jan 11. It was a shock and is still so hard to bare. But I know she didn't suffer as so many do. She knew my addiction was going to kill me and two days before she passed, she wanted to make me a deal that if I lost weight, she would stay around. She talked so much about my weight and I always felt that I was a disappointment to her because of it. I never realized all the food and weight issues she had until she was happy when she lost weight even though it was because she was very ill. It was right after I lost her that I decided to look into the Lapband and I am scheduled for July 7th to have the surgery. I know she would not have understood about the surgery and would have said, as she always did, that I could do it by just closing my mouth and not eating. Maybe, I would not have told her until after but the one thing that I wish is that I could tell her. So cherish your moms, whether or not you chose to tell them. I know that I will be healthy with the help of this surgery and that is all our moms really want for us. Thanks for listening.
  5. lapbandbarb

    mother of three

    Hi! My date is July 7th too! I could definitely understand your concerns! I have 2 children, 11 and 8 and a husband who works 10-12 hour days, too. For me, it is the guilt of being layed up with my kids bord and also since they are old enough to know about the surgery, is it sending the wrong message? Both of them love to eat and they are both slightly over-weight. My husband eats and eats and is always skinny. He is only taking off three days and I know you are not supposed to drive for 10 days. So, my problem is the guilt of having my kids stuck home. We don't live in a neighborhood with other kids and they would rather be glued to the TV or computer. I vow that once I loss weight and am able to keep up and do more, I am going to get them more active. You are very lucky to have your mother, though, I really have nobody. But, I do remember how much more attention they need at such young ages. Good Luck! Barb
  6. lapbandbarb

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    My date is July 7th and I can't wait!! I'm 5 days into my two week liquid diet and I am doing pretty well. It is just hard to still have to cook for the family. The smells make me feel faint! I've been trying to stick mainly to the shakes but just expanded my horizons with some chicken brooth w/ mushrooms and brocolli. I actually feel satisfied. Anyone else for the 7th? Good Luck to everyone!!
  7. lapbandbarb

    NYU Medical Records Question

    I wish I could meet you guys but husband, two kids, etc. Maybe some other time. Thanks for the pat on the back, Kristen! It really helps. Take care. Have fun on Sunday! Barb
  8. lapbandbarb

    Anyone from NYC/Westchester?

    Hi! Yes, isn't this website great!!! I live in Yorktown, too!(Bella and Kat) I went to the WMC for their seminar but then decided to go to NYU because they really speciallize and are supposed to be the best. After six months of prep, I finally have a surgery date of July7! I am struggling through the two week of pre-op liquid diet this week and next. I'd love to have people right in my town to go through this with! This website has practically saved me this week. Good Luck to everyone! Barb
  9. lapbandbarb

    NYU Medical Records Question

    Hi! I am scheduled to have my surgery on July7 by Dr Fielding at NYU. It has been quite a journey to get my surgical coordinator, Asia to get on the ball. I have Magnacare and Fielding, who is the only one who accepts it, will be dropping it a week after my date. I know NYU is the best. If anyone has continually called to get a response, it has been me. I even spoke to the office manager, Maryanne and she promised to call me back and didn't. How rediculous is that!! Finally, my insurance company had a conference call with me, Asia and a really nice lady at my co. who has helped me, with the lead man listening in! Asia and I didn't know. It was kind of cool. That got Asia's butt moving. Are you guys going to be overnight or 23 hour stay? Apparently, there is not a difference in the accommidations so Asia changed me to a 23 hr stay. Later, I found out that it was less work for her if I didn't stay overnight! I have been on my liquid diet for three LONG days now. This is so hard! Hanging out on the forums on this site have been a support and I'm glad I came across you guys! Look forward to hearing from you all soon!:biggrin2:
  10. Hi Amanda, Today has been a hard day for me, too. I have only been having the protein drinks. I admire you for having a couple of cheese cubes. I would be afraid that I could not stop eating them if I started! Cheese has always been a really tough thing for me to stop eating. I had a splitting headache and was really nauseous and weak before and I had sugar free jello and feel better now. Try it. It does bring me back to life. I am really looking forward to my surgery in order to get rid of this stress. I know the next step will not be easy, but at least the waiting and horror of the liquids will be over. Hang in there! I'll be thinking about you. I get my surgery 5 days after you have yours. I'm glad we can communicate with each other. Hope you feel better! Barbara
  11. Hi Amanda! Now, I do understand why you would want to let go of the meds! I know it is not healthy to be on it for a long time. I don't know how you do 37.5 1xday. WOW! I was sick, nauseus, lifeless and unable to function at 30mg. I guess everyone is different. I'm OK at 15mg. I know I rely on it, though and I'm only on my 3rd day of liquids. Best of luck to you!! Let me know how evertthing goes. Barb
  12. Hi Amanda, Thanks for the support! Why would you want to go off the phentermine? I did get the 2x15 a day and it does help with the hunger! And I don't feel sick anymore. I feel like taking more for the fact that it does help the "head" hunger. Are you taking 2x15 a day? Your surgery is soon! Get excited, soon you'll be on your way. I can't wait, although I am nervous,too. I feel like these two weeks will never end. Good Luck and thanks! Keep me posted.
  13. Ha Ha!! I have a really cute dog but I haven't thought of that one. I am on computer to take my mind off hunger. I think I will take a PM to sleep! This stinks!

  14. I feel really bad that you went off your liquids but come on, you suffered a great loss and I can understand. I'm very sorry for your loss.I feel bad for the people who criticized you, and if you notice, they are all way into their weight loss journey, with 100+ lbs lost. Try to remember, what it was like at the beginning,people! I am in the same boat as you. I am only in my 2nd day of liquids and with fighting my insurance company to get the final OK- on the phone for two days back and forth now- feeding my husband and children their meals and I am so used to using food to sooth every emotion I feel, you are not so bad!!!!!! I hope and pray I can make it! Maybe we can help each other. Take it easy on yourself! We are never as understanding with ourselves as some other people are and congradulate yourself for coming this far! Tell the DR and see what happens. Good Luck!!!!
  15. lapbandbarb


    I just found out about this site and joined. I live in Yorktown Hgts, Ny and am in the process of trying to get autho from my insurance to have Dr Fielding from NYU do my Lap Band. I have an appt to see the psy in a couple of weeks. I would like to hear from some fellow Westchester residents and hear about your experiences. Thanks!:tongue:
  16. lapbandbarb

    Approaching procdure

    Hi Are you on a two week liquid only diet? I am. I am getting through this before worring about after. GOOD LUCK!!!:cool:
  17. lapbandbarb


    Hi Lauren! How are you doing! You were the only one who responded to my new thread and I want to say HI! I have been moving forward and am now on the liquid diet for two weeks. UGH!!!!!!!!! My date is July7 with Dr Fielding. I have just stated to work with this website again and have been in the "mentor, I'm here" forum. It is helpful and maybe we can correspond there or here. Write back:cool2:! Barb
  18. lapbandbarb

    I'm here to help...

    Hi! It is so great to read all the entries since you started this forum! I have been sitting here for hours! I am scheduled for my band on July 7th 2008, and have to be on only liquids, stay at 1000 cals and have at least 50 grams of protein per day for a full 14 days! It seems more drastic than anyone else I have heard or read about. But I am doing it. My Dr is at NYU. His name is Fielding and I have read that many people on this website have used him. He is supposed to be the best. He gave Lapbands to his whole home town in Australia. You are an inspiration! I have lost weight before by working out but I moved and got really stressed out and lonely 5 years ago and have let myself get to 260 lbs. I have really bad arthritis in my knees which prevents me from being able to even walk more than a couple of blocks now. I am 43 and notice such a difference from years ago. I have faith that one day like you, I will be excited to exercise and be mindful in my food choices. I have a great, mostly supportive husband and two kids, Jessica,8 and Michael,11 whom I would love to be able to keep up with more actively. I am so lucky, and I appreciate what I have. I am doing this not only for me, but to stay around for them,too. Right now, I have to get through the two weeks of liquids only. One thing at a time. I've been at my goal 150 before and plan to be there again! Thanks for all your entries. I enjoyed them and look forward to reading more. Barb
  19. As far as telling people. When I first decided to do it, I told a few people and I felt like they were looking at me in a different way after. So for me now, mums the word
  20. I am scheduled for July 7th and I have to start my liquid diet on Monday. I am so scared! I have been looking forward to this for so long and now I am terrified of so many things. First, being able to stick to the liquids for two weeks when I get headaches and feel sick when I don't eat. Anyone try Phentermine during the liquid stage before surgery? The Dr. gave me 30mg 1X day and it is making me sick! I have to convince him to give me the 15mg X 2X day. For some reason he is giving me a hard time. Alot of Drs don't give it at all but my hunger is outrageous and how do you stay on 1000 cals of liquid for two weeks when you have two kids home from school with you driving you crazy and you need to feed them? I feel like giving up and forgeting the surgery. I was so excited and have waited months for approval. Can anyone relate? I think about how I let myself get so big and all the times when I was younger and able to exercise and lose weight. Now I have arthritis in my knees and I am too darn tired and in pain. I need some support and no body can really understand. This writing is helping, I think and I am open to all responces. Thanks for letting me vent. I am also getting really nervous about the surgery itself and my husband is really worried about it. He fears that he and my children will lose me. Barb from Yorktown Heights, NY
  21. lapbandbarb

    port problem

    Congradulations on your weight loss thus far. I am in the process of getting authorization and seeing your progress in such a short time is encouraging! Have you had any problems at all? The person from Kentucky with the problems really scared me! You seem to know alot. Keep up the good work and wish me luck!
  22. lapbandbarb


    Did you have the chance to meet with Dr Fielding personally or just at the seminar? I was told that I would only be able to meet him after my psy, nutrition, meeting with nurse and my insurance cleared it. Have a good day!
  23. lapbandbarb


    Hi Lauren, Thanks for your reply. Seems like we are both going through the same thing. It is good to meet you. Where in Westchester do you live? If this is not something you want to answer, I understand. Take care and good luck!
  24. lapbandbarb

    Anyone from NYC/Westchester?

    Hi, nice to hear from fellow Westchester Residents. I live in Yorktown and am now in the process of trying to get approval to have Dr Fielding do my surgery. I will be going for the psy evaluation in two weeks. I'd love to hear more about your experiences! Thanks!

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