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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by lapbandbarb

  1. lapbandbarb

    Lap-Band in Upstate NY

    Hi, I am looking for a good Dr in Westchester, NY. Can anyone help me out? Really appreciate any names at all. My Dr in the City will no longer be accepting my insurance and I want to stay local.
  2. lapbandbarb

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    SanDiegoSusan, I was banded on July 7th. Doing pretty well. I just want to say THANK YOU for all your effort and the time you spent listing The July Butterflies! I for one, have felt it has been a lot of support for me to know that I belong to this group. Thanks for getting us together!:biggrin2: Hope you are doing well! Barb
  3. lapbandbarb

    Slipped Band

    Glad to hear you are doing well! Keep us posted. Have a great day! Barb
  4. lapbandbarb

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    Good-Luck to all my fellow July Butterflies. I'm 10 days post-op and doing OK. My best wishes are with everyone! :biggrin2: ote=eyespy;922486]Off to surgery shortly. I'm scheduled for 10:30 and have to be there at 7:00am. Feeling a little nervous, but trying not to think of it. Hope to have good news tomorrow! Good luck to everyone else going today! Alysa
  5. lapbandbarb

    Prayers needed for a fellow bandster

    Thank goodness! My prayers and best wishes are with Joan!
  6. Thank for this info! I need to call my Dr tomorrow and question what size band he used. I have no restriction right now and it stinks!
  7. lapbandbarb

    Slipped Band

    Good Luck, Sades!
  8. Thank you for your positive outlook. I have put it into perspective and feel better. You are right, tomorrow is a new day and I am looking forward to it! I never heard of thedailyplate.com but will definitely check it out. I will remember what you said about being kind to myself. Thanks.
  9. I am so glad to have found this forum! Someothers can relate to how I feel! I was banded 7/7 and lost 30 lbs during the three weeks I was on liquids. Now that I got the OK to move to solids, I think I am hungry all the time! I know this is "head hunger" and I fear that I am already reverting back to old ways of picking throughout the day. This stinks. I had a bad day today, even ate regular food (not mussies) and I'm afraid that I will make the band slip or something else bad will happen. I feel so upset and worried! When the band slips, does anyone know if you feel it happen? I can't believe I have to wait another four weeks for my first fill. My bandage over the port site has not even fallen off yet and I am freaking out already. I woke up feeling great today and stated off with a 40gr. protein shake. At about three, I went crazy with "emotional hunger" and even ate a few perdue backed chicken nuggets that I made my kids for dinner. UGH!! Luckly, it has not come up and I think it digested? I can only look towards tomorrow and hope I do better! Keep myself more busy-away from food. Anyone have any good advise? I'll take any. Thanks for letting me vent!
  10. lapbandbarb


    I had severe pain from arthritis in my knees and losing 30 lbs has made such a difference already!!! I was banded on 7/7 and am really emotional but at least my knee pain is gone. Miracle!
  11. lapbandbarb


    I was also banded on 7/7/08 at NYU. I noticed you are in Conn. I live in upper Westchester. This week has been an emotional rollercoaster for me,too. I am also having a hard time with the "idea" that I can't eat even though I haven't had anything solid for three weeks. ( Especially when my husband cooks blueberry pancakes for the kids this morning.) I think, for me the emotions are coming from the fact that food has always been there for me and it just is not now. No matter what, it is not:confused2: so those feelings are there and I have to deal with them some other way. I am still too sore to go shopping and really can't afford to anyway. I feel like what we are going through is normal and others have found a way, so we will,too. You said that you expected to feel depressed. I ahve a history with depression, too. Losing the weight and finding a healthier way to live is my hope. My prozc and possitive thoughts and affirmations help,too. Feel free to PM me. I know just what you are going through! It will get better. Have faith. Barb
  12. lapbandbarb

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    CONGRADULATIONS!!!!!! How exciting! My kids are 11 and 8 and I wish I could have another! I had gained and lost 90lbs over and over between pregnancies, until skyrocketting to 130lbs overweight . I just got banded on 7/7 and feel pretty good. You lost 160lbs? WOW!! How long did it take you? Is this your first baby? Pregnancy can be tough on the body, be good to yourself!:party:
  13. lapbandbarb

    Newly banded, what is this feeling?

    Hi all! I was banded Monday and still feel bloated and have lots of gas.. I was really dehydrated and was given 12 bags of intravenious saline! My blood presure was really low and my one of my stiches popped and had to be stiched by hand. I have had a slow recovery didn't even get to get up until Tues. Today I am finally back able to sit up and communicate with my fellow lap-banders. I still can't bend but the pain is bearable so I stopped the pain-killers. I am starting to think that I am HUNGRY and that is scary. What are you guys having as a post-op diet? I can still only have liquids for two weeks.
  14. lapbandbarb

    Anyone from NYC/Westchester?

    Thanks Kccat- I had my sugery Monday. I am home but have alot of pain now. Will keep you posted as I feel better. Good Luck to you! Your Yorktown neighbor, Barb PS> Do you have any children? Where do you live? Are you on the Mohansic or Crompond School side? Or are you in Lakeland School District? My 11 yr old son goes to MESMS and my daughter will start Brookside next year.
  15. lapbandbarb

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    It does stink to have to do the liquids this weekend! Hang in there and good luck!
  16. lapbandbarb

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    Congradulations to everyone banded the 1st and the 2nd!!!!! Five days to go for me. It's great to be part of the July Stars!
  17. lapbandbarb


    I figured we could start communicating on the on the public forums. It is easier than private. How are you? I've been thinking about you and came across your post on this forum. It is a very emotional time for us, esp w/ the med situation. Know that I am here if you need me(public or private) I'd love to hear from others on this forum, too. I knew we had lots of issues in common, like the meds and such, but I didn't know our husbands were so much alike, too. I have done everything alone, too. If I was not (happily, but it is alot of work) married for 12 years now with two kids and so much "stuff" my husband and I have been through, I would feel exactly the way you do. I have just learned that that is the way he is, he works hard and cares alot about his family but I knew I'd be doing this alone until the day of my surgery. That is why I reach out to this website and to you. I would not even mention to my husband that I resent always being alone on these appts. I know that he is worried that something could happen to me, just as I am sure that is on your husband's mind. That could be why he doesn't want to talk or be involved with it(he could be really scared) How have you been with you on the pre-op diet? I was doing good during the first week, even cooking for everyone. Now I am hiding in my bedroom or leaving whenever it is their meal time. I ran to the market and got enough micro-dinners for the three of them to last until my surgery on July 7th. I feel guilty about that because the food is not very healthy and they are used to me cooking and sitting with them. My husband works 10 hour days as a UPS man and I have to feed them before he gets home. I am so weak and nervous now that I don't even think I will care this week if my 11 yr old son sits at the computer and my 8 yr old daughter plants herself infront of the TV all week. Isn't that awful? And on Tues, I have to drag them an hour to the city to go with me to my pre-surgery testing because I have nobody this week to stay with them. Oh well, everyone keeps telling me that it is not such a big deal, they'll survive and I am doing the right thing. Maybe it will get easier again this week. Another full week of liquids UGU!!! I know your surgey is the 2nd. Hope to hear from you before then. GOOD LUCK and don't worry about anything!
  18. lapbandbarb

    Waxing ...

    Sorry, MissWilde, I saw the info you posted before so no need to explain. Thanks!
  19. lapbandbarb

    Waxing ...

    Thanks, Miss, Wilde! I went back and read all about EVERYTHING from when you explained it before. No need to repeat. Sorry for the confussion. KEEP ON WAXING!!
  20. lapbandbarb

    Waxing ...

    Miss Wilde, Sorry to ask and be so niave at 43 years old, but if you don't mind me asking, what are Hollywoods and Vegases? Even the lady who does my brazilain doesn't know. Maybe we just call the particular style something else!
  21. lapbandbarb


    Let them look! Like some of you said, maybe they will learn something! Personally, I told my husband some of it because he wondered what I was laughing at. He actually is glad for you guys and the support I have from you. You know, he's glad not to have to deal with it all. He's always glad when I don't have to only depend on him, although he is there for me. I have just learned after 12 years of marriage, how much he can handle. I am blessed to have you guys!:redface: And don't forget, chances are, we will never meet these men. I haven't gone into their room,yet. When I have time, I want to. I can't imagine it being as cool and supportive as ours! Barb
  22. lapbandbarb

    Who's Getting Banded in July?

    :smile2:Special to say thanks to San Diago Susan for gathering us all together for support. This forum has made my journey towards my July date so much easier!! It is wonderful to have all your support and not feel alone!! GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!! LOL, Barb
  23. lapbandbarb

    Ahem...very personal :)

    :thumbs_down:We're too fat? NOT FOR LONG!!! :smile2:Anyway some men say, "The more meat, the better treat".:biggrin2:
  24. lapbandbarb

    Ahem...very personal :)

    I think I found my favorite forum!!! Sex in the city for us Lapband Gals!! For those of you who can't handle it, I say there are many other forums. Lets stick together! I'll be banded on 7/7 and I'll be back! Barb
  25. lapbandbarb

    Sweet/Junk food eaters

    I will be banded by George Fielding on JUly 7th! Can you tell me about your experience at NYU? Did you stay overnight or just "23" hours? Were you put in a semi-private room. I'd love to hear all about it. Were you in alot of pain? How did you do on the liquids? Obviously, I am newer to the band than you. I was told by the psychologist that if you are a bread/pasta/food lover, you do really well with the band because it can't fit through. Is that true? Listening to you guys, it doesn't sound right. He told me that eating Ice cream and foods like that are easy to go through the band and would slow down weight loss. I thought that was good for me because I am a bagel, Pasta, food lover. Not so much for the sweets, although Cookies haven't stood a chance around me. I am on day 6 of my two week liquid diet(straight liquids) and I was doing great. Yesterday, I had chicken broth. I guess it had too much salt or something because I am feeling soo bloated this morning. After 5 days, I almost forgot what it felt to be full. I was feeling like I was losing weight. I feel like my mind is clearer, though! Wish me luck!

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