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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About tucsonthin

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  • Birthday 03/03/1965

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About Me

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    Releasing my past to relish in the afterglow!!!
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    Peace, love, happiness...African greys, beaches,cooking....yumyumyum!
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I'm in the 2nd month of the 6th month process to be FNP for WLS. I'm super excited and at my doctor appointment on Monday the scale said I lost 10 lbs! I'm so pumped up ands now I am ring even more to go back next month and lose 15 orv20! I've been walking over 1500 steps a day lately! I know I know but fir me is s success since there have been weeks in my life whereI had not moved that much at all.
I've struggled with deep, dark depression and self hatred for years and years. So, I ate. Sometimes, the only joy that i ever could find was food-thru a drive thru, ordering two different burger meals pretending to be ordering for two, or going thru one drive thru then another...being careful to throwout the evidence before going home...or drooling at the grocery store in the bakery department looking at the birthday cakes, doughnuts. Bagels and freshly baked warm
Bread....mmmmmmm.....ohhh myyyy....I can smell it all and taste it too! Crazy, huh! Lol....
I'm Soooooooo tired of feeling so "weighed down" all the time. Just getting up to go to the bathroom is a chore and makes me out of breath. The thought of it is almost to much to bear sometimes literally. I put off moving for as long as possible because it's so hard most of the time.
Oh please, God, or Doc!!!...lol...help me find the fountain of weight loss and stick-to-it-ness.
I'm believing that JUST THIS ONE TIME IN MY LIFE, I'M GOING TO DO IT. No matter what. I'm going to find MY stick to it neas and win for once!

Age: 59
Height: 5 feet 9 inches
Starting Weight: 384 lbs
Weight on Day of Surgery:
Current Weight: 374 lbs
Goal Weight: 175 lbs
Weight Lost: 10 lbs
BMI: 55.2
Surgery: Gastric Sleeve
Surgery Status: Pre Surgery
First Dr. Visit: 12/01/2016
Surgery Date:
Hospital Stay: 1 Day
Surgery Funding: Insurance
Insurance Outcome: Yet to Apply
tucsonthin's Bariatric Surgeon
So AZ Center For Minimally Invasive Surgery
6320 N. La Cholla Blvd
Suite 380
Tucson, Arizona 85741

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