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Posts posted by Lise2021

  1. I will be a year post op in December and I am currently struggling with fluids. I was never a big Water drinker pre or post op during the fall/winter season. However, during spring and summer I do well on liquids. Now I am getting in an average 16 oz a day, I am still getting in my food but even that is getting skimpy. Any ideas on low calorie drinks (I don't like tea) and are Meal Replacements an option this far out?

    Sent from my SM-G950U using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. So yesterday I got OCD with cleaning and super happy to throw away some clothes. I have since made it my goal to slowly replace items that no longer fit, for instance, donate or throw away 4 pairs of clothes, buy 4 pairs of clothes. However, I don't necessarily want this to be a constant (buy all new clothes, only to get rid of em for a smaller size), because I haven't reached my goal. So what are some tips on clothes management?

  3. I did 3-4 lean cuisine meals which totaled 1000 kcal a day. So idk what you're preop requirements are, but mine was 1000 calories per day for 2 weeks. Also, I didn't bother to eat, let alone get up that early. I'm 17 days post, so it'll be worse after that because you'll be on liquids for 2 weeks so enjoy it now! But it's all worth it, cravings will go away and on top of that you still have your stomach, and because of your BMI your body requires more food so you got to sit and think about it for a minute.

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

  4. I am 3 days post op and cannot keep anything down. Did great in the hospital but came home and have been puking.

    I spoke with the hospital today and they said to make sure that I am taking the anti nausea meds.

    Will this get better, when. I am scared.

    Sent from my iPad using the BariatricPal App

    Well if you can't keep anything down including meds, i think you might want to contact your team again. They didn't release me until I was able to tolerate liquids. I'm assuming you're fast on your way to dehydration, which means you'll have to go back to the hospital anyway. I threw up almost the entire time in the hospital and threw up once at home, so I've been tolerating things well since (17 days post).

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

  5. I have an older sister who lives a few blocks from me. I visited her yesterday and it always frustrates me how unrealistic she is. I told her i weighed in at 205 yesterday at my post op appointment. Im so close to being out of the 2s. She asks me why don't i go back to liquids because i don't seem to be losing fast enough or something along those lines. Then she started going in about how all these people on her job are into intermittent fasting right now and if i thought of doing that. I told her this isn't a "diet". Yeah i have to be careful about what i eat but i changed the size of my stomach to get away from fad and crash diets. Im finally starting to get a healthier mindset around food and she just keeps dragging me into the deep end. I have a long history of eating disorders. It's very easy for me to rationalize not eating for long stretches and to feel guilty for eating anything. Im slowly turning that around. My family has a very unhealthy relationship with food. And it just irks me when i see her and she wants to talk weight and try to give me tips. She always seems disappointed with my rate of loss but she is still just as big as she's always been. I have been trying to tell her for years that crash dieting doesn't work long term but i don't think it's clicked.

    She knows she needs to get her act together but things just can't seem to click for her. Im just going to do what I've been doing. I can't let her negativity effect my life and health. She can see-saw in weight all she wants but im tired of it. I need to get healthy mentally and physically and i have to find the best path for me. She'll get it one day i hope. Sorry this was so long but it's been irritating me for a while.

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

    No problem honey! Rant all day if you will, cause this is what this post is for me. Like they'll offer me food knowing damn well I can't eat that. They need to get they life, cause I got mine. I don't understand why people disagree with what you're doing, but then in reality they're doing and wanting the same thing just differently.

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

    Omg right?! She keeps trying to tell me how i should lose weight. I think she's trying to live vicariously through me because she was in the process of getting lap bad years ago but pulled out. She says it's because her husband didn't want her to at the last minute but i think she just got scared. So she and our oldest sister have been trying to push me into this surgery for years. I wasnt ready then, i felt like it wouldn't have been entirely my decision. I wish I'd have done it back then but im glad i waited. I feel more mentally prepared now than before.

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

    That's family for you. I guess we can use it as prep for the outsiders.

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

  6. I have an older sister who lives a few blocks from me. I visited her yesterday and it always frustrates me how unrealistic she is. I told her i weighed in at 205 yesterday at my post op appointment. Im so close to being out of the 2s. She asks me why don't i go back to liquids because i don't seem to be losing fast enough or something along those lines. Then she started going in about how all these people on her job are into intermittent fasting right now and if i thought of doing that. I told her this isn't a "diet". Yeah i have to be careful about what i eat but i changed the size of my stomach to get away from fad and crash diets. Im finally starting to get a healthier mindset around food and she just keeps dragging me into the deep end. I have a long history of eating disorders. It's very easy for me to rationalize not eating for long stretches and to feel guilty for eating anything. Im slowly turning that around. My family has a very unhealthy relationship with food. And it just irks me when i see her and she wants to talk weight and try to give me tips. She always seems disappointed with my rate of loss but she is still just as big as she's always been. I have been trying to tell her for years that crash dieting doesn't work long term but i don't think it's clicked.

    She knows she needs to get her act together but things just can't seem to click for her. Im just going to do what I've been doing. I can't let her negativity effect my life and health. She can see-saw in weight all she wants but im tired of it. I need to get healthy mentally and physically and i have to find the best path for me. She'll get it one day i hope. Sorry this was so long but it's been irritating me for a while.

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

    No problem honey! Rant all day if you will, cause this is what this post is for me. Like they'll offer me food knowing damn well I can't eat that. They need to get they life, cause I got mine. I don't understand why people disagree with what you're doing, but then in reality they're doing and wanting the same thing just differently.

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

  7. I think this is just gonna have to be a trial and error of natural things that I can use. I'm not necessarily worried or freakin out at this point since I'm still new, but it is what it is. I just have to give my body a chance to get used to this new lifestyle. I think because I'm young my team is expecting a relatively quick bounce back, which it will eventually and on top of that I just started on puree so... I'm not even at the "meal" stage.

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

  8. One of my good friends who had a sleeve done a couple of years ago brought me a present the first day I was home from the hospital after having my sleeve done--fiber that dissolves in everything. And I DO use it in nearly everything. Make it your new BFF.

    I have a box of benefiber that I use

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

    One of my good friends who had a sleeve done a couple of years ago brought me a present the first day I was home from the hospital after having my sleeve done--fiber that dissolves in everything. And I DO use it in nearly everything. Make it your new BFF.

    I have a box of benefiber that I use

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App


    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

  9. Anybody got that family member thats still giving you advice on how to lose weight after surgery and what they and other people are doing; and then buys the Protein shakes you have as a "meal replacement" for themselves, but doesn't change a thing about their diet. Also, they don't usually cook, but now all of a sudden your kitchen has become an all you can eat buffet. *rolling eyes!

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

  10. Yeah, but they're trying to get me off the meds. I'll try the juice.

    If you are on pain meds, I'd bet a dime to dollar that is what is causing your Constipation. Oxycotin and Hydrocodone are like cement mixers to my bowels.

    They're trying to get me off meds to go to the restroom so the dulcolax, colace, suppositories and the like... I stopped pain meds a week ago.

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

    Don't forget the simplest helper for BMs as well: WALK AROUND! walking around apparently aids mightily in digestion, and should do a lot to help with your constipation.

    I go to the gym and walk around the house

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

  11. Like I don't know if I just gave birth or if I had anal sex with no mercy, but that was the hardest shit of my life literally! I tried pushing it back in and it wouldn't go back in, I tried pushing it out and it wouldn't come out. I tried rocking back and forth and side to side, the toilet seat almost broke like.... I am 16 days post op as of today I've been taking dulcolax, colace, and suppositories I can not go to the restroom without some stimulant and today I tried coffee. Everything from my stomach to my anus is hurting right now. I don't know if my butt will ever recover, it's still gaping. If this is how it's going to be then I need a refund on my stomach. My question is how long does it take to get back to normal and what other methods can i try to go to the restroom without complications? I've tried milk which worked briefly, I'm off pain meds, i get in my liquids, and I'm exercising. And preop my normal was everyday.

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

  12. Why do you want to delay? If you are tolerating the current stage, then I would keep moving forward. You will get better nutrition and will move towards dense Proteins which will help you feel restriction and will keep you full longer.

    If you want to stay on liquids because you think you will lose more weight, I don't recommend it. Your body isn't the same as before surgery. It is healing and adjusting and the weight will come off if you stick to your plan and give it the nourishment it needs to heal.

    Yes, but I want to take advantage of the first few months esp. The 1st month.

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

  13. I would move out if possible or make a positive list. For example: they call you fat, you flip it and say I have fat; because you accepting the definition is saying I am, instead of I have extra fat, if that makes sense. Also, me including the majority of bariatric people have exhausted most weight loss resources, so weight loss surgery becomes the "last ditch try". So I know you say your family but it's probably other people too who have a opinion about your weight, but yours matters the most! So if want it in addition to needing it, then take it. Good luck! ????

    Sent from my SM-G925T using the BariatricPal App

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