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LAP-BAND Patients
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About jessiexoxo82

  • Rank
    Lving for Me
  • Birthday 09/16/1982

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About Me

  • Biography
    Dr Chris Edwards pre-op
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  1. Happy 30th Birthday jessiexoxo82!

  2. hey you still on here? When did u have your surgery??

  3. jessiexoxo82

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    Well, guys, my surgery was Monday, May 12, 2008. Everything went really really well. They went ahead and let me come home the same afternoon. mY surgery was scheduled for 9am and I was being wheeled out of the hospital by 330! Amazing! I am staying at my parents house for right now, but hopefully, will be up and on my own soon! Hope everyone else is doing well!!! I will post more later as I feel up to it. -Jessie
  4. jessiexoxo82

    What was your last good meal?

    I didn't binge persay, but my last 'meals' were carefully thought out. My doc requires a 2 week liquid diet pre op. The first week consisting of Protein shakes for 2 meals and one regular meal and the 2nd week, completely liquid. I am on my 6th day of the first week. (My surgery day is May 12). This week, I have kept it pretty lite. Its so hard to go from 'mud' shakes to a heavy meal. But for my last 'normal' week of eating, my mother was good enough to plan out my favorite dinners & invite me out. One day, we had chicken fried steak & gravy (not much breading though), another day we had 'all you can eat' shrimp cocktail, and another day we had chicken and dumplings (my FAV). I also made time to fit in my fav chinesse, mexican, italian, pizza, and sushi places that week. I don't feel like I pigged out at any of them though. (I've been working for months to change my additude towards food and I really think it has been working) My friends did throw me a 'fat' party. My best friend gathered alot of our other friends, rented a limo, and got us VIP service at our favorite bar. Those were my last drinks.... I am happy to say that I have already been able to move my steering wheel closer to me in the car and I have already gone down a pant size! If I'm already having these results BEFORE surgery, I can only imagine what it will be like after! -Jess
  5. jessiexoxo82


    THe 6 months leading up to surgery
  6. jessiexoxo82

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    So you're just a few days ahead of me? Awesome! I am officially on my 2nd day of the liquid diet. He also advised me to stop taking my wellbutrin and adavan. So, to say the least, I'm a fat chick without food and without her meds. I'm a tad grouchy! I think this is worse than when I quit smoking! The weird thing is though, during my 'normal' meal, food just doesn't taste right. Does anyone have any any suggestons on better tasting shakes??? I"m doing the slim fast low carb ones and they suck. I can barely stomach one, much less two a day. I don't know what I'm going to do next week when thats all I can have. Any suggestions would be welcome! And has anyone talked to Dr Edwards about wiether or not they're staying in the hospital even over night? He told me he would normally let me go home same day, but seeing as how I live over an hour away, he wasn't sure. I'm not sure I can stand that car ride the same day. Urg... -Jess
  7. jessiexoxo82

    Got banded in Springfield MO??

    So, May 12! Thats my big day! It seems like this has been the longest journey ever, when, in reality, its only been 2 months since my 1st visit with Dr Edwards. I am still so impressed with him and his staff. Although, I'm a tad cranky today. Its my 2nd day on liquids. Yuck. Not digging this AT ALL. I will be on medical leave for 3 weeks, so I"m looking forward to a nice little vacation. I am really looking forward to loosing the first 20 pounds or so. I think after that, I will really feel encouraged to get up and work my butt off. I renewed my gym membership last week. So, I'm all set! I've even bought some 'skinny' clothes for motivation!Hope all is well!-Jess
  8. jessiexoxo82

    lap Band in Springfield Mo

    Hey valleygirl, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. My first consult with Dr Edwards was Tuesday (March 25) Him and his staff are so friendly and understanding. You will have to go to the seminar, they will give you a packet at the seminar. Fill it out and return it as soon as possible. You might want to ask Mary (his nurse) if you can fax it back to her Thats what I did. Anyways, she reviews it and decides if you're good canidate or not. She called me withing 24 hours to set up my first one on one consult. Dr Edwards went on vaca so itt ook me about 3 weeks to get in. But like I said, that was Tuesday and I already have my next 3 apts lined up. (more pre req stuff) Ie:. you have to do a dietary consult, a cardiac workup, a psych eval, and a behavioral class. I am finishing all of mine up within the next 2 1/2 weeks and from what I understand, I will go back to Dr Edwards and we will set a aurgery date. (usually within 2-3 weeks) Its looking like I"m on par for a May surgery date. You are welcome to e-mail me on here or if you want to actually talk, feel free to call me. 688-8126
  9. jessiexoxo82

    lap Band in Springfield Mo

    Hey guys! My name is Jessie. I'm a 25yo female from Harrison, Arkansas. I have been researching the full bypass and the banding for almost 5 years now. I have finally chosen Dr Chris Edwards in Springfield, MO. There is just something about his staff. His nurse, Mary, has helped me out so much. She has actually kept me updated on what my isurance does and doesn't cover. I have been to their seminar, filled out all of their packet, gotten my refferal, and finally, last week, I got my approval from my insurance. (I'm on Tri-Care Prime and it looks like they are going to pay 100%!) :tongue: I go March 25th for my first real app. From what I'm hearing, thats most likely when they will set my surgery date. I am super excited and nervous at the same time. I have always been big. I can't imagine my self at 200 or less. Anyways, I would love some feedback from some people who have gone to Dr Edwards and I would take any tips or advice I could get! Thanks! -Jess

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