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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by K_aane

  1. I use coconut oil. It's a dry oil with anti bacterial properties. After I shower I rub it in between my.legs, under my stomach and along my hips. A little goes a long way. It dries fast and leaves a barrier against chafing and if your skin is red or irritated it literally heals it overnight.

  2. On 2/8/2019 at 5:14 PM, iluvbears42@yahoo.com said:

    I am five months post op and only down 43lbs. The scale has not moved in over two months no matter what I have done. Exercise, Protein, sleep the scale won't move but I have lost a lot of inches because I was in a 26/28 pants and now in a 16/18. I still think I should be past 50lbs. My surgeon wanted me to have the bypass and I refused. At my three month check up he said I was right where I should be but I don't think so. I really am just glad that I am not out of breath anymore. I am doing more things and not coming home from work and getting in my bed to veg out and watch tv. I haven't changed my ticker because I barely come on here. Just being nosey I guess. lol I lost my mom in October all of sudden for no reason so I really have not cared about much of anything else.

    I am so sorry for the loss of your Mother. Take time to heal .... It is good to hear I am not alone with the slow losing. I feel like you, it has changed my life in that I am so much more active then I had been in years. I also feel like to go slow gives me time to stay on track and make these changes permanent as well as hoping it's better on the extra skin. I do know I am losing inches. Today I went and bought a new pair of pants cuz I thought mine felt loose. Turns out I was wearing a 16/18 and bought a pair of 12/14 !!! They fit!!! Inches are coming off and that is a good thing. No ones journey is the same but it does help to hear from other slow losers. Its going to take time but I will get there!!

  3. I am a slow loser. I had vsg in 7/17 and I have only lost 55lbs. I have also had 3 additional surgeries, hernia, 12/17, appendix ruptured 8/18 and another hernia repair11/18. Lots of inches lost and I am getting stronger. I barely eat 900 -1000 calories a day. Drink lots of Water, do not eat bread, Pasta, or sugar. I just think my body has been thru a lot and just going to take time. Luckily my surgeon is very supportive. I have went back to 2 Protein Shakes and salad with tuna, chicken or shrimp. I am hoping my body really kicks in. I am not going to fight the process, cuz I am very thankful for how far I have come. I was never a big eater, didnt drink soda and didnt eat fast food. I just keep working it. Clothes fit better and I do remember being told, we don't buy clothes by the pound but by the inch. 🤣🤣🤣🤗

  4. On 9/9/2016 at 3:50 PM, BJames42613 said:

    I was thinking of clip-in wefts, because that would allow me to remove them when I want. It's no different than putting a barrette in your hair. I don't want to use glue or tape, if possible. I did see they have clip-in toppers.

    My hair is thinning in general all over... Not necessarily balding or bald Patches, so I dint think the fibers would really help. I'm looking to add fullness to my hair.

    I have an appointment with my hairdresser in a couple of hours. We're going to discuss options. She makes her own clip-in wefts.

    I knew going into this that I would lose more hair than most. My surgeon told me that if you have fine hair before surgery, typically I could expect more Hair loss. I'm already growing back my hair, though! The combination of Biotin, keratin, a boost of Protein intake, adding flax seed daily, and Nioxin has worked wonders... I've got little baby hairs sprouting all over my head!

    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N930A using the BariatricPal App

    How did the extensions work for you? I am in the same situation and thinking of getting the clip in wefts too! I just want more fullness and length while my hair grows out.

    Thanks so much for sharing!


  5. I had my surgery on July 21, 2017 and I have never regretted it, except wish I had done it sooner. I am down now 45lbs, feel wonderful and food, well you know that saying, "nothing taste as good as thin feels", that is soooo true. It's a rough ride with stalls, bad days, f**k people who criticize (My surgery is private) but it's so worth it in the end.
    Take care of yourself and love yourself, you deserve this, go for it and be happy, f**k everyone else...lol
    You are beautiful!!!

    HW 274 SW 263 GW 125 GASTRIC SLEEVE 7/21/17. Height 5'1" instagram: K_aane_VSG

  6. Is it possible that the trauma of going through WLS triggered menopause? Maybe it's coincidental, but It kicked me into a period that lasted two weeks post-op starting the day of surgery, but I haven't had one since. Yes, I'm in my early 50s and due to be finished with periods, but the timing hit right when I had my surgery in June. It changes things in ways I hadn't anticipated. Somethings just aren't as comfortable as they used to be. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this.

    You can do some research on a site called emerita.com yes it can happen with the wl. Look into natural progesterone creme on that site. It can be bought in a health food stores and can be a real life saver.

    HW 274 SW 263 GW 125 GASTRIC SLEEVE 7/21/17. Height 5'1" instagram: K_aane_VSG

  7. Told my husband and two teen girls (we all live in the same house.) Told two good friends. Did not tell mother or sister. Sister still doesn't know. Mom died without ever knowing. I knew my mother would be unsupportive and nasty about it. My sister wouldn't understand (she's never had a weight problem.) Told them at work I was having a procedure and would be out a few days. Whenever anyone asks, I say I track everything I eat, am following a physician led high Protein diet, exercise 5-7 days a week and eliminated almost all sugar and flour from my diet. All of that is true.
    Do not let the negative Nellies get in your head.

    A wave to you Diana!!!!! Ditto what she said!!
    I have kept my surgery a secret, only my niece (who had the surgery), my godchild, my hubby and now my 2 sisters. I was worried about telling them but since I was able to have my hernia surgery in Dec I wanted them to know. Turned out they were both very happy and have been my biggest cheerleaders. They also agree that I don't need to tell anyone else. So far I have lost 42lbs. 6 mo. It's been slow but the benefits are, skin has a chance to catch up and no one looks at me and says, oh wow you must have had wls!! ( with that very smug disgusting disapproval look)
    I just credit my loss to having been strict bc I needed the hernia surgery. Now that I have had the hernias repaired I am cleared to workout like a champ. I hope to knock off another 50lbs by July 2018, my 1 yr mark.
    If you are thick skinned and don't mind being scrutinized, then tell everyone, just be prepared for the "oh you took the easy way out comments along with the rest of the b.s. that comes along.
    One-day maybe I don't know, if someone makes a shitty remark, who knows what I might say. 🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Right now, this is for me, to get my life back and man I am loving it!!!!!
    Between the support here, my few family members and my Instagram buddies it's enough. I love sharing my little milestones and struggles with those who truly care and understand.
    Everyone else can go ....well you finish it....lol if you are like me it's the expletives!!!
    As the Lady Gaga song says, "so happy I could die"

    HW 274 SW 263 GW 125 GASTRIC SLEEVE 7/21/17. Height 5'1" instagram: K_aane_VSG

  8. I just had my 1 month postop with dietician and surgeon. I was cleared to eat anything (??) and given an eating plan with a daily goal of 80-90 grams of Protein. I am not a scientist, doctor, or dietician, but I just know this can't be right.

    How is it that we have all these amazing and miraculous feats of science and technology, but the medical and scientific community cannot agree on what we should be eating?

    I cannot eat that much protein. I try to do 60 but many days I just don't eat a lot. I have fat, let my body eat that.

    HW 274 SW 263 GW 125 GASTRIC SLEEVE 7/21/17. Height 5'1" instagram: K_aane_VSG

  9. I,was sleeved on 7-21-2017 and I have no regrets wha t so ever! My weightg loss is slow but none the less I am very happy. I have lost 42 LB and many inches. I have went from a size 24 to an 18. But the biggest thing that I am most grateful for is that I was able to have the hernia surgery that I have waited 6 years for. Due to four abdominal surgeries I had 3 large hernias that really hindered my ability in everything I did. But no more!!! I had my hernia surgery on 12-19-2017 and it has made a huge difference in how I walk, my ability to dance again and just the overall happiness of looking down and seeing my stomach flat again!!!
    Before surgery for the last 4 yrs, I did not eat, Pasta, bread, soda or fast food, so I do not miss that. I drink Water and coffee only.
    I try to get at least 60gr of Protein, I eat a Protein Bar and shake everyday. But I just don't eat very much and I am very happy with that. Food was never my friend, I had guilt every time I ate and now that is gone. I pretty much eat when I am hungry and I eat what I want. Sometimes it just a few bites and I am done. I do not eat sweets at all, when I feel I want something sweet I have a sugar free cookie and that's it. My guilty pleasure is a few spicy nacho Doritos, lol. Even then it's only 5 or 6, not the whole bag.
    I look forward to dancing!! I walk a lot , have lots if energy and keep thinking it can only get better.
    If you look for me on Instagram you can see my journey.
    And I did tell my sister's who were very supportive! I told them in October bc I knew my hernia surgery was coming up. They have been my biggest cheerleaders besides my hubby.
    I am very happy and thankful everyday.

    HW 274 SW 263 GW 125 GASTRIC SLEEVE 7/21/17. Height 5'1" instagram: K_aane_VSG

  10. I'm 7 months post-op and wanted to try the Murray's sugar free Cookies. Have anyone tried them? If so, when?
    Sent from my LGMS550 using BariatricPal mobile app

    I do the sugar free cookies. My doc said it was ok. I only allow myself the serving size when I want a treat. It has helped me tremendously bc I will not deprive myself of everything. It just doesn't work for me. I do not eat anything that has regular sugar such as cakes or pies. If I do decide, I will take one bite only.
    This surgery for me was about control. I don't over due or over eat like I used to and for that I am very happy.
    I already do not eat Pasta, pizza or bread. But one cookie isn't going to derail me and I am with not eating the whole bag.
    We have to find what works for each of us.
    A lifetime of denial of everything is not living.

    HW 274 SW 263 GW 125 GASTRIC SLEEVE 7/21/17. Height 5'1" instagram: K_aane_VSG

  11. I live my life by my favorite Tony Robbins quote: " whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will
    experience in life."

    I saw myself in a dream at a party at my house. I was so thin, smiling, wearing yellow Capris and a white tank. I look at that image in my thoughts daily until one day I will become her.

    HW 274 SW 263 GW 125 GASTRIC SLEEVE 7/21/17. Height 5'1" instagram: K_aane_VSG

  12. I do nothing,low fat, no fat because it means it's loaded with sugar!
    Fat does not make you fat, sugar makes you fat.
    My nut was the eat no fat, add whole grains. No no no..as a former diabetic grains keep you diabetic. I eat no rice, flour, Pasta, bread, or wheat.
    The no fat low fat is the reason we are over run with heart disease and diabetes, 30 yrs after the no fat crap.

    HW 274 SW 263 GW 125 GASTRIC SLEEVE 7/21/17. Height 5'1" instagram: K_aane_VSG

  13. I remember how Star Jones was treated on “The View.” The other women were angry at her for not telling the truth. They treated her terribly. As I recall, she was simply trying to keep it private, but the other women shamed her for it.

    That is true. That was unfsir to her. And really, counting calories and watching what we eat is not a lie! ! That is what we do. Due to the smaller stomach we are able to eat considerably less which helps us not to over eat. But we must be mindful of what we take in and how is that different??
    I know wls is stigmatized and perhaps someday it won't be. I just dont want to feel like I have to justify my choices or life to anyone.
    I won't. This is my life and my health I am fighting for. Get on my wrong side and trust me, you will be sorry to hear my response...lol
    To each his own.

    HW 274 SW 263 GW 125 GASTRIC SLEEVE 7/21/17. Height 5'1" instagram: K_aane_VSG

  14. No one but my husband and niece who had the surgery know. I am down almost 35lbs,snd no one, not one person has said, you look like you are losing weight.
    My surgery is an will stay private. If anyone does comment I am prepared to say thank you. And leave it at that. If they are nasty or snide I am prepared to say thank you and leave it at that.lol
    If they mention weight loss surgery I am prepared to say, thank you, super sweetly, ( as in f**k you, southern style) and leave it at that.
    No one's business, my body and I owe no one anything.

    HW 274 SW 263 GW 125 GASTRIC SLEEVE 7/21/17. Height 5'1" instagram: K_aane_VSG

  15. I have realized that when I eat lo carb and then maybe 5 weeks later when I do eat some fast food I feel like crap for 2 days and my joints hurt more.
    I don't need diet coke - to wake up, to powerhouse through tasks, etc. I craved that stuff, drank 6-7 cans sometimes more in a day, could not wait to get up and slam a can of that.

    That is great! You can't imagine how bad diet coke is on your body. I used to drink 2 cases a week of diet pepsi. Now 6 yrs I have been soda free.
    Fast food is not real food. When you get away from eating it and you try to eat it your body responds by saying, why,are you giving me chemicals?
    If you have netflix a good movie is "Hungry for change" it really changed how we looked at food which helped us to change away from ever eating fast food again.
    Good for you for getting away from soda. If you start to crave it, remember it's a great toilet cleaner!!

    HW 274 SW 263 GW 125 GASTRIC SLEEVE 7/21/17. Height 5'1" instagram: K_aane_VSG

  16. That I am physically stronger than I thought I was. I am a strong person mentally. What I put my mind to I accomplish. I never give up and I don't quit.
    But due to medical issues my body was not as strong. Now down 30lbs and feeling great I am doing things I onky dreamed of. Many people take walking fir granted, but when you are big with lymphedema its,a struggle. Due to having a pool and started walking I am now walking like never before. I just did 2.35mi this morning on my walk.
    I am getting my body stronger to match my mindset and that is just blowing me away.
    At 57, I am on my way to one bad ass physical transformation from sickly, disabled , old lady, to healthy , strong
    Powerhouse !!!!

    HW 274 SW 263 GW 125 GASTRIC SLEEVE 7/21/17. Height 5'1" instagram: K_aane_VSG

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
