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Everything posted by Newme17

  1. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Here is the spicy black bean nacho dinner. I ate maybe four chips of it. Very good too.
  2. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    This looks sooooo good. I'm going to try it out myself!
  3. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    You can get through the first 5-6 easily. Once you hit Texas, it'll be a whole day's worth of traveling. 😂
  4. I love reading the conversations here. 😊
  5. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    You sure can...just run yourself down. Haha! Please do share! I want to hear and see how it turns out.
  6. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Monster muffins (sweet spinach), vegan breakfast oat bars, sweet potato banana bites (vegetarian), and oatmeal energy balls....just some things on the menu today. My house smells wonderful!!!! For dinner I'm making spicy black bean nachos. I feel like I should be barefoot and pregnant lol I'll be in the kitchen most all day today.
  7. Probably head hunger for the most part.
  8. Good morning y'all. So, my grocery store had a bunch of my favorite coffee called Houston blend, the sample packs on sale for 33 cents each. I was buying the keurig cups and decided to by the ground samples instead, a whole lot of them, ok...all of what was left. Lol! I forgot how much ground coffees tastes way better than the k-cups! Wow! Today, most folks have off. My hubby got word of an elderly disabled vet who has a large tree down in his yard and no one to help. He's loading up his chainsaw and tools right now and going to work. Sending our twelve year old with him (she still needs to learn it's not all about herself, lol). I will be staying home for the most part with the two younger ones. We are going to make a bunch of monster muffins (sweet spinach), banana muffins, breakfast bars, and energy balls today, as well as get some school supplies the teacher needs. I stepped away for a moment and came back to my coffee gone...my 4 year old drank it all!!! Oh no....she'll be wired. Lol I hope you all have a blessed day!
  9. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Thank God for supplements!!! Lol. Hey, I'm glad you brought up the vitamins, etc that could result in deficiencies, because my husband has been doing WFPB with me and I totally forgot to have him taking b12!!!! So I gave him one this morning. 😊 I feel so much better now. I'll be going to the store to get him his own today.
  10. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Here's what Dr Greger has to say: https://nutritionfacts.org/video/the-safety-of-heme-vs-non-heme-iron/
  11. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    She was probably not taking any b12 supplements, for sure. I would have felt bad for the baby too. Symptoms of a deficiency of b12: Weakness, tiredness, or lightheadedness Heart palpitations and shortness of breath Pale skin A smooth tongue Constipation, diarrhea, loss of appetite, or gas Nerve problems like numbness or tingling, muscle weakness, and problems walking Vision loss Mental problems like depression, memory loss, or behavioral changes
  12. Wow. Nice indeed! I have one pair of pants that I managed to keep with me all these years, why???? Have no idea why. But anyway, they're a size 10 and they look so tiny to me. Lol. I bet you look tiny. Haha! Enjoy! Happy for you hon. Yay!!!!
  13. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Guess so! I had a friend who went vegan (for the animal aspect) about 8 years ago. She had lentil soup so much during our lunches and I could never understand why she enjoyed them so much. Lol. Now that I've learned to make different lentil dishes, I too, am enjoying them. She ended up moving and we lost contact...I'd have to bet that she's still eating vegan. She also does long distance cycling, which she took up while we were both at the gym. I can now understand where she got all of her energy from!!! Lol. Makes me wonder how she is...she's 48 now and lives in Houston (🙁). Hope she is well.
  14. I was indeed! I went to bed too early, causes me to wake up about 6ish or so. Ugh...lol I might as well get used to it, school starts Tuesday and we all have to be out of the house by 7am...it'll be bedtime no later than 10pm for me now.
  15. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    I love that quote! When you've got the knowledge of something, now you're responsible for carrying it out. Had to chuckle about the "you can't eat anything" statement. 🤣 If anything we have a whole lot more variety to eat than when we did with meats.
  16. I've said it before here somewhere on BP, but after eating a bowl of oats or lentils are you still craving more??? Nope! Are you craving junk foods? Nope! complex carbs are good for you. I wish folks would differentiate what carbs they're talking about on here too, instead of lumping all the good ones in with the bad, simple, processed ones. They're not the same. I just finished a bowl (a tiny bowl obviously) of coconut curry lentils with brown rice (check out the pic and the recipe on pg 25 I think in the Proteinaholic thread), full of good complex carbohydrates and fiber <---- which we Americans definitely need. I won't be hungry for a while and I'm sure not thinking about a donut or chips. There is a doctor who says the question shouldn't be "where do you get your protein?" But rather "where do you get your fiber?" There is only 3% of Americans who are protein deficient, we don't have to worry about it at all really (even if on a plant based diet---even my labs showed my protein levels were good) but most people have a fiber deficiency; I want to say high 80's percentage wise (don't quote me, but I know the number is high)....and where do you get fiber? Plants. Fruits, legumes, and veggies.....healthy complex carbohydrates. And if I need to breakdown how complex and simple carbohydrates breakdown in our bodies, then I will. Other than that, I hope most take the time to educate yourselves on how complex carbs and fiber is needed in our bodies.
  17. I think we were definitely meant to meet!!! Lol. My two favorite seeds ever. I have a bag of them both up in the pantry, that I take down and pop a small handful in my mouth about once a day. yum!
  18. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Made this tonight. Soooo good. https://www.budgetbytes.com/2016/07/slow-cooker-coconut-curry-lentils/ my pic:
  19. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    You CAN get B12 from plants actually, if you farmed all of your own plants without any kinds of pesticides, etc. and did just a rinse of them. Otherwise a supplement will have to do for most of us. Isnt the heme iron the one we don't want? I'll have to go back and find the topic/science of it in the book.
  20. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Lol. My mom did a lot of cream of mushroom stuff too! But I do love mushrooms still...in fact, just ate some on my salad.
  21. Newme17

    Proteinaholic by Dr Garth Davis

    Absolutely. I was raised in a meat and potato Home. My dad was always a fitness/nutrition addict, it seemed. Mom had to always have a meat, starch, and veggie for our meals. It was ingrained in me about having to have meat and dairy all the time. It was the "healthy" food, as long as it wasn't fried. So many others are still going based off of how they were raised and our ridiculous western media and fibbed (or incomplete data) of research. So many aren't open to change too, people just don't like it...out of their safety and security zones. Well, I thank God Almighty in heaven that I have always been an open kind of gal, I love change (for the better) and if it's for my health, even better!
  22. Newme17

    How much can you eat?

    Ditto what's @Apple1 said...except the running part. 😁
  23. You're welcome hon. I'm excited with you! Come join us on the Proteinaholic thread. 😊
  24. I do the same, bottle by my bed, but I never drink it. 😂

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