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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by serenity55

  1. serenity55

    new to this board

    Hi Laquita, I think you've shown a lot of courage, having dealt with the things that you've had to. I really hope that your surgery goes well in March and that you get to your goal. You sound like a strong, determined person and I think that will get you through. Please let us know how you're doing. I found that posting here has really helped me because of the encouragement and support I've received. Good luck, and I will keep you in my thoughts. Debbie
  2. serenity55

    Too fat to fly?

    Thanks for the corrections. I realized my mistake about the airline after I'd signed off. And I'd heard from someone else about his profession. Thanks again.
  3. serenity55

    Too fat to fly?

    Kevin Smith, who I think is a well-known journalist--someone correct me if I'm wrong--was removed from a PSA flight, not, according to the airline, because he was too fat, but because the arm rest wouldn't go down. Why not just say it? He himself admitted that he was fat, didn't he? I'm the first one to admit that I can't wait to see if I'll fit in a plane seat comfortably. I've always felt a little embarrassed when I fly; fortunately I'm usually sitting next to friends or family . It makes me sad. Is it discrimination? Would there really be safety hazards as I've heard? Should fat people be forced to pay for an extra seat? What do you think? Debbie
  4. serenity55

    I know it's not easy but ...

    Thank you all for your replies. I wish I could remember the exact words of your posts because you've all given me much to think about. It's true that I'm happier after banding than I was before. I do get frustrated, and I'm no over achiever, so I don't do things "perfectly". But one day at a time there are differences in my life that I know wouldn't be possible without this little thing inside me. The rewards are amazing. The fact that I fit comfortably in the back seat of a cab with two other people was a big deal for me. Bandpal, I can't wait to give that shout out on that steep slide down the other side of this plateau! Laptastic, sounds like a bit of jealousy on the part of your sisters. I too am sorry you've had to deal with that. ! Jack, you always say things that encourage me. Jatchut maybe I'll be like you when I grow up! LOL!! Again, thank you all, very much! Debbie.
  5. serenity55

    Fabulous February Bandsters check in

    Hi LisaSusan, I started my pre op liquid diet two weeks before surgery. The last two days were Clear liquids. And I didn't get mushies until two weeks after. but it differs from surgeon to surgeon. I was at a friend's house on Saturday, and none of the people there had seen me at my previous weight. I showed them a before picture, and they all said, "Wow!" That said it all. Debbie
  6. serenity55

    Al-Anon anyone?

    SweetPetunia, I didn't mean to mislead you! I've been banded a year, and today marks my bandiversary! Sorry for the confusion! Debbie
  7. serenity55

    Fabulous February Bandsters check in

    If you were banded in 2009 you are definitely one of the fabulous February bandsters!
  8. serenity55

    Fabulous February Bandsters check in

    Tomorrow is my bandiversary and I go for a fill on Thursday, so I'll find out if I've lost anything. I kind of doubt it and I'm hoping this next fill will help. I do have restriction, but I'm definitely not at my sweet spot. I still think getting a band is the best thing I could have done for myself. Debbie
  9. Faith is the essence of things unseen, the substance of things hoped for. I grew up "in church." Hearing that Jesus loved me, but if I didn't repent, do God's will, that I would burn in an eternal lake of fire. I've heard people say the God doesn't give people any more than they can handle. I've also heard that God is a loving father. I don't buy any of it. And the wicked shall cry out for the rocks to fall on them? What kind of a loving god is that?! I voted yes, there may be, but I don't care. I don't want to serve a deity who, to my mind, is full of contradictions For me, the Bible is not enough proof that there even is a God. Or the Dead Sea scrolls, or whatever other artifacts may be dug up! So maybe I should have voted no way! Debbie. .
  10. serenity55

    My Intro....

    Hi Meg, and welcome to lap band talk! Getting a band was the best thing I could have done for myself. It's not easy, but the good news for me is that I'm not going to regain the weight I've lost. Please feel free to share your anxieties and someone will be sure to support and encourage you. Again, welcome to your new beginning. Let us know how things go. Debbie
  11. serenity55


    Congratulations on your surgery date! Exactly one year ago on the tenth I got my band, so I think that's the best. Your husband will come home to someone who is healthy, happy and able to share a long life with him! Be sure to let us know how your surgery goes! Good luck! Debbie
  12. serenity55


    Hello! Although it's true that you may have to give up certain foods, you may find that you can still enjoy them, just in smaller quantities. I'm not going to say it's easy; head hunger can be a bear. What is exciting is the numbers on the scale going down. One day, sometimes one hour or minute at a time, that's what keeps me going. As time passes you will find different ways to get you past the sad times when you really want to eat the way many of us used to. I would encourage you to just keep posting, talk about it whenever it or anything else bothers you, and I know you'll get lots of encouragement here. We have to unlearn habits that we've lived with for, in some cases, many, many years. Good luck. Debbie
  13. bumping it up! Come on, fabulous February bandsters! You can either check in here, or on the monthly February 2009 forum! Would love to hear from you!
  14. You must be psychic! I was just on the slow lap bandsters' forum and saw your name, and thought that I'd send you a message.

    I'm doing all right, though it's pretty cold here--well, for California. I walk on a track at work, but only went twice this week. I have a treadmill, and have gone on it only once, last Sunday. Maybe I'll go tomorrow! LOL!

    I'm getting a fill Thursday, and I will have had my band for a year on the tenth.

    How are you?



  15. serenity55

    Al-Anon anyone?

    Way to go, SweetPetunia! Congratulations and welcome to band land! Sounds like you're doing all the right things and I hope you'll be back to normal in no time, and well on the way on this exciting new journey! Debbie
  16. Hello, February will mark a year that I've been banded, and I just wanted to wish all of you the best of luck. I'm remembering what it was like for me, and I will be thinking of each of you as you begin a new and wonderful journey. I wrote a poem, which I want to share with you all, but it's for anyone of any month who can relate. Again, the best of luck! 'twas the day before surgery I was kind of scared. , I wanted to be sure that I was prepared. Two weeks of full liquids, last two days, clear ones; My newfound lap band friends, coworkers and dear ones. I attended support groups, and drank Protein shakes. I hoped that I hadn't made any mistakes. All my pre op testing had finally been done, And now the countdown to band day had begun. I went to work, trying to keep busy all day; I wanted to keep all my worries at bay. I've lost weight, that's great; but did my liver shrink? What if, post op, I don't get enough to drink? Will I wake up in pain? Will I wake up at all? Will I be anxious to walk round the halls? Once the band is inside, will I know that it's there As we become partners and this journey share? Now all systems are go, everything is in place. I'm nearing the finish line, at the end of the race. I'll visit my friends on the lap band web site, And hope I won't be overtaken by fright. It's hard to believe that the day's finally here! The hoops I've jumped through, the frustration, the fear. At the end of this journey, there's a golden light With hope for the future growing ever more bright. Debbie.
  17. serenity55

    getting frustrated and fussy!!!

    I know exactly what you're going through. I was denied several times before I actually got my approval, and the time could have passed more quickly if the woman in my primary care doc's office had sent the paperwork to my insurance company. To add to my frustration, the idiot submitted a request for gastric bypass, which is not what I wanted! I wanted to strangle her! And then the insurance company took forever. I had to keep calling them. People told me that I had to be persistent, which isn't easy for me. So yeah, I was definitely frustrated and fussy! Be sure to let us know what happens. Once everything got settled, things moved pretty quickly for me, too. Hang in there! Debbie!!
  18. serenity55

    Hi from Los Angeles!

    Hey Sarah, where in Los Angeles are you? I think I was worried about all kinds of stuff before my surgery too, but once I started noticing changes it sort of passed. This is a great place for support, so if you have any questions, or concerns, just come here, and someone will be there with encouragement, or whatever you need at the time. I've always believed that talking, or writing in this case, really helps! Good luck! Debbie
  19. serenity55

    Al-Anon anyone?

    SweetPetunia, please let us know how your surgery went as soon as you're able. A few years ago I had another abdomenal surgery and I shared that with my Sunday morning meeting. Everyone was very supportive, and though I had some anxiety, I took all their good wishes with me. This time I didn't tell anyone I was getting the lap band except my sponsor. I usually tell anyone who will listen, and I do after they comment on my weight loss. Hoping everything goes well for you, and sending good wishes for a speedy, uneventful recovery. Debbie
  20. serenity55

    Jump Start

    Hi there! Why won't your doctor give you a fill? How many CC's do you have in your band, if any? How are you eating? I'm sure you know that it's not just the exercise, but the food choices we make, and how much. Are you drinking lots of Water? Just a few things to think about. Debbie
  21. serenity55

    Anyone never gotten stuck?

    I too had my surgery on February 10, 2009, and have never been stuck. After my last fill I've had increased discomfort from eating too fast, but that's all. Debbie
  22. Rosetta, I'm sorry about the urinary tract infection. When is your surgery? Hang in there and hopefully you'll look back on this time and say, "Glad I got through that!" Debbie
  23. Babe, those are five pounds you won't see again, and no matter how small the weight loss seems, it's still a victory! So good for you! I haven't lost as much as I'd hoped too, either, because like you, I haven't always made the best food choices. But you know what? I'm still glad I have this band; it's the best thing I could have done for myself. Besides, there are always those nonscale victories. Debbie
  24. Carmen, I'm glad you liked it! Thank you! Debbie
  25. serenity55

    Al-Anon anyone?

    Thank you, Cheri. Congratulations on your weight loss. The good news is that, even though we slip, and I include myself, we have a tool that allows us to get back on track. I didn't learn this behavior overnight, and now I get to unlearn it. As my sponsor always tells me, I must be gentle with myself. Easier said than done! :confused: Debbie

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