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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by serenity55

  1. serenity55

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi y'all, Thank you, ladies, for the sympathy. I find myself being sad, scared and angry in turn. Sad because I don't want to lose my brother, even though I know pancriatic cancer is one of the more deadly, or so I've heard. Angry, because my family is just riddled with the stuff, and scared when I think of my own mortality, and wonder who's going to be next? I try not to stay in that place, but sometimes it just gets me. On a lighter note, I learned that the director of the show I did last year--Little Shop of Horrors--received awards for best director and best actress, for our leading lady. I've been nominated for best musical director before, when I worked with this same director, and I'm so glad for her I don't even care that I wasn't this time. I went to get my hair done this morning, and am just hanging out for the rest of the day. Tomorrow I'll go play for a few hours at the hospital where I got my band. It's very rewarding. Feel better everyone. Kat, I hope you got to just rest. Michelle, I know how you feel about the weight thing. I haven't weighed myself, though people tell me it looks like I've lost even more since I've been to Hawaii. Looks can be deceiving, can't they? (Said the blind woman.) Hahaha!
  2. serenity55

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi y'all! Jenn, EMT? I used to say that if I were sighted I'd be something in the medical field, until I read a book called White Coat, White Cane, about an MD. I'd want to be something like a brain surgeon. Hahahaha! Can't wait to hear your medical adventures! All the hard work will be worth it. Kat, good news! Cancer is a scary thing, and runs through my family. My brother was just diagnosed with pancriatic cancer, and I've already lost my mother and two sisters to it. Michelle, thank you for reminding us of the date for your doctor's appointment. I thought that's what I remembered. Think I'll weigh myself tomorrow. Then I'll have to come and tell you all the truth. I don't think I could do a ticker, so I'll just change the numbers--hopefully they'll go down, not up! Debbie
  3. serenity55

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Michelle, I've been thinking about you, too. I'm going to tell these ladies (and our one gent) just how supportive you've been to me. when I first started trying to get banded, I had a big disappointment, was given the wrong information about a seminar, and so I missed it completely, and had to take a bus home. Anyway, Michelle was one of the first people who wrote to say how sorry she was, and made me feel better, and like I should keep trying. I read here that you're going to see the doctor later this month, Michelle, so I'll be here to see what happens. I have a sister that has lupus. Kat, was it you who suggested my computer read with a Texas drawl? I wish it would! That'd be pretty cool! It does have other accents though, British, Spanish, French, German. I think that's all. Have a good night, everyone. Debbie
  4. serenity55

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Cindy, is it too late for me to ask you to send me your share of the banana pudding? I looooove that stuff! I'm a transplanted southern girl, born in Biloxi Mississippi, but I've been in California most of my life. The foods we ate followed us out here, though, and my grandmother and older sisters made stuff like that from scratch. And what about these peanut butter chocolate pumpkins, ladies? They sound wonderful! Maybe I'll have to go to Wal-Mart! Told ya i love sweets. But here's something. I haven't had a fill since before I went to Maui, and I have restriction, don't know if I'm at my sweet spot. I had a chicken salad for lunch. We bought a chicken at Costco, and my best friend and roomy Ariane put lettuce, tomato, cucumbers and little bits of carots in it. Usually I'm hungry after about three hours, but not today. (I have to confess though, that I had some Mother's oatmeal cookies--three, to be exact. But I wasn't starving the way I normally do. Go figure. Debbie
  5. serenity55

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hi Angela, wow! what a wedding! I must have met that same minister once. LOL! I played for a wedding and he was asked to let me know when to start playing the wedding march. I think he was so nervous because I'm blind that he just said, "Uh, ok, you can start now." Everybody heard him--it was a small church, and the rest of the wedding was not much better. We didn't have a ringing cell phone, though. Poor groom, he must have been really nervous to have forgotten to turn it off. Thank goodness for the best man! Tracy, you asked how long I was on Maui. One week. I wish I'd stayed longer, but I'm definitely going back. Debbie
  6. serenity55

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Tracy, how old is Macy? I started taking piano lessons when I was five. But I can understand your frustration. When I was a teenager I got a scholarship to a conservatory which was a joke. I hated the teacher, and I'm sure the feeling was mutual. I fought with my dad every week about going, and I would have given up then if I'd been given a choice. Yes, my computer has speech. It's called JAWS (Job Access with Speech.) I also have a braille display which I can read. If someone quotes something, JAWS will tell me. Don't be afraid to ask anything. You can't offend me. I ask questions from sighted people all the time. Yes, I was born blind. I have glaucoma and cataracts. I can see light and shadows. Can't tell you what they are, I just know something's there. :-). Ask away! I'm happy to answer. Hope you found something to cook for dinner! My roommate, who is partially sighted, is making a roast in the crock pot, with carrots, cellery and potatoes. It smells fantastic!! Debbie
  7. serenity55

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Thank you, Tracy and Kat for the warm welcome. I just got back from Maui, I have friends living there. It was awesome, and tomorrow I have to go back to work! Ugh!! Ok a little about me. I was banded in February, 2009, and haven't lost nearly as much as I want to, but I have to keep reminding myself that the pounds I have lost won't come back (she said, hopefully.) I'm totally blind, and work as a switchboard operator at an organization for the blind. I'm also a pianist and have recorded a couple of CD's, one original and another of just stuff I like to play. I've also played on other people's (friends') CD's. I've love a little bit of everything, but my real loves are sort of easy listening. I've been a musical director for local theater productions, and have done some solo performing as well as playing for others. I love to write. I love my band. I also love sweets, which is why I'm not losing as fast as I want to. Guess that's enough for now. If anybody has any questions, about blindness or anything, don't hesitate to ask, and I'm gonna do the same. And thanks again for the warm welcome! Debbie,
  8. serenity55

    Home Thread...for the thread homeless :)

    Hello everyone, I've been lurking off and on ever since this thread was started, but never said anything because I was sure I'd jinx it and it would stop. I feel like that's happened before. Anyway, I wanted to "out" myself, and say that I think you're a terrific bunch of people, and I've enjoyed reading your posts whenever I do check in. I don't know if I have anything to add; it seems like most of you are parents and lead pretty busy lives. I'm not married, and though my life can be interesting I do have lots of down time, too. Anyway, I just wanted to say how great you all are, and thank you Tracy, for starting this thread. It's really a great one! Debbie
  9. serenity55


    I just came back from Maui, and I didn't need an extension on the plane! I got in to a cab with two other people in the back seat, and I fit! I can put on my pants without unzipping them. The director of another department paused when he saw me and asked, "Debbie?!" I can put one foot on the opposite knee to tie my shoes, or bend down to do it if I want to. No problem! I was a size 26, now 20's are too big. I went to an amusement park and got on a roller coaster with a young coworker. I kept up with him walking through the park, too! Let's hear it for nonscale victories! It's a good way to remind me of just how far I've come when I'm tempted to focus on the scale. Debbie!
  10. serenity55

    Whats your ethnic background?

    I'm African-American, though I usually refer to myself as black. I have maybe an eighth of Choctaw Indian on my mother's side. I'm not sure about my father. We've had some trouble tracing our family tree, though we're trying. Debbie
  11. serenity55

    All time high and feeling low

    Yes, it's really easy to be mad at ourselves for getting to the highest weight we do, before we have surgery. I remember coming to this site and talking about how much I had eaten one day. But the positive side is that all of us are doing something to change that, so try not to beat yourself up too much. My therapist once told me that whenever I start to think negative thoughts to imagine a stop sign, and realize that I don't have to be as unkind as I have been. Congratulations on making this change. You're on the way to becoming a happier, healthier you. Debbie
  12. serenity55

    New 2 Forum

    Hi, Well, you are truly special, but not for the reason you think. Unfortunately I don't have any experience to share, but I did want to say that I hope your doctor will listen to you, too. And even though you've gained 25 pounds, you're still 35 pounds lighter than before you banded. That's the way I talk to myself because I'm not losing as quickly as so many here. I know it's not easy, but please hang in there. Can you ask your doctor how much is being put in to your band? Maybe suggest not quite as much? Good luck and keep posting. Debbie
  13. serenity55

    band replacement

    Hello Melissa, I have a friend whose band slipped, but don't know anything about having it replace due to its not holding the saline. Have you checked the Struggling Bandsters or Band Removal forums on this site? There might be someone there who can help. I hope everything goes well. Debbie
  14. serenity55

    SOOOOO nervous....

    Hi Nancy, Yeah, You're right, it would suck big time! I was denied several times and had to appeal. Fortunately the medical group I was with was bought out by another one which gave me the approval within three days. I'll send positive thoughts and good wishes so you won't have to go through that. If you do, you can always come here for support. I sure did. good luck, and let us know how things go. In the meantime, act as if you've already got that approval in your hand!
  15. serenity55

    New...excited and NERVOUS! :)

    Hello ladies, Welcome to the forum! I was on a liquid diet for two weeks before and two weeks after surgery. You may find that you're not hungry post op because of the swelling. My surgeon allowed me to have all kinds of soup, sugar free puddings and popcicles, water, of course, Crystal Lite, Jello. No doubt you will be given a list of the things you can have. I found that coming here and sharing with those having surgery the same time as I was, reading posts and asking questions of those who went before me, really helped. Good luck to you both. .
  16. serenity55

    Hey Everyone!

    Hey Jackie, congratulations on the 19 pounds! As for the hunger, what about healthy snacks, since you're on solids. I still had sugar free puddings, protein drinks, nuts, fruit, and lots of water. Keeping busy helped sometimes too. You could be hungry because the swelling from surgery has gone down. I'm no expert, but I hope some of this helps. And again, congrats!
  17. serenity55

    In need of support

    Hello, It's always a good idea to get loved ones on board for the lap band, or any weight loss surgery because it's such a major change for us. If it takes time for your boyfriend to come around, please know that you can always come here for support. Also, you might look in the local forum in your state--or country if you don't live in north America--and maybe you'll find people in your area. Good luck, and please keep us posted.
  18. serenity55

    All for nothing

    As someone who deals with depression I can understand just how hard it is to be motivated. I agree with Carol: The important thing is to work through the depression, because, if you're like me, anything else I'd try to do would be a disaster. One day at a time. The day will come when you will be ready to go for that fill. Please keep posting if it helps you to know that there are others who struggle. Try not to think of what might happen down the road. The important time is now. One step at a time, you're coming back. Do keep on trying. And please accept my condolences for the loss of your grandmother. . Debbie
  19. serenity55

    Judgement by Gastric

    I don't know, but I knew a woman who had gastric bypass and when I told her I was going to have lap band surgery, she asked, "Why do you want to get that lap band?" I could just hear the contempt in her voice. But the patient liaison at my surgeon's office had bypass surgery, and I know a few others who've had it, and they aren't like that at all. Whatever works for us is what works for us, and we should all just be glad for each other. It's too bad that's not always the case.
  20. serenity55

    Failing my band

    Reginemichel, don't be too hard on yourself. You haven't failed your band. It isn't even half full yet, and it's only been three months. You're doing great, and you weigh less than you did before your surgery A lesson I've just learned after almost 17 months is that restriction really makes a difference. Once you have restriction you really won't feel hungry. If anyone had told me that five months ago, I would have said they were crazy, but it's true. I was told that I might even gain weight, so the fact that you're fluctuating doesn't mean you're failing. The beauty of the band is that we can always lose those unwanted pounds and know that we don't have to repeat what we went through before we got it. . Hang in there, keep posting, and don't give up! You're heading in the right direction! Debbie!
  21. serenity55

    Greetings All!

    Hello Ice, I was banded at age 54, so you've got 6 years on me! Congratulations! I think the best thing I did was find this website and read, read, read, and ask questions. Because of that, I don't think I could have been any more prepared, unless someone could have told me how not to be terrified of needles! :-) Debbie
  22. serenity55


    HI Tim, You probably won't see this post until you come home, but I hope everything goes well for you. Be sure to let us know, and welcome to Lap Band Talk! Debbie
  23. Rain, I know exactly how you must feel. When I started my lap band journey, I was told that coverage for lap band surgery wasn't specifically mentioned, whatever that meant. But in my case, it was the medical group that kept denying me. I took two psychological evaluations, saw two cardiologists, wrote letters for everything they denied me for--with the help of my primary care physician. The second psych evaluation and cardiology appointment were after I'd been approved, and that only happened after my medical group was bought out by another one. I truly wish you the best of luck. Please let us know what happens. Debbie
  24. Hi, Did you get any kind of list from your surgeon with instructions on what to eat? The reason I'm asking is because sometimes he/she may want you to remain on Clear Liquids for a certain amount of time and then go to full liquids, like creamy Soups, Jello, sugarfree popcicles, Protein shakes, and of course lots of Water. You might want to check with your surgeon, but these are the things I was allowed for the first two weeks after surgery. I hope this helps. Good luck. Debbie
  25. serenity55

    What's it like where you live?

    I'm a city dweller, and have always been fascinated by people who live in small towns, in the country, or in other countries. I've been to England twice, and had a chance to walk in the English countryside, which was a dream come true for me. So ... are you in a city? Small town? Village? Out in the country with no neighbors for miles? Do you live where the seasons change? I would love to hear. Debbie

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