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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by serenity55

  1. serenity55

    Is this encouraging?

    OK I did the psych eval and my primary care doctor hadn’t received anything, so I called the psychiatrist back, making sure he had the fax number so he could send the results. I called again last Thursday to find out if my doctor had received anything. Yesterday I got a letter from the physicians’ group saying that they want office notes from my doctor, dealing with my attempts to lose weight. I’ve talked to her about the things I’ve done, but I’m not sure how much she’s documented. I’m going to call her tomorrow to find out, but I’m wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to what I can do if she doesn’t have anything on paper. I was feeling very hopeful because they didn’t mention the fact that they were waiting for the evaluation, so maybe they got it. If that’s all they want now, maybe, just maybe they’ll approve my band! Thoughts and opinions, please?!
  2. serenity55

    Is this encouraging?

    Thank you HeatherO. I've been playing phone tag with the woman who does authorizations today, but I'm hopeful. thank you for the encouragement.
  3. serenity55

    Anyone else have a "bad" EKG? I failed!!!

    Yes, Debbie, hang in there! We're all with you!
  4. serenity55

    Psych eval, in two parts

    Debbie, I was a little nervous about the psych eval, but it wasn’t bad. There were some rather strange questions,--well strange to me, though I suppose some people might have answered yes to them. There was nothing related to weight, but there were questions about childhood. The one I remember was--and I should say that they weren’t actually questions, but true and false--My Mother and later father, was a very good man/woman. And then later still, I loved my father/mother. I’m not sure I understand the purpose of the psych eval, even though the doctor explained it. Old age, I guess. Hahahaha!
  5. serenity55

    Psych eval, in two parts

    I had my psychological evaluation today, well the second part, which was all true and false--567 questions! A friend from work read the test to me, and it took the better part of three hours. I talked to the psychiatrist last Monday, and he was very nice. He seemed impressed with me, though I have to wonder how much of that was because I was blind. People sometimes think that what a sighted person would be expected to do is admirable in someone who is blind. Anyway, I’m glad I read a lot on this board about the evaluation, because I was aware that many of the questions were phrased in such a way as to make one think they should have different answers, but they were the same as some I had already given. And nothing about losing weight. Guess they just want to see if I’m really crazy! Now all I have to do is keep my fingers crossed to see what my service provider says. If anyone reads this, please wish me luck!
  6. serenity55

    Psych eval, in two parts

    I had my psychological evaluation today, well the second part, which was all true and false--567 questions! A friend from work read the test to me, and it took the better part of three hours. I talked to the psychiatrist last Monday, and he was very nice. He seemed impressed with me, though I have to wonder how much of that was because I was blind. People sometimes think that what a sighted person would be expected to do is admirable in someone who is blind. Anyway, I’m glad I read a lot on this board about the evaluation, because I was aware that many of the questions were phrased in such a way as to make one think they should have different answers, but they were the same as some I had already given. And nothing about losing weight. Guess they just want to see if I’m really crazy! Now all I have to do is keep my fingers crossed to see what my service provider says. If anyone reads this, please wish me luck!
  7. serenity55

    Yes! We're a Forum!

    Thank you. I need all the support I can get! :-)
  8. serenity55

    Yes! We're a Forum!

    Marie, congratulations on getting the job. And you know, it’s never too late to start piano lessons. When I was in college there was an older woman who had taken lessons as a young person, but was in a concentration camp, I believe, and was given shock treatment. She forgot everything she’d learned, but picked it up again. And she was doing great. Thank you for the description. I am African- American, though I usually just refer to myself as black. I have, according to my hairdresser, sable brown hair, brown eyes, which, because I have cataracts, have made some people think they were blue. (I use to wish I was white because of all the stories I read as a child about princesses with golden hair.) I sometimes joke with my Caucasian friends and say that I’ll gladly share some of my color with them, so they can be tan. Lol I am a dark chocolate brown, so I’ve been told, about five-five, and weigh (gulp) 331 pounds. I can’t wait to get banded! I’m a little nervous about this part of the psych eval, though.
  9. serenity55

    Yes! We're a Forum!

    Katja, Wow! You’re doing a lot. So maybe I’ll follow your example. Basically I’m an accompanist. I’ve directed four musicals at a local theater, accompanied singers in San Francisco, New York, and, when I was a teenager, went to the White House with an organization for the blind, again as the accompanist. I love playing piano fourhands, or duets; I took a piano ensemble class in college. I’ve recorded three CD’s, one original, one Christmas, and one of some of my favorite pieces. I’ve also played on friends’ recordings. I haven’t been banded yet; I’m fighting with insurance, but I’m going for the second part of my psych eval this Monday. I keep meaning to have a friend help me post pictures, but because I’m blind, I actually rather like the idea of people describing themselves, which I started as a thread, and there’s sort of a description of me there, too. Thank you, Katja, for keeping us going!
  10. A friend of mine, whose weight is just about the same as mine, went to Curves for maybe a year. I don’t know how much she lost, but everybody kept telling me how great she looked. You bet I was jealous. But she stopped going to Curves and has now put the weight back on, and then some. By the way, she is pretty supportive of me getting banded. Someone else I know has lost weight due to stress. She’s having a hard time right now, and has lost sixty-two pounds. Even though I know what she is doing is, 1. not intentional, and 2. not healthy, I’m still envious. I was also envious of two friends who had their stomachs stapled. At that time, I joined OA and stopped eating sugar for two year. One of my friends said she wished she’d done what I had. I felt smug for a minute, until I began eating sugar again, and gained my weight back. There was a lesson in that for me.
  11. I had the first part of my two part psycological evaluation today. The doctor was nice, though he didn’t quite know how to deal with me as a blind person. He was quite comfortable when I suggested I take his arm, and he didn’t start the session by asking about my blindness, which a lot of doctors do. I guess curiosity gets the better of many people. I don’t mind, just thought it was interesting. Anyway, he asked questions I’m sure most people who have gone through the evaluation are used to, and then he told me about the written test. He wanted to be sure that the person who reads the test to me won’t in any way change my answers. He asked if I’d be comfortable having someone read the test to me. My best friend’s niece is going to do that. I offered to pay her, because it’s going to take two or three hours, the doctor said. Has anyone else done the psych eval this way? Just curious. My best friend is visually impaired and is concerned that because of her limited vision it might take much longer, not to mention that her eyes will get tired.
  12. serenity55

    Psych Eval In Two Parts?

    Good idea. I could ask. I have JAWS, but I'm not sure the doctor would let me take the test away from the office, and I don't have a lap top. But it's worth a try.Thank you ssflbell.
  13. serenity55

    Psych Eval In Two Parts?

    Thank you all. I was hoping I wouldn't have to have the test, because I've read about so many people who haven't had to take it. I think that was neat, Bjornsyouruncle, that your therapist read the test to you. But my friend's niece is very supportive, so it will be cool. thanks again to you all Debbie.
  14. I went to a seminar today, and I really liked it. Thanks to this site, there was a lot of information I already knew, and it was also great to hear things I heard from other places confirmed. For example, one of the doctors talked about ghrelin, a chemical inn the stomach which controls satiety. This same doctor, whose name is Dr. Katkhouda, showed before and after pictures of some of his patients, and although I couldn’t see them, I could hear everyone around me saying, “Wow!” and “She’s really thin.” I began to get excited again, thinking that could be me. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> I spoke to the other doctor who was there, Dr. Crookes, about the insurance problems I’m having, and he said what I already knew: I can’t even come to see him unless I have the authorization from GPA, which is the physicians group I’m with. I have PacifiCare and I’ve never had problems with them. Even the doctors admitted that sometimes the insurance companies don’t want to pay for weight loss surgery. I get so easily discouraged when I hear that, but my best friend said I’ve got to keep trying <o:p></o:p> I liked the energy and attitude of both doctors; my only complaint is the second one talked much more about the Roux-en-y than the band. He did, however, say that they are both the gold standard for weight loss surgery, and nothing’s going to make me change my mind about getting one of my very own!
  15. I was wondering if I had anything to contribute to this thread, and realized that I do. I can relate to so much of what I’ve read here, but two things happened to me, both when I was riding a bus. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p> </o:p> The first time I was sitting near the back door. The seat was one that faced sideways, and there was an individual one with a pole that separated it from the person next to it. This man got on and came back, and said, very loudly, “There sure are a lot of fat people on this bus today.” He was obviously drunk, and some other guy told him to shut up and added that he smelled “like a damn brewery.” <o:p> </o:p> The other time I was getting off the bus. It was crowded but I got up and went to the back door. In passing, I brushed past some jerk who said to his friend, “She’s got a great big ol’ sit-down on her,” and then added, “Have you ever f***ed a fat blind person?” I didn’t say anything, just got off the bus, but the shame …
  16. serenity55

    A good candidate

    Hi, I read your post and then read this blog entry. I'm really sorry that you have to wait to have the band surgery. It seems that we take one step forward and then two back, but hang in there, you're so close. And it sounds wonderful that you're able to do so much more, but boy! does that shot sound painful! Still, it's probably a walk in the park compared to all the pain you've had to deal with. Hang in there; as someone said in your thread, it will happen. It's really hard to be patient, (that 's me talking about myself.) Patience hasn't been one of my virtues lately. Anyway, I hope it's not too long before you are a bandster. Debbie
  17. serenity55

    Yes! We're a Forum!

    Strikeuptheband, No, I'm not banded yet. I go for my psych evaluation on August 11, and then I guess I just wait to see. My insurance company has really been giving me the run around. Well, maybe not them, but the physicians' group. It's a long story, but I'm still hoping and still in the running, I guess. Good luck with your fill! Let me know how it goes. Debbie
  18. serenity55

    Yes! We're a Forum!

    Hi there And welcome! Marie, I used to teach piano. I didn’t think of myself as a traditional teacher, and I never felt comfortable. I always thought my students weren’t getting all they could. But I had quite a few at one time, and it was really kind of neat, because that’s all I did. I mean that’s how I supported myself for quite a while. Strikeuptheband, have you thought of taking out your flute? When I was in college one of my classmates wrote a piece for flute and piano. It was beautiful. Thank you both for writing.
  19. serenity55

    Do any of you get "crap" from RNY

    Yes, Debbie, I agree. Slower is better. I have friends who had their stomach stapled, and both have gained weight back. I also know someone who had RNY, and she wasn't told a lot of stuff, she says, like the amount of vitamins she has to take. I'm not saying that RNY isn't a good thing for some people, but there has to be room for everyone to find whatever is right for them. Just my opinion.
  20. serenity55

    I hate C-PAPs!

    Northwest_Nance, well said. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p> </o:p> I was diagnosed with severe sleep apnea over a year ago. At my titration, (when they have you wear the mask) I spent the most miserable night, staying awake for most of it. But after a year, I’ve noticed quite a difference. There are several kinds of masks, some are full face, some just go inside the nose, (nasal pillows) which is what I have. I had the first one during my titration and hated it. <o:p> </o:p> About six years ago, I had a hysterectomy, and because I had sleep apnea, I couldn’t have a morphine pump. My surgeon said it was safer to inject the pain medication in to the IV. <o:p> </o:p> Someone on the sleep apnea web site has something in his signature that says, (and I’m paraphrasing—the passengers died screaming, while the sleep apnea person died quietly in his sleep. <o:p> </o:p> If your apnea is moderate now, there is a possibility it can get worse, and, as pointed out above, losing weight does not ensure that it will go away.
  21. serenity55

    Hysterectomy anyone?

    I had an total abdomenal hysterectomy six years ago, and found Hyster Sisters to be very helpful. You may be able to have a laproscopic hyst, if that's what you're asking about. Recovery time is quicker for women who have vaginal hysterectomies, and I think for those who have them laproscopically as well. I also had fibroids Good luck..
  22. serenity55

    Do any of you get "crap" from RNY

    Hmm. I went to a seminar in June, with a Dr. K, who seemed definitely to be more in favor of gastric bypass than lap band. While I liked what he and his colleague had to say, I don't need to be in a room with women who are goin to be trashing what is important to me. Thank you for this thread.
  23. serenity55

    What's the dill, pickles?

    Hey, April, I'm sorry. I didn't make myself clear. I started the process in March, and just this past week, I got the responses from my service provider. I have been in touch with my doctor; as a matter of fact I've been to see her a few times since I've started this process And that's what has me confused. I've heard lots of folks say that their PCP sends an referral to the surgeon. Mine doesn't seem to think she can do that. Is it because she has to have the authorization from insurance first?
  24. serenity55

    What's the dill, pickles?

    Hey lady77, my insurance company is Pacificare. They've been great up to this point. I've asked myself just why I'm doing this to myself, but something just won't let me quit! Go figure!
  25. serenity55

    What's the dill, pickles?

    I went to my primary care physician in late March, I think, to talk about getting the lap band. She told me she was submitting all the necessary paperwork and if I didn’t hear anything within two weeks to call. Well to make a long story longer, it turns out that 1. I got a letter from the service provider saying that my doctor’s office had not sent all the office notes. 2. I would have 45 days to make sure they got their act together. 3. A request had been submitted for gastric bypass. Not what I want. A couple of days later I got a letter saying I’d been denied. I called my doctor’s office and spoke to the person who does authorizations and let her know in no uncertain terms that she needed to resubmit the paperwork, and for the proper procedure. (I’d done this at the suggestion of someone at the parent company, I guess you could call it.) Oh, I was also told that insurance wouldn’t pay for lap band because it was a “foreign” body. The customer service rep from my insurance company, who is wonderful, said that I shouldn’t have ben told that. I left two messages for my doctor, and haven’t heard anything. I alternate between being frustrated, depressed, and ticked off. Sorry this is so long. I’ve ranted in other forums, but the saga continues.

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