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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by serenity55

  1. serenity55

    New to Lap band talk

    Hi Bearbelly, What a great poll. I hope more people will come here and find it. I have been playing the piano since I was five years old. I also play a baritone ukelele, as well as the smaller one. I play accordion, self-taught, so I'm not fantastic, but I did play for an Octoberfest a few years ago, and it was really fun. I have released three CD's, one original, one Christmas and one which is just a few pieces I really enjoy playing. I have also played on other people's CD's. I've been musical director for four musicals in a local theater near me, as well as accompanied performers in San Francisco and New York. I played at the White House when I was seventeen, with a group of blind and visually impaired kids, and have even played for Julie Andrews, but that was many, many years ago. I look forward to going to your web site, and hope others will take the poll and tell us about themselves. Thank you for starting this. Debbie
  2. serenity55

    Yes! We're a Forum!

    Hello everyone, It took me long enough to figure out how it was done, but it's easy, and we're official. Thank you all, and really, let's talk. Anyone have any gigs? I have a couple, and my mind is racing, probably I'm still in the insurance fighting phase for my band. But music keeps me sane Looking forward to hearing from one and all! Debbie.
  3. serenity55

    Yes! We're a Forum!

    Hi Bearbelly, and welcome! First let me congratulate you on getting this far in the lap band process. I just had my psychological evaluation yesterday, but have been dealing with insurance issues since March. I was switched to another medical group and things seem to be going much better now, thank goodness! The first time I had any idea that music could touch another person, and that I could do that, was when I played Debussy's Reverie for a friend of mine, and she told me her eyes were wet. I was in college then, but people have told me since that time that when I play it touches them. I used to be too critical of myself to let what they were saying in, but now it kind of fills me with wonder that I could do that. All this to say that, yes, music can really be a spiritual thing for the listener and the performer. Sorry to go on so long. How has your experience been so far with the process of lap band? What instrument do you play? It might be interesting to start a thread on how music has affected us as performers as well as the people we play for, or teach. Again, welcome! Debbie
  4. serenity55

    San Fernando Valley/Los Angeles Bandsters

    thank you Laura, for opening your home to us. I'm definitely going to try to be there. And thank you, ellen, for posting this information. I hope we get lots of takers, because i'd love to learn all I can before i get banded.
  5. I didn't have to take my clothes off, but I did get weighed, and had my temperature and blood pressure taken, as someone else posted. I met with the nutritionist (or dietician) and the patient liaison, the surgeon and his assistant. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.
  6. serenity55

    sad but hopeful

    Oh, yes, stay! We'll all want to know how it goes when you have the bypass, and we'll definitely support you as you take this journey. That won't change. Keep us posted!
  7. serenity55

    Took first step today

    Hi Beaglemom, In March I started this process. The medical group I was with told me first that they didn't have anyone in my area who did the lap band surgery, then that they wanted five years proof of attempted weight loss, then that they wanted a psychological evaluation, then office notes from my doctor, then just six months' proof of attempted weight loss. I wrote letters, jumped through hoops, did the cardiology exam and the psych eval. In October, I went to see my primary care physician and found out that the medical group I belonged to was "bought out" so I was switched to another one, which approved my initial consultation with the surgeon within three days. Believe me, I understand what you're going through, and it's probably not over, because after I do all this, maybe the psych eval and the cardiology exam again, I'll still have to wait for approval for the surgery! It feels good, though, when things finally get going, and I won't mind redoing stuff if I have too. Good luck, and hang in there! Debbie
  8. Hello, I'm not from south Carolina, but there is a section for local lap band, and each state has a forum. You might try asking there, and perhaps someone can help. Good luck.
  9. serenity55

    2009 Bandsters?

    Hi all, It looks like I'll be a 2009 bandster, too. I had my initial consult with the surgeon on October 22nd, and a psych eval scheduled for November 19th. I had been fighting with the medical group I was with since March, and got approval for the initial consult within three days after switching--involuntarily, but I'd done a psych eval and cardiology exam because that's what they said I needed. So I may have to redo both, but I don't care. I'm just glad I'm on my way! Debbie
  10. serenity55

    Yes! We're a Forum!

    Good luck, Susan. Let us know how things go. I live in the San Fernando valley, and I fought for six months with the medical group I was with. Only after I got switched did things begin to happen. I hope things happen for you, too. Debbie
  11. serenity55

    Yes! We're a Forum!

    Susan, have fun with those lessons. I'm wondering if by progression your teacher means the sequence of chords that usually go together, like an e major to a major to b7, with maybe a 2 or 6 chord thrown in for good measure. (Haha!) Good luck with all the pre op stuff. Are you hoping to find something cheaper, or will you pay for the dietician and the psych eval? I may have to take another one, because the one I did was before I was switched to the medical group I have now, and it may not be enough to satisfy their requirements. But I went to my first support group meeting tonight, and I really liked it. The only drawback is that there seems to be more focus on gastric bypass. I still got a lot out of it, though, so it's all good.
  12. serenity55

    Getting Paid

    Thank you, Don. I've been an accompanist for a musical theater class at a junior college for the past five or six years. They have always sent checks to me, and I did have to sign a written form, which I suppose was a little different. The past few times they were slower and slower in sending my money, and I finally had to say to my friend, who taught the class, that I wouldn't play any more unless I could be assured of getting paid in a timely manner. With this Christmas gig, I'm just going to have to tell this woman that I want the money the same night, and if she offers transportation for me, it doesn't mean she gets to deduct that from my check. I play for a good three hours, and more if people are enjoying the music, and that's not counting the time when the hostess likes to lead everybody singing. Looks like I'm going to have to tell her what I need. But contracts from now on, I think is a good idea. Debbien
  13. serenity55

    Getting Paid

    It may be a little early, but I got a call for a Christmas gig today. I've done this particular one for several years, and it's very nice. the last time I went, however, the hostess arranged for me to have transportation. (Before this, friends drove me there.) Anyway, she didn't pay me afterward, but told me she would send me a check, which she did. But it wasn't for the amount she said it would be. This happened to me at a local theater where I was the music director for several shows. The last one I did, I wasn't paid until several weeks after, which is not what we agreed on. I hate having to ask people for money, but I know I have to, and that I deserve to be paid when they say I should as well as the price agreed on. I'm thinking about telling this woman, who is very nice, that I need to have my money the night of the gig, and no less than what she's always paid me. She said they missed me last year, so we'll see how sincere she is. But what I want to know if anyone else has had this problem, and how you handled it.
  14. serenity55


    Thank you Froggi and Tapshoes. I live close enough to train tracks to hear the horn and when it's really quiet, I can hear the train itself. Glad you enjoyed this.
  15. serenity55

    starting BMI over 50? come on in!

    Hi all, I have been lurking around this particular forum for quite a while, but I've been on the lap band journey for about six months. I changed medical groups (involuntarily) and got approval to see a surgeon within three days! I had my initial consult on the 22nd of October. I did a psych eval and cardiology exam before but may have to take them again, but I don't care, because now I'm on my way. I've been on the treadmill just about every day since my consultation, and will be going to my first support group meeting this Wednesday. When I got weighed at my doctor's office a few months ago, I was 331 pounds. I didn't ask at the surgeon's office. But I'm so excited, and as so many have said it's wonderful to have others who are losing, and who had a ways to go. Congratulations to all those who have been banded and good luck to us all!
  16. serenity55

    Hey ladies

    One of the reasons I love this forum is because I can get information from those who have gone before me, and if I have a problem as a black woman I can ask questions and get answers from someone who understands. I had scars from my hysterectomy but they've pretty much disappeared; still it's nice to know that if I need something to help with the scars from my banding, there's something I can use. Thank you all. It is nice to have a place to go where people like me get it. I'm blind, and once in a while I need to get away from the sighted people in my life! :-) lol
  17. serenity55


    I know how you feel. I'm a pianist, and have been lucky enough to have done a bit of performing, some of it as a musical theater director in local theater. I was always conscious of my weight, and felt that others were judging me, too, though no one ever said anything. Truth be told, I learned there were others who were plus sizes too, but like you, I let it get in the way, and haven't actively tried for much lately. I guess for me, the trick is to do what I can (I still perform) and even though I feel like there's not enough room for me, the piano, the singer(s) and the audience, I keep going. It's not always easy, but it works for me. Good luck. Let us know when you decide to take those steps back toward your dream!
  18. serenity55


    Hi all, What a great idea! I've been writing poetry for years, was even in a couple of online poetry workshops, but I haven't written anything for a while. But I'd like to share a poem, and I hope someone enjoys it. My Siren Song A still, dark night in a mountain pass, Wind softly sighing in the trees; It gently caresses the tall, wild grass, Accompanied by the sound of rustling leaves. A mournful sound fills the night, Sad but beautiful in its power; Creatures both great and small take flight, Stillness now by sound devoured. It echos from each mountain peak, Rebounds from every rock and hill; Though its direction you might seek, It proves to be elusive still. In quiet night or early morn, In city streets this sound is heard; 'cross field and meadow, sound is borne, Heart wrenching music without words. I don't know why I feel this way, Sad beauty I can not explain. The only thing that I can say, I love the sound of passing trains!
  19. serenity55

    Yes! We're a Forum!

    Welcome, Susan, and thank you, Marie for the suggestion. Susan, do you read music, or are you learning to play by ear, or both? I read braille music, but you can't read and play the piano at the same time, so I learn a lot of things, probably most, by ear, though it's good to have the music to refer to if I have a question about notes or rhythm. There isn't always a sighted musician around for me to ask--my friends are usually working, I work, and when we do get together, a lot of times I've forgotten what I wanted to know.
  20. serenity55

    Where are all the musical bandsters?!

    Maryrose, I grew up in a house with music, too. My father played guitar a little, but mostly he listened to music and my older sisters sang. I have one sister that played piano, but stopped, I don't know why. But she has a gorgeous singing voice. Good for you for taking up piano lessons again. When I was a teenager I wanted to quit because I didn't like my teacher, but my father wouldn't let me, and I'm glad I stayed with it. I hope you do too. Green Sleeves by Christmas? You can do it, I know you can! Debbie
  21. Hi all, There is a not-so-new forum for anyone who is a singer, songwriter, musician, music teacher, anyone involved in music in any way. When I started the forum I got some responses. Please feel free to come by and help keep it going. It's kind of lonely over there! :-(
  22. serenity55

    Where are all the musical bandsters?!

    Hi Mary, Thanks for posting. Have you finished all your pre op testing? Good luck, ahd hope you'll come to the musical bandster forum soon.
  23. serenity55

    Where are all the musical bandsters?!

    MISS.SUSAN, it's in the create your own forum, under lap band social groups, or something like that. Hope that helps. It's kind of buried so you have to go past a lot of others. Scraig114, I am a pianist and have performed solo and with groups. I love musical theater, but have played all kinds of music. I was classically trained. I've just had my initial consult with the surgeon after fighting with my medical group for the past six months. The only reason I got the consult was because my medical group was changed, and I was approved for it within three days. Hope it's that easy to get my band Congratulations on your weight loss so far!! Cross your fingers! Debbie
  24. serenity55

    A change in perspective

    Beth, well said! It's really funny how things changed for me as I got older. You rock too, sister!
  25. The physicians group I was with was bought out by someone so I belong to another one now. I learned this when I went to see my primary care physician on October 14. She resubmitted the paperwork and I got an approval at the end of the week. I scheduled my consult with the surgeon for November 17, but they called me at work last Tuesday to say they had a cancellation for the following day at 11 A.M. So I took it. I've already had the cardiology exam and psychological evaluation, so I hope I don't have to do those things over again. I went to a seminar in June. good luck to everyone. Debbie

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