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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by serenity55

  1. serenity55

    The Cookie Phantom

    Congratulations on not eating those cookies! I've probably smelled them, but I can't remember anything specific at the moment. What I have done though ...? A friend and coworker brought me a huge box of Oreos from costco, the kind that has maybe ten "sleeves" with a million Cookies in each. He's done this before, and I used to eat most of them, taking some home to share with my roommate. The last time he brought them, I took them immediately to my department. There are lots of guys, young guys, who went through them like nobody's business, and I didn't have one!
  2. serenity55

    Tired of Waiting

    Pianolover51, Do I know how you feel! I've jumped through so many hoops it isn't funny, and I've been going through this since April, when I saw my primary care physician. I've complained (vented) :-) about all the stuff I had to go through and have gotten a lot of support, but I really understand how frustrating it is. I went to a seminar in June, had a psychological evaluation in August, cardiology exam in June, and that was before I was involuntarily switched to another medical group. The first one wanted me to travel quite a distance, which is something I wasn't able, or willing to do. I've had another psychological evaluation, sent in the cardiology exam from June, (though I may have to take another one, because I've been told that the anesthesiologist doesn't want any tests older than six months.) I had my initial consultation too, and now I guess I just wait. My doctor couldn't find the cardiology exam so I went back and forth with them, finally just going directly to the cardiologist. So yes, it's frustrating, and sometimes I wonder if I'm ever going to get banded, or if it's worth all the trouble; then I tell myself that every day I have to wait is another day for me to get used to the lifestyle changes. When I joined LBT my weight was 331 pounds. That was in March. At my cardiology exam I was down to 318. I just learned this tonight when my roommate read the report to me. I guess the reason I'm saying all this is to remind myself that it will happen, and when it does, I want to be as prepared as I can be. One of the reasons I come to this site is to keep myself centered and focused. Good luck, and hang in there! You'll get there, even if you have to come here and voice (or write) your frustration.
  3. serenity55

    Just Excepted woo hoo

    "I'm about to lose control and I think I like it! Oh, yeah!" Congratulations on getting a date for your surgery! I'm hoping to become a bandster in 2009. Best wishes, keep us posted, and good luck to you! Debbie
  4. Hi there! You've come to the right place for support and understanding. I haven't been banded yet, but I have had surgery and know the fear, and I also understand the fear of failure, because I think about that even though I don't have a date yet. But I know there are a lot of fantastic people here who will help you, and who will tell you that, the band is a tool, and it can and will help you on your weight loss journey. One thing I can't stress enough is the importance of talking to people who understand, and that's what this site is all about. The person you mentioned who eats four hot dogs and then goes to the bathroom is certainly no one you should listen to; you need people who will encourage you, and maybe even give you a little tough love if it's needed. That's what I tell myself. I'm sorry I can't offer much help, but I know someone will come along who can. Stick around, and welcome to LBT! Debbie
  5. serenity55

    Surgery tomorrow!

    Hi Lauren, congratulations on getting banded tomorrow! I'm still working through the process, but can definitely understand your anxiety about needles; they terrify me, too, but losing weight is more important to me. (Don't know if I'd have said that a year ago!) :-) What time is your surgery? Good luck, and best wishes for an uneventful surgery and speedy recovery! Be sure and let us know how you're doing when you feel up to it. Debbie
  6. serenity55

    Guess I'm having a fit!

    I got a letter, well, some kind of agreement from my surgeon's office which asked me to agree to continuing therapy, cognative behavior specifically. I don't have a problem with that. So I signed the letter and sent it off yesterday. It came back today. My roommate checked the address and it was correct, so I don't know why it was returned. lLate this afternoon I got a call from the patient liaison at my surgeon's office asking if I'd returned the letter. I said yes, never thinking it would be returned. Then she asked me about my cardiology exam. I told her that I'd had one in June, but it was my understanding that I might have to have another one because the anesthesiologist doesn't want the tests to be any older than six months. I don't mind taking it over, especially since I know what to expect. (I hope!) The liaison asked me to call my primary care doctor and have them fax the report to the surgeon's office. When I spoke with my doctor's nurse, she said they couldn't find the report. I know they had it because the last time I saw my doctor I asked her about it and she read it to me. I'm mad! I feel like a kid who's been disappointed. I shouldn't have to do this stuff again; it should already be there, and how, why! could they lose the freakin' report?! I can fax the letter to the surgeon's office tomorrow from work, and the nurse assured me that they'd find it, or have the cardiologist send them another copy, but boy! does this upset me! I know that I should take every minute of every day to prepare myself for the surgery, and I think I'm doing that, but there's a part of me that wants everything to be done!
  7. serenity55

    Guess I'm having a fit!

    I got a letter, well, some kind of agreement from my surgeon's office which asked me to agree to continuing therapy, cognative behavior specifically. I don't have a problem with that. So I signed the letter and sent it off yesterday. It came back today. My roommate checked the address and it was correct, so I don't know why it was returned. lLate this afternoon I got a call from the patient liaison at my surgeon's office asking if I'd returned the letter. I said yes, never thinking it would be returned. Then she asked me about my cardiology exam. I told her that I'd had one in June, but it was my understanding that I might have to have another one because the anesthesiologist doesn't want the tests to be any older than six months. I don't mind taking it over, especially since I know what to expect. (I hope!) The liaison asked me to call my primary care doctor and have them fax the report to the surgeon's office. When I spoke with my doctor's nurse, she said they couldn't find the report. I know they had it because the last time I saw my doctor I asked her about it and she read it to me. I'm mad! I feel like a kid who's been disappointed. I shouldn't have to do this stuff again; it should already be there, and how, why! could they lose the freakin' report?! I can fax the letter to the surgeon's office tomorrow from work, and the nurse assured me that they'd find it, or have the cardiologist send them another copy, but boy! does this upset me! I know that I should take every minute of every day to prepare myself for the surgery, and I think I'm doing that, but there's a part of me that wants everything to be done!
  8. serenity55

    New to the site

    Hi all, I haven't been banded yet, but there really is a lot of information and support here; enough information to confirm for me that the lap band is definitely what I want. As you read, you'll find that a lot of people feel that it is only as effective as you make it. The band is only a tool, but if you're willing to work it can be very effective. Barb, from the things I've read, those who get banded in Mexico seem very happy with the results. I've read the hospitals are clean; the staff very helpful. Hopefully someone who is knowledgeable will come along. The best of luck to us all!
  9. serenity55


    Hi there! Welcome to the forum! this is a great place for information and support. I haven't been banded yet, but I've read that pain is reduced for a lot of people. I also have severe sleep apnea, and while I'm not sure that we can lose our CPAP machines, the pressure could be lowered, as a result of weight loss. Good luck, and keep us posted!
  10. Hi all, I'm at work, and I call the library to ask if there are any books in braille or on tape dealing with weight loss surgery, specifically, lap band. there is nothing. I called the reference librarian who wasn't in her office, to see if she could find one through interlibrary loan. she wasn't there. I am at lunch now, checking the web site of another organization for the blind and visually impaired, which was recommended by someone in our press department. they only have things about weight management for everybody, from the Mayo Clinic. I have decided to ask my bandster family to please help. Has anyone read any books they think were really helpful? I'm going to try to have them brailled. Even the literature at my surgeon's office isn't accessible to me, and while I don't mind having someone read things to me it would be nice if I could do it myself. It's not going to be cheap, but it's important to me to get this done, so please send me anything that has helped you. Thanks in advance.
  11. serenity55

    No book in braille or on tape?!

    Hi all, Heartfire, and Coloradochick, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you, both for your kind offers to read the lap band book on tape for me. The person who was in charge of the recording department where I work was out of town last week, which I didn't know. He's back now, and has found a good reader to record the book that you, Michelle, and Slim-in-Tn both have. I want to thank you for being willing to record for me, and should another book come along that anyone feels is good, I'd still love to have you read, if you're still interested. As I said in an earlier post, I know I'm not the only blind or visually impaired person who has or will be banded, so I guess I just need to make the powers that be, those with the ability to, put things in braille or on tape. That was a long convolluted sentence, but I'm sure you all understood it. Anyway, thank you again, and I won't forget how to get in touch, should I need you! :-)
  12. serenity55

    Surgeon appointment

    Good luck, and let me know how it goes. It's pretty exciting, and I know exactly how you feel!
  13. serenity55

    Thursday December 4

    Hi Gretchen, by the time you read this, you will have been banded. I hope all goes well, and will look forward to hearing your surgery day story when you are up to it. Wishing you all the best.
  14. serenity55

    Surgeon appointment

    Hi Christine, Congratulations on your initial visit. (I'm assuming that's what this is.) I was nervous about mine, too, but there really wasn't anything to worry about. I met the dietician and the patient liaison, had to fill out the usual medical history kind of things, and then met with the surgeon and his assistant. I was also weighed and my blood pressure was taken. Maybe others are different, but my initial visit went very well. I hope yours does too.
  15. Like so many others, I've related, smiled, and sighed because so many of these things are true. This is an awesome thread. I will not miss pulling off certain pairs of knee high socks only to find they have left impressions, dents, where they touched the tops of my legs. (They don't go up to the knee, like they're supposed to.) I won't miss the self-consciousness I feel when I walk to the bank with my roommate and can't wait to get to the light, so I can stop to rest, then to the bank so I can stop to rest, then back home, so I can stop to rest. I won't miss hearing myself breathing hard after these walks, or any time I'm with friends and try not to let them know just how out of breath I am. I won't miss wondering just how people really see me, and what they're saying when I leave a room. I won't miss, as someone else said, swollen ankles and legs an hour after I get up. I won't miss the feeling that I'm taking up more than my share of space when I'm in a car, and how clumsy I feel trying to get out of one. I can't wait to go skating again, sit in the middle seat in a car, or on an airplane, being able to walk and talk without feeling like I'm dying. And so many more things that have been written here.
  16. serenity55

    No book in braille or on tape?!

    Thank you, Michelle and ColoradoChick. It's really touching for me to know that there are people who are willing to read books on tape for me. When I talked to our reference librarian and the coordinator at our braille press, I felt that both of them were thinking, "Well, of course, you're not doing this," or "Why would we even want to transcribe books like that?" Interesting, I talked to an old friend of mine who had the duodenal switch in 1998, and another friend who had bypass surgery a few years ago, I'm not sure which, but both of them are blind--well, one is visually impaired, and definitely would have benefited frombooks on tape or in braille. Lapbandtalker, I think you're absolutely right; I am going to have to do it myself, either have books read on tape, or put in braille. Michelle, usually when books are recorded for the National Library Service (NLS) they read every page, but I'm not so sure I'd want that; it's a lot of reading. Also, if you don't have any means to record, I wouldn't want to have you buy something just for that, though it's a wonderful offer. I'm going to talk to our recording coordinator, because although I have some ideas of what needs to happen I want to find out just how much is involved. I'm afraid it might be too much. Anyway, hopefully I'll have an answer on Monday, and if there's not too much involved, we can do this. I can't thank you enough.
  17. serenity55

    No book in braille or on tape?!

    Michelle, that is so nice of you! Thank you! Is it a very long book? If you let me know, I can figure out how many tapes to send to you, and we can work something out. If it's too long I could just buy it and have it brailled. I still can't believe there is nothing in the entire national library service (NLS) but our reference librarian didn't find anything. There is also a "casual" recording department where I work, and I suppose they could do it, but I'm not sure how long that would take, or how good the readers are. So thank you again for such a kind offer. Let me know how long the book is and maybe we can go from there.
  18. serenity55


    Hello Geanie, Welcome to the forum. Where in California are you? I haven't been banded yet, but I hope you will find the encouragement and support you deserve. This is a great place for getting both. Perhaps you could tell us a little about yourself. Is the move something you wanted to do? If not, could it be that you're sad about leaving your former home? For me, depression is always a really good reason to eat, and I love sweets, Cookies especially. I hope you will keep posting. It really does help just to share things with people who understand.
  19. serenity55

    San Fernando Valley/Los Angeles Bandsters

    Hi Laura, I am definitely interested in the support meeting; unfortunately, I have a bad cold, so I won't be able to come tomorrow night. Thank you so much for opening your home to us, and I look forward to hearing how it goes.
  20. serenity55

    No book in braille or on tape?!

    Thank you. I finally talked to our reference librarian and from what she told me there is absolutely nothing in braille. I can't believe I'm the first blind person, well, I know I'm not, to have weight loss surgery. I know someone who has. But I guess it was meant for me to try to get things transcribed in to braille. I can do it! Thanks again.
  21. serenity55

    Thursday December 4

    Hi pfrance, Congratulations! I don't blame you for being excited and scared; in fact I think that's probably normal, based on all the things I've read. Be sure to let us know which date you get, and good luck!
  22. serenity55

    Thursday December 4

    Gretchen, it's been a circus, but I've had my initial consultation with the surgeon, and I just took the psychological evaluation, for the secondd time. Now, I'm told, that as soonas the psychologist completes her report a request for approval for surgery will go to my insurance, and then I'll take nutrition classes and all the pre op testing. I'm just so happy to finally have the ball rolling I don't care that I will probably have to take my cardiology exam again too. Thank you for asking. I'll be following your progress and hope everything goes well.
  23. serenity55

    Hello everybody

    Hi Inuit, I haven't had surgery yet, but I'm learning that every little thing I can do beforehand will help. I don't usually drink liquids with my meals, so I'm ahead of the game there, but I do have to make myself exercise, and I do have to try harder to stop eating sweets. I've cut back, have smaller portions, but, as you say, it's really hard to change old habits. Hopefully someone will come along with some helpful hints. Welcome, and keep posting. Sometimes just connecting with people helps. Good luck.
  24. serenity55

    Thursday December 4

    Hi Gretchen, Welcome to lap band talk. there are some really great people here, very supportive. I haven't been banded yet, but I've learned so much just from being here. You have definitely come to the right place. Congratulations on getting a surgery date, and please keep us posted on how things are going. Do you have to do a pre op liquid diet? The best of luck to you!
  25. serenity55

    On my way to a better me...

    Hello, and welcome! Where are you in the process? Have you been to a seminar, had your initial consultation with the surgeon? Let us know.

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